Monday, April 23, 2012

Thank you Lord

I'm sitting here typing this as Ivy Joy naps.

And I can hardly believe how far she has come and how close she is

                     Her upper GI showed a reflux and aspiration

So everything we are doing, we will continue the same and like                                     everything else, this will pass.   

She continues to drop in to the low 80's and sometimes the low 70's when she sleeps. So the plan is to keep her on oxygen during sleep so that she can grow and get strong and have this little bit of assistance while her lungs get stronger and her heart figures things out. 

Lip gloss (peppermint bath&body works) helps reduce her cravings for chocolate haha. There is fat in chocolate so she can't have it :(

This fantastic hair pretty and leg warmers were a gift from the most amazing family we all know and love! Thank you Rouse family!! 

Ivy sleeps like an angel. I just sit there and look at her!! Seriously!

Quincie is here!!!! Daddy is back to work. Everyone is happy!!!!!!!!

Lexi is singing!!! (She sings ALL day long! Taylor Swift is her current favorite :)

 Ivy joins right in! 

And here they are singing together!!!! I am so excited to spend my days with both girls and with school almost out, all my babies, ALL SUMMER!!!!

This is Jessy. She is one of our RT's. Like I have said before, everyone here is my FAVORITE!!!!!!! And Jess is NO exception! WE LOVE HER!!

And she loves Ivy!!

So here are the non photographic details, WE ARE VERY CLOSE TO GOING HOME!!!!!!! LOOKING LIKE WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!

And this song comes to mind!
 ~There is nothing like the warmth of a summer afternoon
Walking in the sunlight, being cradled by the moon
catching fireflies at night, building castles in the sand
Kissing mama's face goodnight and holding daddy's hand
Thank you, Lord, how could I ask for more?~

All these firsts are on their way for my baby girl! 

Thank you Lord!


  1. Sooooo excited for your family. What a miracle and a story this little one will have. Sooo many have prayed for her and now she is going home soon - YEAH!!!!

  2. Great news! I bet you can't wait till Wednesday! Way to go Ivy Joy!

  3. Sweet sweet girl! She is so strong! I am so excited for you all to be home together and so thankful that you have let all of us strangers follow your journey. My husband and daughter follow along with me and we are so happy to include Ivy Joy and your family in our daily prayers.
    Antinette Mama to Hadley

  4. Amen, Thank you Lord! My sweet John David asks about Ivy Joy EVERY morning and we pray for her on the way to school:) Such great lessons for our children to lift others up to the Lord. I am so excited you all get to go home soon!!

  5. What a tremendous blessing from the Lord. Ivy looks wonderful and I can't wait to see her do all those firsts with her forever family! Praise God!

  6. CRAZY, the word that comes to mind is just CRAZY! I am not sure whether I am sheltered or just fortunate up to this point not to have needed a miracle but thanks to your willingness to let us walk along side your family I have been granted the privledge of watching this miracle. As we are considering our second adoption/5th child I still think issues with the heart are more than this heart can handle. However, praise God that he lays different desires upon each of us. Clearly it would be a perfect world if Ivy were born healthy and with her birth parents at this time but this is truly beauty from ashes. Can't wait for an update from home!

  7. oh my! HOME?! how sweet that must sound to y'all! Praying her astounding recovery continues!!

  8. YEAH!!!!!!! Praising God for such wonderful posts. Love seeing her smiling and singing and I can here your smiles in these posts. LOVE IT! Thank you Jesus for how you are shining i this sweet girl. Looking forward to discharge day.

  9. Thank you Lord!!! Thank you for protecting Ivy Joy! Thank you for giving her loving parents the strength and endurance needed to fight this fight!!!! Ivy has prevailed because you chose her for this very place and time!!! She has blessed so many with her incredible will to survive.. And, because you knew long ago that she would live to glorify you! Her testimony is already amazing! I can't wait to see what your plans are for your beautiful baby girl!!!

    By the way, she is rocking those accessories! That raspberry color is gorgeous on her! I will be praying that canula is soon a thing of the past too! Thank you for sharing your gift of hope! She truly is a joy! And, so are you precious Mary!


  10. Such great news!!! I'm so happy for you all!

  11. Praise God! How exciting that your sweet Ivy Joy should be home in just 2 more sleeps!!

  12. I am SO very happy to see how Ivy is coming along. Her story is amazing and wonderful and somewhat terrifying. I'm hoping for many calmer days to come.

  13. My 7 year old daughter's prayer last night was for Ivy to heal completely and never ever have to be at a hospital again. Amen to that.

  14. So thankful she is on her way home!! Wow...what a turn around!! What a miracle that baby girl is to all of us who followed and continue to follow your journey. It has shown us all that it is okay to step out of your comfort zone and do what is in our hearts. Praying daily!!

  15. THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! What a ride it has been to witness miracle after miracle with you all!


    PS: Lexi looks so big in the pictures next to Ivy! What a big girl she is becomming


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