Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Picture Heavy!! Day 23

Where do I start?

I have so much to say and I know you have all been looking for this post all day! 

I headed home today and Daddy spent the day with Little Ivy, It is our sweet daughter Cassidy's 16th Birthday!!!

She had school and school dance until 4pm and studio dance from 5-9:30 so my only chance for time with her was during lunch. Lexi, Rylee and I picked her and some very sweet friends up and went to lunch. It was heaven with these sweet sweet girls!!

                   Even Ivy got in on the Birthday Wishes!

Lexi put on some great shows on her big red stage and we all waited anxiously for reports on Little Miss Ivy!!

So are you ready for this??????

No Skipping ahead!!!

Im taking you back the last 2 days. And let me just tell you, Ivy has made 2 weeks progress in these 2 days!! I'm not kidding!!

But before I go there, I want you all to know that I did have a wonderful meeting with the supervisor at PCH about the nurse we had issues with yesterday. I planned on doing it all along but I wanted to do it once her shift was over so Ivy didn't take the heat if she found out and was angry. The supervisor was so awesome just as I expected he would be. I assured him that every other nurse has been our ~favorite~ and we in no way let this nurse be a reflection of our view of this hospital. This hospital is amazing and the care we received until this nurse has been nothing short of fantastic!

Now the drum roll!!!!

Sweetest PT, OT and ST staff on the planet!

They are helping Little Miss get strong!!!
And confident!
And ready for home! Oh man does home sound good!!

Ivy was taken off many of her meds yesterday! Epi has been off 
for 2 days!! No problems!!!

I know your probably thinking, ~her poor little chest~ But with all she has been through... Open heart surgery, ECMO, Chest tubes, pacemaker, Diaphragm Plication surgery, Ventilators and so on... She looks amazing!!!!!

We did 22 laps yesterday in the stroller! She would have done 22 more but the guy pushing our meds needed to get back to work!

 She is smiling and laughing all day long! Waving and blowing kisses! 

Daddy took her to the playroom today! He also got all the rats out of the back of her hair, it was pretty scary hair!

Today she had her swallow test. There is indeed much damage. She will need a thickener added to her liquids for 2 months so she has time to heal.

                          Taking her EZ Pap treatment like a true champ!

                                             Loving mama's iphone!

We are down to just a picc line!! 

She is getting just .5 liters of oxygen!!! Thats nothing!

Her chest tube is draining much less! She does need to continue on the fat free, dairy free diet for a while. We can handle that!! 

The IV you see in these pictures is now gone! 

Her surgeon and his wife came in to see her today and she let her surgeon hold her! They will be pals for a very long time! His wife is Asian! She had lots of questions :) 

I see God working in this hospital, with many of the people we have met. Several doctors. They all stop to visit even when she doesn't need to be seen and you can just see their little wheels turning in their heads. Are they thinking, wow I could do this, these kids are amazing? I hope so. I do know seeds are being planted. 

Ivy Joy is the flower that has already grown. Thank You Lord for all of your majesty and grace, your healing and your love!! I have stood many nights, carried only by the grace of your loving arms, too weak to do any of this on my own and yet you have renewed my spirit each morning and brought me through each day with hope that there would be a tomorrow. And here we are, tomorrow after tomorrow after tomorrow has come and gone! Ivy, your creation, our perfect little gem, has been healed!!!!! Praising the King tonight!!!!


  1. Praising the King! Ivy is his miracle! She looks wonderful! So glad to hear that the nurse will not be allowed anywhere near Ivy or any other child for that matter. Prayers will continue for all of you. Ivy and you are on my mind when I awake and when I go to bed. My children and I pray for you daily.

  2. Praise God!! Such good news this morning!

  3. Today is my birthday and this post just made my day! I've pulled for your precious little Ivy like crazy!

  4. I am just speechless! So very happy for Miss Ivy that she gets to go home and just "live". With her family. She has served as such an inspiration for me personally as I fight my own medical battles and the timing couldn't be better. My "baby" from China (6 1/2 months when we received her in Hunan in 2002)is turning 10 years old on Saturday!! The party is planned now I have cakes to make! Now just to stay seizure free...

  5. Oh my...she looks simply wonderful. I am sitting here crying not only for all she has been through but because of all she has ahead of her!! Praises to God for healing Ivy's heart and reminding us all what He is capable of!!!

  6. Awwww. When I got to the picture of Ivy smiling, I just cried and cried. What an amazing God we serve!!! So so happy for you all. You will continue to be in our prayers daily. Keep shining Jesus!!

  7. Praising God! I check for a post every morning before I head out to work, and after reading this one my heart is full. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. You have definitely planted a seed in my heart :)

    Ivy's strength proves daily that God has so many great plans for her life. She is a true testimony of what prayer can do! Continuing to pray daily as she continues to heal. She is amazing!!!!


  8. Just Beautiuful Mary! Thanks Be To God!!! Seeing these photo's this morning brings such an overwhelming sense of relief knowing that sweet Ivy is definately on her way to recovery!! Thank you for sharing all her photo's with us!!
    God Bless,

  9. Praising God with you!!! Crying tears of joy! What an amazing God He is!

  10. A true miracle!! We have witnessed an absolute miracle! Praise God!! I'm so happy for Ivy & your family! Thank God!!

  11. Praise God! Just thrilled to read this, she is so very precious!!


  13. Darnit, I just got done putting my makeup on and am going to have to freshen up already. God has reigned!!! He is the Alpha and the Omega. Praise God!!!

  14. YES! YES! YES! Now THIS is the news that I have been waiting for. I don't even know your family, but my whole family has been praying like crazy since day 1 of the surgery. What a blessing Ivy is to you (and I imagine God has big plans for her in this world too!).

  15. JUST AMAZING!!!! SHE LOOKS AMAZING!!!! Oh Good Lord she has come SO FAR in SO little time!!! Look at those smiles!!! YAY IVY!!!

  16. Beautiful update! Thank you God!

  17. Your beautiful little doll just looks wonderful, and we're so happy that she's doing great!!! We'll always be praying for sweet Ivy's continued health!
    Leslie and Julianna

  18. I'm so glad I haven't put my makeup on yet I'm crying tears of joy in everything God has done with Ivy's life and for Ivy! Praying for your entire family and that Ivy will be home very, very soon!!!

  19. So beautiful!!!! You are doing a good job mommy and daddy.

  20. Sending our prayers, hugs and PRAISE of thankfulness for such a beautiful recovery! Thank you for taking the time to update and share your pictures too, amazing!
    Your Ivy Joy is so precious.

  21. what a fantastic report!
    Praising God with y'all!!!

  22. Wow, The smiles brought tears to my eyes..Such a little trouper..Can't wait to see her running with her sister...Gyll, Grandmother to Ryleigh (XinYi)

  23. Oh MY GOD! Literally... MY GOD! I love my wonderful God.
    Yes, I thought... "poor baby with all her owies" and immediately thought "WOW! She looks great for everything she's been through." She is just as gorgeous as ever and totally rocking the socks and bows. Ivy is my hero. I want to be just like her; with that lovely disposition and strength. Is it possible to love someone you don't even know?
    Much love to you all. xoxo

  24. She looks great! What a transformation. Long may it continue!

  25. Isn't He AMAZING! It is so good to be a part of the FAMILY OF GOD and to intercede on behalf of brothers and sisters in Christ and watch him perform miracles. It has been a blessing to pray for your sweet family and your sweet Ivy...and we will continue. Thanks for your sharing, honest and open communication. She looks BEAUTIFUL!

  26. What wonderful news! So happy to see Ivy on the mend! Praise God for all the miracles he has performed through little Ivy!!!

  27. I am so thrilled to see Ivy smiling and sitting up playing. She looks great. She will be home before you know it and all this will be behind her. I'm praising God today for all He's done... For hand picking the right family to go get Ivy, and the right doctors to assist Him in the healing process.

    God truely is something. The love He has for His children is unbelievable. He hear us and answers. Great is His faithfulness.

  28. PRaise the King of King and Lord of Lords for this amazing miracle~ I pray many hearts are touched, changed, and moved toward adoption and more precious ones coming home!!! Blessings precious friend~ Ivy is a precious angel!!! XO

  29. Tears of pure happiness are running down my cheeks right now! I'm just amazed and in awe at our Fathers miracle, Ivy Joy! How He has shown His love and glory through her! I too hope so many hearts are touched and maybe many more minds open to Heart babies that so desperatly need a Mamma and babba! Love to you!

  30. This is just so exciting and such a miracle!! Thank you, Lord, for this precious life!!

  31. Thanks be to our Awesome GOD!! Ivy looks really adorable so happy all is going well for her !! The day of coming home with her now is really in the near future -how exciting!! Praise God!! Cathy in Illinois

  32. It is obvious that Ivy is ready to "bust outta here"!


  33. tears of joy is all I can say!!! She really is a superhero!!!!

    YAY!!! She looks fantastic:)

  34. Mary, Ivy looks fantastic! So happy to see her healing and getting closer to home! Any idea when that might be? Being a nurse, I am so sorry that Ivy and you had such a poor experience with her nurse. God is good and I am so thrilled that Ivy is doing so great!

    Happy Birthday to your daughter Cassidy!

  35. Love this! She looks amazing, wonderful and beautiful!!

    psalm 30:12 - That my soul may sing praise to you and not be silent. O Lord, my God I will give thanks to you forever!

  36. YEAH!!!!!! Praise GOD!!!!!
    Doing the happy dance here in Texas for MIss Ivy Joy!!!

  37. Mary what a true testament to your faith in Jesus. It's so good to see Ivy's bright eyes and smiling face! Nancy

  38. Thank you Mary for sharing your heart with your followers ! God has shown Himself faithful to Little Miss Ivy Joy and her family!! He will use her to bring Joy to many people hope to families who want to adopt but are afraid.
    He knew her before she was even formed and had His eyes and hand on her.Bless that sweet little bitty girl !! That precious smile and those beautiful eyes will bring light to all she will meet !!

  39. Praising God for the amazing miracles He is working in and through Ivy. Love the pictures and makes me want another little heart baby!

  40. Praise God! Thank you for sharing and allowing us on thus journey with you.

  41. Praising God for this post. You have been so good to keep us all up to date. So very, very thankful for Ivy Joy.

  42. I am just so happy for you!

    She looks amazing. It is really incredible that she has improved so much in such a short amount of time.

    And Happy 16th Birthday to your daughter.

  43. Been lurking for a while, and finally have to comment. Your little girl is beautiful, and such a little warrior. Praise God for healing, and for the wonderful parents by her side!

  44. Loving that smile!! Praise God!!


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