Friday, April 20, 2012


The changes and progress in Ivy over the past 3 days has been that of weeks! She has us all completely awestruck at the way that she blooms, like the video image of a flower growing in fast motion. So beautiful to watch!! 

So here is where we stand with our little flower~

                   Ivy is pulling herself to standing position!!

She is taking steps with her hands held!

He legs are a tad wobbly, exactly what your would expect from someone who has been laying down for almost 4 weeks and has lost weight and nutrition.

She is happy!

She is drinking her thickened disgusting water (poor sweetie) and we will start soft foods tomorrow.

Her last chest tube was removed today!

                              She is off all drips and pumps!!

She is being weaned to room air tonight!!!!!! That means you might see her without a cannula by tomorrow! Yay, Goodbye mustache!!

She has made a friend here. The 5th floor is all CVPICU (all heart kids) Her friend is 20 months old and he is waiting for a heart. He has been here since January, so needless to say, the longest on this floor. Ivy gets second place for the longest stay currently. They are so cute together, we took a couple walks together today and they pass each other their toys and jibber. Ivy blows kisses to every one we pass as we cruise down the halls.

I am taking my CPR class tomorrow and getting my NG tube insertion training. I am reading about the meds we are taking home. They don't start these things until you are getting close to going HOME!!! HOME!!! Thats right!! We could be going home late next week!!!!

On top of tube feeds, Ivy will be on several meds when we go home. 

Vasotec. This helps the blood vessels relax so the heart can pump blood more easily. It treats high blood pressure.

Asprin. Thins the blood.

Lasix. A diuretic. When extra water is taken out of the body, the heart does not have to work so hard.

Calcium. Diuretics and vasotec will deplete the body of calcium.

These are the ones I have been educated on so far. It is so exciting to think about Ivy being this close to finished here!! So amazing!!!!!

We are abundantly grateful for those of you who continue to pray. Thank you. I realize we are not home yet, but we are grateful for the prayers that continue to encourage us to take it one day at a time!


  1. I've been following your story and am so thrilled with this news tonight. I love the picture of Ivy with the dog! How wonderful! Is it a therapy dog or your dog?

  2. To God be the Glory! So happy to read this post! Will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Blessings!

  3. oh.... i'm screaming with joy!!!!

    been following ur blog... all the way from Singapore...

    God Bless!

  4. Woke up to this wonderful post!! My heart is bursting with joy for all of you. May God continue to watch over all of you. She is truly a miracle.

  5. Oh my...she looks WONDERFUL!!!!! God certainly has hadHis healing hand all over her sweet body!!! Thanks for the continued updates!!!

  6. Mary,
    I loved your email this morning! To God be ALL the glory for how He is using Ivy in such a mighty way!!!!

    These pictures are precious! Look at your tiny miracle girl all clean and dressed so pretty!! She looks fantastic! It sounds like you are going to be busy getting your medical degree! I can't think of anyone more equipped to handle Ivy's needs!!! My guess is she will be home before late next week!!!!! I hope she does get to say goodbye to that canula today!!!!

    Ivy, you have persevered!!!! You are amazing!


  7. Absolutely thrilled! Wonderful to see the light at the end of the tunnel, what victory!!

  8. Yea!

    If she is allowed to drink other things, you can thicken anything. It is all about finding what the individual likes best (my experience is that what the person likes best "thin" a.k.a. "normal" is not necessarily their favorite drink thickened)

  9. You have an amazing girl wow!!!

    Monica from Canada!


  10. I am so very excited for you and for Miss Ivy!!! It is truly amazing to watch here on the computer. I can't imagine what it must be like in "real life" :) Yay God!!!

  11. Oh, Mary!!!! Praise the Lord!!! You are almost home!!!! Your post brings tears of joy for Ivy and for your family!!!! She looks so good. We can't wait for you to get her home!!!! Great job on your classes, Mama!!! You'll probably want to become a nurse after all this!!! God bless you and enjoy your weekend!!!!!!!!!

    With love,
    Lisa Murphy

  12. Tears of joy this morning! How awesome our God is!!!! What a heart wrenching journey you've been on! Now enjoy this happy path. I feel as though I am there too enjoying it with you!

  13. What an awesome testament to God's unfailing love! She is beautiful!

  14. So excited for you Mary!! This is a wonderful post! I love seeing her up and about . . and NO chest tubes. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

  15. what fabulous news!! she looks amazing!!

  16. What wonderful news!

    Prayers going out to the little boy waiting for a heart.

  17. Ivy looks so good! I can't wait to see you finally taking her home again and getting back into a routine with a pink baby who can run and play with her sister and without the "monster."

    I, too, will pray for her little friend who needs a heart. It's such a difficult prayer as it means someone loses their child, too.

  18. WOW !! Our Dear Lord GOD is powerful !! Thank you ,Father for hearing all of us praying for sweet Ivy , her doctors and loving family!! please Lord help Ivy"s friend and continue to watch over Ivy as she heals and recuperates --soon at HOME!! Praise God for whom ALL Blessings flow!! Cathy in Illinois

  19. It is so wonderful to see the improvements. Love the pictures. She is on her way. Hugs and prayers continue to be sent you way. Can't wait to see Miss Ivy return home.

  20. Way to go Ivy!! May your journey to home be quick!


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