Monday, March 26, 2012

Update 2

She is doing well on bypass. They were able to get her 02s to 91 before they began, thanks to our awesome anesthesiologist and a breathing tube!! We continue to feel great peace. Thank you for specific prayers for that!!!
John 10:10b

                    Good bye plum color. We are ready for some pink!

                                       Ivy covered by her prayer shall!!


  1. praying all day long. I keep saying "God in my heart I am on my knees right now ... and then I pray!" God does have this!

    His hands are covering each person's who touches Ivy throughout today. I prayed that early this a.m

    With love and prayers,


  2. Praying for your beautiful sweetie.

  3. Praying for your family and precious Ivy. God is so good and is watching over her and the doctors. Thank you so much for the updates.

  4. She is going to look beautiful in pink! Love her.

    I keep saying this, He has this.


  5. Mary,
    So thankful that God is giving you that peace beyond all understanding that only He can share!!!! So thankful that many all over the world are praying for you!!! She has touched so many people in such a short time!!!! You are LOVED!!!!!!

    Can't wait to see your "pretty in pink" peanut!!

    Love ya,

  6. Praying for your precious daughter. Her Prayer Shawl is so pretty. Did someone from your church crochet it for her? The pale yellow will be pretty against her beautiful pink skin! Hugs ~ Jo

  7. Ivy IS going to look gorgeous in pink! Gabriella and I are continuing to pray for her throughout the day!!

  8. Have been praying for little Ivy all day. I had to laugh a few hours ago when we got the mail. In it was the package with the necklace and the red Heart band with her name on them. I have one to my son and my daughter to where as well to remind us to keep her in our prayers. What perfect timing!!

  9. praying for you!
    Just realized we have a mutual friend in Sue T. from your church. :)

    We were also at PCH last Thursday,waiting for our little girl from China to come out of surgery (just jaw surgery -not open heart!).

    Praying for peace to continue to be poured out upon your family as you wait to hold your precious treasure again and for patience, skill, and peace for the medical team working on her.

    To Him be the glory.

  10. Continuing to pray for your precious baby girl. May God's hands cover her with love and healing!

    God's got this!


  11. Jesus loved us ... but especially the Littlest Ones. And Ivy best most of all !

    John C.

  12. I've been following your journey with both Lexi and Ivy, know that your sweet girl is being prayed for by many with a heart and love of orphans! My heart baby also has Hep B but without the intense struggles your sweet Ivy faces. Until sheiks well and home, we're covering the praying so You can find your strength for the days of recovery ahead. Hugs from here!

  13. I've been holding Ivy close all day in prayer and will continue to do so.

  14. Dear Ivy's Mommy,
    A friend of mine, Robin Mangana, posted a FB status today with a link to your blog asking friends to pray for Ivy. I read your most recent post and began to pray. Our daughter, age 4 (just a few days into being 4 and she still asks every day if she is STILL 4!), also adopted from China, just had open heart surgery last week. I know how tough the waiting is in the CPICU waiting room. I also know the peace of God that passes all understanding! So, this morning, right after I read about your daughter, my 6 yr old son (also adopted from China) asked me randomly, "Mommy, how do you spell Ivy?" Now, I hadn't read aloud or prayed aloud and obviously we don't know you. We do have a puppy named Ivy so I assumed that was why he asked, but the I asked him, "Why do you ask honey?" and he replied, "Oh, it was just in my heart." So I told him about your Ivy, how she had to have heart surgery just like his Mei Mei did. And we stopped and he clasped his 6 year old fidgety little boy hands together,closed his eyes and prayed with chidlike faith for Ivy's heart to be made whole. As I prayed, I choked back tears of emotion because, well, I was just in that waiting room for hours and hours and hours just a week ago and our daughter may be readmitted due to fluid around the heart that just won't go away with lasix. I marvel at God's ways, how He loves little Ivy, that strangers in North Carolina were praying over her and the hands of the surgeon this morning. We thanked God that His plans for Ivy are good, plans to prosper her and not to harm her, plans to give her HOPE and a FUTURE. We thanked Him that in ALL THINGS, He is at work for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. We prayed for Ivy to remain stable, for the surgery to be successful, against all infections or complications and for peace to envelop you and the other family members as you waited. We prayed for the Lord to be glorified in little Ivy's life and for Him to use her life to accomplish mighty things for His Kingdom. In fact, He's already begun! Blessings to you and Godspeed on your healing little Ivy girl. Holly in North Carolina

  15. I have been praying for you all all day long! I can't wait to see pretty pink fingers!

  16. I am so happy that Ivy made it to her heart healing day! God's got big plans for your family...and this is just the start. We are continuing to hold your family and precious Ivy up in prayer. Prayers and hugs from Oregon! ~Angie J.

  17. I just was checking your blog and found this post. I had forgotten how blue those nails were. I hope Ivy is breathing well, that her nails are pink, that you can kiss her and love on her. I am praying so hard for Ivy. Love that baby with all of my heart. And you too Mary.


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