Monday, March 26, 2012

Exploding with Joy and Thanksgiving!!

His will has been done, our prayers have been answered, Our God can do anything!!!
A smaller homograft did not come in, they used the 19mm and Dr. Nigro was able to make it work!
Ivy's heart has been repaired, we do not know if they ended up doing the Nikaidoh or the Rastelli, we have not seen her surgeon yet, they are closing her up now but she is OFF bypass and her baby heart is beating on its own!!!! This whole day has been amazing, the peace that has surrounded us has made the time go by quickly. We have been blessed with my sisters presence much of the day, she is a gift!! I will post details once we speak with the doctors and as time allows but I had to let you this great news. Ivy is amazing!!!! How thankful I am for this chance!! 


  1. My girls and I have been praying for Ivy, your family, the surgeons...God is amazing!! I have tears in my eyes reading your wonderful news. Praise God!

  2. I am so excited !!!! Such great news!
    Carol in FL

  3. We were all praying for Ivy and your family all day. We pray the good new continues. May she have a speedy recovery.

    Blessings and Hugs from CT

  4. Thanking God!!! Oh, your mama heart must be so overjoyed. YAY!

  5. I've been following your blog every day just praying that things would go well. So happy to hear that she can now start her road to recovery. Can't wait to see the pink hands/feet. It's funny how I've never even met Ivy or her family but she is often in my thoughts and prayers. I'm praying for a speedy recovery for your beautiful baby girl.

    A fellow Yahoo Group Member

    Mom to Alex IM Sep 09
    Mom to Mikayla Jiangsu Apr 11 (my heart baby)

  6. AMEN!!! So very thankful for you all and your sweet girl!!

  7. Praise the Lord! We are thrilled that surgery went well and Ivy's little heart is repaired and working on it's own!! Bring on the pink!

  8. Amen! That is wonderful news! My daughter's are so excited and happy too! My 7 year old is really excited b/c she is participating in Jump Rope for Heart at her school this week and has been saying all along how she is jumping to "help children with heart injuries" and now she can actually relate to what they are helping to raise the money for! :)
    So thrilled for Ivy and you all! We will continue saying prayers for her speedy recovery!
    The Harlicka's - Avery SuQiu (Jiangxi, 2005) & Chloe Xueshan (Chongqing, 2010)

  9. I know what it is, my daughter got her open heart surgery in november and they need to fix something else next monday. I Will think of Ivy and your family!!!


  10. I too have been following your journey and lifting little Ivy up in prayer. Praising God for guiding the doctors, strength and peace for her mommy & daddy, and His healing hands on Ivy.

    Nothing can keep us from the love of God or the healing within his hands!
    God is so GOOD!!

  11. What a relief to hear! I'm so happy for you and your family! I can't wait to see pink fingers and toes!

  12. I can't wait to share this with your CHA Prayer Warriors tomorrow!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! Rejoicing with you!!!!
    Thank you Lord for answering our prayers. We will continue to approach Him in confidence as Ivy starts her beautiful road to recovery!!!!!!

    YAY GOD!!!!


  13. So excited for y'all!! I've been praying for your sweet Ivy and I'll keep praying for her recovery. Great news!!!

  14. Praising God and thanking Him for answered prayers both in the success of Ivy's surgery but in the peace that He gave you throughout today!

    God is SO good!

    Cannot wait to see pics of your PINK Ivy Joy!!!

  15. Following your blog and this amazing journey,
    We have been praying for your family all day and will continue to pray for a good recovery.

  16. Wonderful, wonderful Praise God.

  17. I just lurk on your blog, but I've been following Ivy for so long, and I'm so thrilled to hear about her successful surgery.

  18. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  19. Oh what a glorious day! So happy and overjoyed to hear such wonderful news! Little Ivy and you all are so wrapped in love and prayers. This has been such a divinely inspired journey right from the start. God is awesome! You all will continue to be in our prayers and those of KUMC as you move forward in this journey. You all are so strong and amazing!!!!
    Blessings to you!


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