Monday, March 26, 2012

Today is the day!

We have waited so long for this day. Ivy has waited her whole life for this day. But today is the perfect day that God knew all along would be The Day! Ivy's Heart surgery will happen at 8am today.  My mom, sister, and Rylee and Lexi arrived yesterday morning and we had a absolutely wonderful day. Ivy spent her fussy time (3-bed time), the time she is usually just worn out and sick of feeling yucky, taking walks, eating dinner outside, playing in the backyard and giggling with her Auntie. She ended the evening with a big bowl of oatmeal and some crackers, her last solid food for a while. She was so exhausted when she went to bed that she did not even try to pick off the tape on her cannula! So very thankful for that!! I can sleep peacefully tonight knowing that she is just hours away from a new working heart! I realize the road ahead is going to be a rough one, but there is so much to be looking forward to!!! In the midst of riding this roller coaster , waiting on a donor homograft and watching this sweet little love bug get more and more purple, less and less energy, it has become so clear how steady God's presence is. Our weakness of spirit may cause us to ride waves of our emotions, but we can rest so much easier knowing there is always a steady hand on our shoulder. I'm thankful that sometimes feeling overwhelmed gives me a chance to see God more clearly and be reassured. He is faithful! The only one who will never let us down. 

I have come so that they may have life, and it in abundance. John 10:10


  1. Praying in GA for little Miss Ivy. Praying for the surgeons and the decisions that have to be made. Hugs!!

  2. My prayers are with you, Ivy, the nurses, & doctors!! I wish you peace while you wait for updates & results. {{HUGS}}

  3. Mary,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family on this very special day.

    Trust in the Lord with all
    your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
    In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.
    Proverbs 3:5-6

    God Bless,

  4. Sending prayers for your sweet girl and family.


  5. On my knees for all of you today!

    "Be still and know that I am God."

    Psalm 46:10

  6. Will be praying in TX for Lexi,her doctors, nurses and family.
    Please keep us posted as time permits.

  7. I will be praying all day for your sweet girl, doctors and your family! Hugs!!

  8. More prayers from GA for Ivy and family. My His peace cover you as you walk out this journey.

  9. Praying for all of you and Ivy. I have her name written in places today to help me remember.

    Will be watching for updates and hoping and praying for the best news.


  10. My thoughts and prayers are with sweet Ivy and your family today.

  11. Praying in CT. My heart breaks that you have to go through this.
    I'm in tears, justing thinking how hard this must be on you. Every parent just wants to love and proctect their precious children.
    We pray for your strength as you
    go through this and for Ivy.
    Know you have many people praying for you and for Ivy today.
    Blessings from CT

  12. Praying in Wisconsin for your sweet girl. Please post updates when you can.

  13. Precious Ivy and your family are in our prayers. God is faithful and what a story she will have to tell as she gets older.

  14. Mary, we are praying for sweet Ivy all the way from Canada...we pray her surgery goes well and that she recovers beautifully....hugs to you and your whole family!!!

    Janice and family xo

  15. Hannah and I prayed this morning for Baby Ivy and I have been lifting her up in prayer often this morning.

    Still praising God for what he revealed last night. Trust me...this time I won't lose track of you Mary! :o)

    I just called my Mom and she and Dad remember you vividly too and they are praying for your sweet baby girl.

    Praying and trusting Him.

    ((hugs)) Catherine

  16. We all continue to pray for your sweet Ivy. Know you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Praying for the doctors, the nurses and all those helping Ivy today. Especially praying for her wonderful family who have loved her more than she could have ever imagined! Peace to you sweet Mary.


  17. Lots of prayers coming to you from Kentucky.....

    Hugs and love to you, too!

    Vicki :)

  18. MANY prayers coming your way from Kentucky.....

    Love and hugs to you,too!!!!

    Vicki :)

  19. Praying in Colorado for your sweet princess and your family.

  20. Praying here in Seattle for sweet little Ivy!!

  21. Praying for Ivy!!!! and your family!!!!

  22. We are praying for Ivy, your family and the entire medical team:)

  23. Praying in PA for your precious daughter Ivy and for your family.

    "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
    Jeremiah 29:11

  24. Praying for this sweet baby that she'll have a fast recovery and to follow Him all the days of her life!

  25. Praying in MT for Lexi and your family. She has been such a strong little fighter, we will all hold her up and support her during her surgery and recovery so she and her little body can focus on recovering.


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