Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Ivy Joy Update!!

Ivy is on Ecmo. This is life support focusing on heart and lungs. It is pumping donor blood through her heart and it has an artificial lung. She is also on a ventilator so not breathing on her own. Her heart repair went perfect but it doesn't know how to function with this new anatomy. Her chest was left open due to the swelling. Her lungs had such high pressure that it almost ruptured her aortic valve when they backed up. They will decide tomorrow what to do next. Likely another heart cath to see what's going on with her lungs and another small valve. Her lung pressures are the big problem. She will be asleep as long as she is on ecmo and the ventilator. She looks very peaceful and we were able to kiss her and touch her as much as we want. With her on life support there will be no emergencies tonight so we are going to try and sleep a few hours. It was a looong day!!! We have an apartment at the Ronald McDonald house. We will head back to Ivys room at 5. If I can stay away that long. God was beside both Ivy and I all day! Opening emails from comments and email messages today full of encouragement was such a blessing. I always had encouragement and the verses were always perfect for that moment!

Trusting Him,


  1. Prayers continuing. Thanks for the update. Sincerely, Grace-mom to a heart son from China.

  2. So thankful you have a place to lay your head, and that Ivy's sweet little body has time to rest, and that her surgeons do too... Tomorrow is a new day, and I have no doubt it will be full of blessings!

    Please get some sleep.... Ivy needs your strength too!

    Praising God for being with Ivy and with you today, and for the blessing of allowing you to see her and love on her!! We worship a God that can do anything!!!

    "Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him." ~Deuteronomy 30:20a


  3. Continuing to pray for you today.

    Mom to Alex IM Sep 09
    Mom to Mikayla Jiangsu Apr 11

  4. Someone who reads your blog linked it to her FB timeline and asked people to pray. I have been praying since last night, and I will continue to pray here in NH.

    "But I am trusting in you, O Lord, saying, 'You are my God.' My future is in your hands." Psalm 31: 14-15a

    Ivy's future is in His hands too today.

    My son had heart surgery in China, and all I can think about was how He was the only one there to "worry", stand vigil, and intercede for my son. He (God) didn't need me there- He had it covered. (I love how you say that repeatedly.) He cares for His little ones in miraculous ways so His glory can shine! Praying it shines brightly through Ivy today, this week, and throughout her life!


  5. All the way from Montreal, Canada, (and in French too!!!) we are praying for your beautiful daughter.

    Hope today brings you good news.


  6. In NH too. Thankful for technology that allows God's people to intercede everywhere for sweet Ivy. Thank you for the update. What a gift to see her and touch her. Praying for wisdom and healing.

  7. Praying that today brings good news!!
    I'm happy to hear you had a place to get some rest even if it was only for a few hours. You need your strength.

    Know that Icy is covered in constant prayer.



  8. We continue to pray. My daughter (Hannah 5) has been asking how Ivy is doing. Hannah told her class about Ivy, and they have been praying for Ivy too.

    Blessings and BIG Hugs from CT.

  9. We haven't stopped and will continue to pray for your precious Ivy.


  10. You and Ivy have been on my mind all night. We are continuing to keep you all in our prayers.

    Andrea (Bryce's mom from Oregon)

  11. I am praying for Ivy and her doctors today.

    "Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; O Lord, hear my voice." Ps. 130:1

    "Come to my help, O God; Lord, hurry to my rescue." Ps. 70:2

  12. I woke up all night praying for sweet . God truly has this in his hands. Praying for your families strength today and wonderful news from the surgeon team!

  13. Sending prayers for Ivy's healing today. Also, praying that God will give you rest and peace throughout today. As I asked the Lord to specifically give me a scripture for you now, I opened my devotion and it was this:

    You are saved by grace! Eph. 2:5

    I believe He is saving and protecting sweet little Ivy for greater plans.

    mom to my little China heart girl

  14. Mary~

    I just read a little about Ivy and what she went through yesterday. I know Ivy and your family is covered in prayer and will continue to be and I pray this brings comfort and some form of peace.

    Going to the throne on your behalf~
    Lisa Osborn
    Mommy to Lindy from Changsha (almost 7) and Millie (a heart baby) from Urumqi (3).

  15. Thinking and praying for all of you in Ontario, Canada. Hope you were able to get some rest last night, sounds like you have some longs days ahead of you as well.

  16. The peace you're feeling comes through in the words you're sharing.

    It's good everyone has a little while to rest before deciding what is next.

    I hope you were able to get some sleep.

  17. Continung our prayers today. The rosary group will be plenty strong and praying hard. Hope you got some much needed rest and woke up to a new day filled with hope and promise. May God watch over all of you today especially sweet Ivy. May you have strength and peace today Mary. Thinking of you.



  18. Continuing to pray for Ivy and your family. Praying that rest was given to all last night and that today will be filled with blessings.

  19. I am in constant prayer for you! What a blessing that you & the surgeons will be able to rest without worry of an emergency. Take care of yourself so you can take care of beautiful Ivy when the time comes!


  20. Continuing praying for Ivy, your family and the doctors. Ivy has touched my heart and I feel strongly that God has some big plans for this special baby!

  21. You all, especially sweet Ivy are in my prayers all day. I remember the night we went back to RM house to rest... only because she was in PICU was I able to be made to leave. I needed to though. Just have to get out and breathe air if nothing else. I am praying for the drs to know exactly what to do. I remember them telling us SJ's heart had to learn how to work correctly because it had worked incorrectly SO long! Wish I could be there to hold you and just be near.
    Num 6:24 The LORD bless you and keep you!!! XOXOXOXOXO

  22. Praying for Ivy, you and your family. Be strong Momma.

  23. Continuing to pray for Ivy and for HIm to give you strength to get through this. I hope you got a little sleep last night.
    Psalm 29:11
    The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
    Jennifer Coco

  24. many prayers are going out to miss ivy from me and my family, along with my friends. i've shared her story with everyone i know asking them to pray for her.
    God bless <3
    -Kirstie Bikakis

  25. Praying for your sweet girl and your family.


  26. Praying for more miracles today. Blessings.

  27. Sending prayers for sweet Lexi.

  28. Thankful you all can rest.
    Thankful the surgery went well.

    Praying the Lord gives the docs wisdom to know just what to do to help her heart and lungs function on their own.

    We continue to pray!

  29. SO grateful for the wonderful medical team and that you were able to get some rest. Ivy was the first little beauty on my mind when I opened my eyes this morning.

    I will continue to pray without ceasing today. Thousands are storming the gates of heaven for your precious girl.

    There is no better comfort than knowing that Jesus is standing by her side watching over her.

    Love and blessings,

    "Be still and know that I am God"
    Psalm 46:10

  30. Praying for healing mercies on Ivy's little heart and lungs.

  31. Love you Mary and Bryan. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and sweet Ivy.

  32. Lifting up you and your precious Ivy Joy...

  33. We've never met yet we are connected through the adoption world of blogs.

    Praying that He may heal Ivy through a surgeon’s trained hand, or He may heal Ivy in a way that we can’t explain medically.

    Praying for peace for Mama and Baba.

  34. Thinking of you all continually. Many people in MN and OH are praying for your family. Thanks for the updates.
    Peace and prayers,

  35. Your sweet Ivy is on my mind and in my heart each minute of the day...and I am lifting her up to our Father constantly. Prayers for His healing and a continued peace that passes understanding for you and yours. Hugs from another heart mama.

  36. Isaiah 58:8 Thy healing shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee...

    Praying for you all!

  37. Y'all have been on my heart all night- I keep coming back for updates. Sending you love and prayers for peace and healing!


  38. Keeping Ivy constantly in our thoughts and prayers as well as mommy & daddy too! I've asked my friend's and family to do so as well! Please know there so many people lifting you all up! We can't wait to see what amazing plans God has for sweet Ivy!
    God Bless!

  39. Continuing to pray and trusting or God who loves you all more than we can imagine.

  40. Constant prayers for Ivy and your family try to rest!!everytime I woke during the night and many times during the day its been for Ivy and all of yoU THANK YOU FOR MAKING THE TIME FOR UPDATING!!GOD BLESS! Cathy in Illinois!!

  41. Praying for your precious daughter. God will hold you all in His hand as you walk this path.

  42. Praying for Ivy and your family right now!!

  43. Remember that God is in the details, both big and small. God is the source of all movement including a tiny heartbeat. "But even the hairs of your head are all numbered." Matthew 10:30

  44. You all are so deeply embedded in our hearts here in the Fischer household. We continue to pray as God holds you, comforts and blesses you! We trust that he continues to provide...

    Love, Jen, Christian and Ting

  45. Continuing to pray for her and all of y'all!

  46. Woke up thinking of you and praying for you this morning. Continuing on!

  47. Woke up thinking of you and praying for you this morning. Continuing on!

  48. Mary,
    I am so thankful that your sweet Ivy is able to rest on ECMO. It saved my son's life. Your description of your night hit so close to home. We are praying for your family and precious daughter and for every doctor and nurse that comes into contact with her. We recently showed our son pictures of when he was on ECMO. We wanted him to see what a miracle he is and how God has worked in his life! Please know that we care very much and are praying for the Lord to give you peace, wisdom, and good rest.
    With much love from our family to yours,
    P.S. Please email me if there's anything we can do for your family.


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