Saturday, April 21, 2012

Oh Happiness!!

                                                               Oh, happiness
                                    There's grace enough for us
And the whole human race

                                          Friend or foe
                                        Stranger or kin
                                         All who come 
                                          Begin again

                                         Hard or frail
                                         Rich or poor
                                          All in need
                                   Need fear no more

Such a thing to give away

As you can see, Ivy is doing fantastic!! She is full of joy, happy all day and blessing the 5th floor with her contageous joyful spirit and precious smiles! We are awaiting an upper GI scheduled for Monday. We are concerned with her swallowing, she throws up a lot and it happens just seconds after attempting to swallow pudding thick foods. She is keeping cheerios down?? 

I just could NOT ask for more!!!!!


  1. So glad that your Ivy Joy is so full of happiness!

  2. I know you have heard this a million times but she is just precious. Her little smile just lights up her eyes. So wonderful to see this little miracle up and around.

  3. Oh my little lovely! Sweet baby. "Oh happiness" indeed.

  4. Wonderful pictures, wonderful song, wonderful family, and most of all WONDERFUL GOD.

  5. Such a Joy to watch God work his miracles through you and those who's hands he guided all these weeks.

    Please keep providing these updates and photos so we can share your Joy and your Ivy.

    John C.

  6. These photos brought tears to my eyes.. Ivy Joy your happiness is contagious!!!

  7. Oh Mary!!! What a gift to see such beautiful pics of your precious Ivy Joy with hardly any tubes! Way to go Ivy Joy!

    God is SO good!!!

  8. Just look at that beautiful smile..Ivy you are pure joy!!!Love love seeing you smile....sure makes everyone happy:)


  9. When I see these pictures of Ivy Joy, these words come to mind ~ inspiration, brilliance, joy, faith, peace, triumph, beauty, passion, bravery, glory, strength, blessings, grace, happiness, courage, devotion, love, and hope ~ and so much more!
    God Bless you, sweet baby and family!

  10. I meant to ask you if you could post a picture of her tiny little hands. My Sierra keeps asking me if they are still blue!!! I tell her no but she wants to see!!!

  11. Your sweet, darling, beautiful Ivy Joy just makes us smile! She's always in our prayers, and seeing her happy little face just makes our day.
    Have fun with your littlest angel, Leslie and Julianna

  12. It's a special girl who can go through what she's been through and still grin from ear to ear!

  13. Can't help but smile!! So precious!

    God is so GOOD!

  14. Wow! She looks amazing today! So bright and happy.

  15. You are so blessed mom. You named her well - she is pure joy.

  16. That sweet smile says it all! Such a wonderful blessing!
    Have a great rest of the weekend! :) Praying the upper GI goes well and they can figure out what's going on! Who knows, she might just have an ultra sensitive gag reflex right now after all she's been through over the past few weeks, poor baby!!! Glad she is able to snack on some Cheerios though! Big hugs & kisses for Ivy!

  17. So thrilled to see these pics!!! Praying for good news on GI and a great plan to get her eating:)

  18. It does my heart good to see the Little Warrior looking so happy and content. All the little bruises on that little body and yet she continues to smile and those eyes.
    We love you Ivy Joy.

  19. I am just in love with Miss Ivy! She is just too cute for words! I can't wait to see her at home. You need to give that little lady a BIG welcome home party!!! HUGE!!! Lots and lots of balloons and whatever else that pretty little gal wants. (((hugs)))


  20. I just want to know where you're getting all those adorable socks Ivy is wearing in the hospital, particularly the ones with the fuzzy tops. Sooo cute! Sooo happy she's improving so nicely, too.

  21. This little girl is absolutely beautiful! These pictures made me cry... What a miracle!!!

  22. She radiates joy!!! So happy to see her doing so well! We are in China now...meeting our heart baby (minor) in the morning!!

  23. Love those pictures! certainly could not ask for more, Mary!! Ivy Joy is just amazing, as is our GOD!!!!

    Love to you all as you enjoy your togetherness:)
    Lisa Murphy

  24. She looks so amazing Mary, I love her little smile. Such a blessing!

  25. HI. We found your blog through another one we follow. We have 6 kids, 3 adopted, so adoption is very close to our hearts. Our little 4 year old makes sure we do not forget to pray for sweet Ivy EVERY night. She will not let me leave them room until I have. :) It is so sweet. We are amazed as we have watched God work in her little life as he heals her. She is just beautiful, and we continue praying for all of you.

  26. Mary -
    I just found your blog and can't stop reading! I had no idea what your sweet family has been going through. What a wonderful blessing Ivy is! And she belongs to such a great family. I'm so happy Ivy's health is improving and please know you and your family are in our prayers!
    - Lainie

  27. I cried and smiled at the same time as I was reading this post! I've been following your blog since you brought Ivy Joy home and check in every day. She is so beautiful and a miracle!

  28. After Zara's surgery the same thing append! She was throwing up her med's and food... It tooks a month to stop and I don't know if it was a coincidence but it stop when we come back home 52 days After surgery!!!!

    Seem's to be normal After a big heart surgery... Somethings about a Stomach valve who suppose to keep the food going Oneway...

  29. Couldn't be happier and more thankful than seeing that precious smile!!! Blessings and love! XOXO

  30. To see her precious smile brings JOY to my heart! Praising God for this continued forward progress.


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