Monday, April 23, 2012

A change of plans

Tonight I am staying up!

I am cleaning out the ~little house~ at RMH

I am thinking about how much I will miss seeing my daughter interact so sweetly with all the nurses we have fallen in love with at PCH. Super special people like Jaimie and Chrissy and Jennifer and Jodie and Mary and Cindy and Jessie and I could go on forever..... The love and kindness they have showered Ivy with is just more than words could express.

I am studying Ivy's meds and their scheduled doses. 

I am making charts and checking lists.

I am singing very loud and dancing around a bit.

I am smiling ear to ear!


Well, there has been a change of plans.

When Doctor Nigro saw Ivy this afternoon he said that she was looking way too good and to be there any longer. She had Been busting a move or two in the halls all day long. We must have spent 5 solid hours today just out walking the halls. Ivy was a hoot. Stopping at every hand sanitizer dispenser for more soap, saying Hi very loud to every passing doctor and nurse, and playing with her buddy Brenden. The two had a picnic together in our room and while Brendens mommy was out tonight they met up again in Brendens room for some more play time. They are so sweet together!! Brenden has a very rare heart, 1 of only 50 in the world! He also has dwarfism. 

Isn't he just a little love!

Back to the change of plans....

We are going home tomorrow!!!!! Home!! That's right! I have to say it again because it sounds soooo good! Home!!!! Home home home home home!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thank you God for choosing us! 

Thank you everyone for standing in the gaps and lifting our daughter in prayer every day.  We are forever grateful!!!


  1. YIPEEE!!!! Thank you Jesus!!

    Oh this is absolutely the BEST news! What a journey this has been, and we will continue praying as you make the journey back home now. God is good and so VERY faithful!!

    Sending lots of love and hugs your way!


  2. Oh my word... that is the best news since... since... since last time you posted! So happy for you and Ivy! Yay! Oh, and she looks adorable as usual.

  3. I am crying tears of joy here Mary... You see it's my birthday today, and this is the very best gift I could have ever prayed for! I am so thankful you said YES! And, that God knew that you would trust Him enough to GO!!!!

    You are going to be an incredible care giver to get Ivy back to the chocolate loving, spicy chip eating machine she used to be.. She is going to be missed at Phoenix Children's! That hospital will never be the same! For, God has left His handprints all over every room, and every person that your baby girl and your precious family have touched!

    As we knew when this surgery date was scheduled,
    ~Matthew 19:26: "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

    Your faith has glorified Him!!!!!

    Diana and Family

  4. Halleluijah! Tears of joy for you and your little Angel:)
    God Bless,

  5. So happy to hear this news for all of you!!


  6. Oh my...what great news to wake up to!! What an awesome God we have!! Mary, you must be over the moon!!! Ivy....YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!
    Kathie in NY

  7. YES! Congratulations. God is amazing and merciful. Way to go, Ivy!!!

  8. I'm thrilled to hear the awesome news...going home.

    I will continue praying for you all as you adjust to the new routines at home;(new meds...etc ) and praising God for the beautiful little girl with the sparkling eyes and precious smile your taking home.

  9. Hooray!!! Wonderful, wonderful news!!! So happy for you all and cannot wait to see Ivy running around with Lexi and follow their adventures on the blog!!! Thank you for sharing your journey and your amazing faith with all of us! Ivy has already touched so many and I know she will continue to do so! God has big plans for that little spitfire! :)
    Much love,
    The Harlickas

  10. YAY!!! Fantastic news to see that Ivy is going home!! I am thrilled for you all. Ivy Joy looks beautiful beyond words! Such an amazing God we serve!! We will keep Ivy in our prayers, always! She is one special little princess. xoxo

  11. Words can not express the joy I am feeling for you, your family and especially Ivy! God is amazing! Ivy is a testimony to this fact. Thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us. I look forward to following your blog and watching your two girls grow up together.

  12. That's great news!! So happy y'all are going home..YAY!!!! And so thankful for answered prayers! She looks so happy and healthy:))
    Jennifer Coco

  13. That is such great news. I am so excited for Ivy and your family to enjoy yourselves at home and to celebrate this wonderful gift that God has given everyone. Hugs are being sent your way. Can not wait to read all about your awesome day at home and the many more memories that will be made. God Bless!!!!

  14. So very happy for your family. Ivy Joy is such a blessing!

  15. Thanks be to God!!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I have learned so much from your family, and have found amazing inspiration from your faith and your positive outlook. Thank you, and God Bless your family!

  16. Praise the Lord! So thankful for how well your precious little girl is doing! God is so good! Praying for your family as you transition home and so excited for you!!!

  17. Tears of joy for you! You're going home TODAY!!! God had this day planned long ago and He had the little surprise tucked up His sleeve! You're going home 1 day early! Praise Him!!!

    Continuing to pray for you as you learn your new routine while living at HOME!!!

  18. Congratulations!! That is just so exciting and joy-filled to read! I stalk your blog daily for updates and think about your sweet family all the time.


  19. HOME! Nothing better.


  20. I'm so happy for you and Ivy Joy, what awesome news and what an answer to prayer! We will keep praying for Ivy's continued healing.

  21. Although we don't know your family personally we have been following your blog and praying for Ivy. So excited she is going home!

  22. I have chills reading your post. So happy for you all! Praising God from whom all blessings flow!

  23. Amazing news! Oh the fun that you will have at home!

  24. Amazing news! Can't wait to see you all at HOME!

  25. TEARS OF JOY FOR YOU, MARY!!!! I can only imagine how good you must feel cleaning out that room:) Can't wait to hear all about our Ivy Joy at HOME!!!! Thank you, Jesus!!!!

    Lisa Murphy

  26. Awesome news praise the LORD. Home sweet HOME.

  27. ALL PRAISE TO OUR GREAT GOD WHO LOVES US AND CARES FOR US!! So HAPPY to hear the wonderful word ---HOME--- Been a long time getting there but should be great!! the whole family together all in one place--HOME-- Will continue with prayers for little missy Ivy and the family, as well !! so happy here in Illinois for you !!! Cathy in Illinois

  28. wow! last time i visited, it was too much to bear. so i haven't been back for a few weeks. now i'm crying! total stranger in SC sending love, warm thoughts and prayers to your amazing family and that little survivor. God speed!

  29. What a beautiful day!!! It has been such a blessing to witness God's work. YIPEEEE! IVY JOY!!!

  30. There's no place like home! I'm so happy you all are heading home!!!!! She is such an amazing little girl...there is no doubt in my mind that she has left a mark on each person's heart whom she has come in contact with...she sure has touched mine :) praying for a smooth transition home. Prayers will continue for her strength and healing.

    Much love,

  31. Praising God for the miracles in that hospital. Praying that she will continue to heal quickly and you two can focus on the all important business of attachment.

  32. Praising God here in Georgia!

  33. We're beyond happy for all of you; there's no place like home!!!!!
    Hugs and prayers always for your beautiful Ivy Joy,
    Leslie and Julianna

  34. So happy that Ivy is doing so well, she looks beautiful, and you know what my prayer has been....and yes, it was answered. Thank you for sharing your precious Ivy will all of us.

  35. So beautiful watching this miracle. Keeping you all in our prayers.

  36. Praise be to God from whom all blessing flow!!! I rejoice with you today!!!

  37. What wonderful news! Your baby girl is coming home!!! Rejoicing with you and your family!!!

  38. I have followed your family's amazing journey and I'm so excited to see that ivy Joy is ready to go home. God is so good !!

  39. I read your post yesterday & I pray you are on your way home or preparing to head home now! It has brought tears to my eyes to see the work God has done in Ivy! We hope to get our angel in June & seeing Ivy just makes us long even more for our daughter! I always look forward to your updates & pray for you often! We have fallen in love with Ivy! She is a blessing to many!

  40. Welcome Home baby girl!! We PRAISE God for the gift of YOU!!


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