Monday, March 26, 2012

Surgery update

We are in the waiting room now, the surgery has already begun and we could not be more at peace. Our pastor of mercy from our church is on his way to visit with us and my sister will be here a little later. We feel so blessed to have our child so covered in prayers from all across the globe. I woke up to 30 emails this morning and they continue to come in. I read every single comment you post and every email you send. Each one of them is just confirmation that we serve a mighty, powerful, loving God!! I can't even explain how much you all have blessed us!
The peace I feel right now is beyond anything I expected today. I know God's got this! I know Ivy is in the best of hands because the great physician is guiding the hands of her surgeon. Yes, I have fluttery things in my stomach and throat and yes, I can't stop picturing her in that operating room along with what it will be like when she comes out, but more than anything I just have faith that things will be just as God had planned all along and I again am grateful just to be here to walk through this with Ivy. 
I will continue to update as time allows. Diana has also gracefully offered to help me with that if needed. Thank you everyone for standing in the gaps for our tiny miracle. She was peaceful when we left her side this morning. 
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Thank you Chapel Hill Kindergarteners for the cards and pictures!! Please look for them in upcoming pictures, I plan on hanging every one of them on Ivy's hospital room wall!!! Joanna, Kaiya and Sammy you said your kiddos had pictures they wanted to send to the hospital. Ivy would love that! Here is the address 
Patient Ivy Sammons
Phoenix Children's Hospital
1919 East Thomas Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016


  1. I have been praying for Ivy, your family, the surgeons and every person that will take care of Ivy during this part of her life. Your posts are filled with so much faith and are written so beautifully. We have never met but I've followed your blog since shortly before you left China with Lexi. Your family has blessed our tremendously. Lisa

  2. I've had Ivy on my heart all weekend! I can't wait to read of all the awesome things she will get to do in the months to come!


  3. Praying for your sweet Ivy and your entire family as well. She is going to do amazing! I look forward to seeing her running around and embracing life even more.

  4. Continuing to pray for your precious little Ivy. Lifting all of you up in prayer often today.

  5. Continuing to pray for Ivy, the doctors and nurses and your family.

  6. Mary - I continue to pray for Ivy and her surgeons. Love to all. M

  7. Praying constantly for your little Ivy. This story has God written on every page, and I do believe He has orchestrated every step. I can't wait to see how He continues to bless your family~

  8. Praying for you and sweet Ivy today!!! I also wanted to thank you for blessing me through your update... I specifically prayed for you to experience God's peace, and that His hands would guide Ivy's surgery. What an incredible blessing to look at your blog and read those very words from you! I just wanted you to know that while I'm praying and praying God's blessings on you, you are blessing so many of us through your journey! God is so amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing your heart!
    Sara :)

  9. I can't stop thinking about Ivy. Praying for the surgeons and little Ivy's beautiful heart...that it will be fixed, and she will grow to have a beautiful heart for the Lord. I think that's what we all wish for our children.

    Blessings and Prayers.

  10. I can't stop thinking about little Ivy as well as your whole family...praying hard over here in Canada!!! ~hugs~


  11. I am here praying since you brought sweet Ivy home. I went through the same thing 10 years ago with our then 29 month old, just a month after coming home from China. She is now a bubbly, kind and incredible 12 year old. I cannot wait to see what wonderful things Ivy will be doing 10 years from now. My prayers are not only for Ivy but also for your family...I know how hard this can be even with the greatest faith in Him.

  12. Thank you for being such a powerful testimony to God's sovereignty, even in difficult and uncertain times. Your witness is an encouragement to us all. Been praying and will continue to uphold you in our prayers for a successful surgery, for minimal pain, for peace and comfort, for a quick recovery, for God's will to unfold in your lives and in Ivy's life with His tender loving care!

  13. I woke up at 4:30 this morning and could not get back to sleep....spent that time praying for Ivy Joy, that the valve would fit so perfectly for her, that the surgeons hands would be steady, that your family would feel God's loving care and peace throughout this day (and beyond) and that Ivy would wake up with a perfectly working heart! Still praying...

  14. Thank you so much for the update, I have been thinking about and praying for Ivy and your family all day! We started following your journey after I saw it on Diana's blog before you brought Ivy home. We were fortunate to meet the R Family on our trip to bring home our second daughter, (then 3 years old), Chloe, and they were bringing home Sienna, or Tung Tung as we knew her at first. Ainsley was such a blessing to us and our older daughter Avery (5 at the time) who was just smitten with her and they entertained each other the entire flight over to China! :) We will continue to follow Ivy's amazing journey and pray for her speedy recovery so she can run, play and keep up with her jie jie! :)
    Many blessings!
    Kendall H., Atlanta, GA

  15. Praying for your precious baby.


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