Thursday, April 12, 2012

~updated~ Day 17 in the PICU ~updated~

I know... my blog post titles are getting kind of repetitive! Sorry :) this is just a quick post to let you know where we stand this morning. I will try to update after the doctors do rounds.
Ivy had a good night. She struggled with sedation as usual but her most awesome, loving, amazing night nurse Jodi (we have had her before when Ivy was just coming off ECMO and we LOVED her) took very good care of her and got her very comfortable!! 
The respiratory therapist said that they have Ivy weaned all the way down on her ventilator and from the breathing standpoint she is doing positively perfect!!! She has her sats right where they need to be and she is not really using the ventilator that is still in her throat. What does this mean??? It means that she is ready to be extubated!!!! It means that her diaphragm is WORKING!!!!!! 

But....... her lungs look worse today than they did yesterday. She has a lot of pulmonary hypertension. The lungs look very cloudy. She sounds major junky. She needs to cough up a lot of stuff but the surgery she had yesterday is very painful and she is still sore from the chest being opened on the 26th, so coughing is not something she is going to do voluntarily right now. She has a new chest tube from last nights surgery and it is still draining a ton. Not super abnormal but more than what they expected by this morning. Again, not a big deal at this point.
We are waiting to see if anything grows from the phlegm sample they took from Ivy yesterday. Prayers that she does not have pneumonia. 

She looks fabulous this morning. Just a tad bit of swelling and a big owie on her bottom lip. She bit it last night when they were wiping her mouth with the peppermint stick. My nurse was so apologetic and sweet about it. Last night when I was leaving, nurse Jodi came to me and said, ~I want you to know that I am overjoyed that Ivy finally got this surgery and that it went so well tonight, and I am even more overjoyed that I get to be her nurse tonight!! Then she told me this morning when she left that she would be back tonight and that she was going to do whatever she could to have Ivy again. 

Update  4:45pm

Little Miss Cutie Pants is doing good. She has times where she seems very uncomfortable but they are very short lived. She just makes very sad faces and kicks and shakes her head NO

We had an x~ray done just a few minutes ago and her lungs look much better than this morning!!! Much Better!!!!! 

They are giving her a steroid for the swelling in her throat, remember she had to be re~intubated yesterday when she coughed up her tube. So her throat was very swollen and raw. The steroids are relieving that swelling and getting her ready to ex tubate in the morning!!!! Yep yep! You read that right! The ventilator go's bye bye in the morning!! 

Jaime~ She is on diuretics, lots of it!! She will go home with it too. She gets Lasix on a drip and she gets one other in her line. I am going to mention to them during rounds tonight that I notice she is getting less Lasix than she was before, and ask why?
To make things even more similar to Miss E, if her lungs don't continue to look better they will be placing another chest tube. I remember E had her's forever!! And the chest tube that went in last night is draining a TON. It wasn't a huge concern this morning but her output has tripled since then! These Hangzhou girls will need to meet some day!! 

And last, before I close out for the day, her pacemaker! I can feel it! It is very strange... I mean seriously, they showed me the x ray and that was interesting, seeing this box and these wires in my baby girls body right there on the x ray. We need that pacemaker so seeing it didn't really seem odd. But.... feeling it!! I place my hand on her and there is this very hard, metal hard, panel! Right under her skin. She is soooo skinny, maybe some fat will cover it up? I just can't explain how strange it is to feel this hard panel, really strange. But we will find lots of ways to make her feel extra cool about her pacemaker!! 


  1. Your darling little one is always in our thoughts and prayers!
    Leslie and Julianna

  2. Sweet Baby!!! Thankful for loving caregivers!!!! I know what a blessing that is! Ivy Joy you are truly remarkable!!!!!! Prayers for that vent to be GONE! And, for her precious lungs to clear once again.. I will continue to pray for God to breathe life into those lungs so she doesn't need assistance.. It's time for Ivy to be free from any and all things getting in the way of her Mama loving on her!!!!


  3. LOVING the update!!! Thrilled to hear about her diaphragm!!! So thankful for nurse Jodi. I remember so well how the right nurse can make you sleep a whole lot better! She's in good hands:)

  4. Thank God, or as they say here: Alhamdulillah!

  5. I'm so so happy to hear Ivy is doing a bit better. How wonderul she has such amazing nurses and doctors that view her not just as "Patient number..." but as the tiny and amazing miracle she is! :)

  6. Mary . . that is wonderful news! I swear Ivy and Elisyn are running a parallel journey after their surgeries. Have they talked about increasing her diuretics? That was the life saver for Elisyn. She has needed them a long time, but it was able to clear up the lungs from her PH, like your Ivy. Can't wait to see that baby girl extubated!! Keep on fighting Ivy!

  7. Always thinking of Sweet Ivy Joy and your family....and praying. She is so beautiful, even after surgery, even with tubes, even being intubated. I could look at her all day!

  8. We are thrilled to hear things are going well and that her diaphram is working!!! I've tried to not to be in "nurse mode" when posting but I do agree with Jamie, diuretics may help with the swelling and her lungs:) Continuing to pray for you sweet baby girl!!!

  9. Thrilled to hear the good news and I surely know how AMAZING it is to have a good nurse~ they are the best and sweetest people of earth to our little ones and the mamas~ they GET us!!! So thankful you have great ones too!!! Makes a world of difference. Prayers continue to be prayed!!! Blessings and love! XO

  10. Mary, we do not know each other, but we have a daughter from Taiwan and that is how I came across your blog while you were in China.

    I literally think of your Ivy Joy all day long....every day. I can't get her out of my mind. I am constantly saying a prayer for her and you and your family, her caregivers.

    I check on you guys every day and I so look forward to the day I see that beautiful little superhero at home with her siblings playing and doing what super heeros do!!!

    The quote that runs thru my head each day now because of you is "you never know how strong you can be until strength is all you have" Your faith and strength seem unwavering and I know there must just be moments of wanting to just collapse from mental and physical exhaustion....but you are reminded how strong your sweet girl is and I am sure the energy comes right back.

    Please know our family sends you our thoughts and prayers and I am so happy to see what amazing care you guys are receiving and know that Ivy Joy will be home and in perfect health in no time.

    Hug your little superhero for my family!!!

  11. I'm a mama to 3 beauties from China. I can't tell you how much love I'm sending your way. Ivy is a special miracle - God has BIG PLANS for her. She's such a fighter. I can't wait to see the photos of her running around with her sisters and brother!!!


  13. Amen for sweet Ivy! Praying her lungs clear quickly!!!

  14. Ivy, you have such strength and determination! Keep fighting little princess. You have an awesome mama and a God who loves you beyond comprehension! So many people are praying for you and loving you.

  15. God bless Jodi, Jamie, and all of the other staff that are not only loving their jobs, but loving through their jobs! God bless them! And God bless little Ivy Joy (praise God!)

  16. What a miracle-filled post!!! God is getting very close to "showing off" at this point =o)...and I am reminded of how He loves her even more than you, and that does not seem possible. I always take comfort in Psalm 139:

    14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
    15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.

    This always gives me comfort when worry consumes me. I am lifting up
    prayers for a sweet and comfortable night knowing that God is in control. Gale

  17. Dear Sweet Mary,
    You are doing such a great job. I just want to send you lots of virtual hugs! My father has had a pacemaker for almost 30 years and it is not a big deal. He exercises hard, travels the globe, etc... can be felt under his skin. This is the verse that came to my mind when I was just praying for Ivy: "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32. God is going to give Ivy EVERYTHING she needs and protect her every step of the way. Sending you lots of LOVE!

  18. Thanks for updating us on all the good news!! Thanks be to God! Ivy Joy you are an absolute ANGEL:)
    God Bless,

  19. Keep the good news warms this Mama's heart!!!

  20. Thanks for the MId-Day updates ... Ivy never leaves our mind when we are awake.

    He is beside her always. Oh Happy Days !

    John C.

  21. So happy to hear that today went well, her lungs are clearing up and sweet Ivy will hopefully have pesky vent off tomorrow!!! Woo hoo! Thank you God for cradling Ivy in your arms and for your many blessings! Praying for a good night for Ivy and her mama and a much needed and much deserved peaceful night's sleep! Hugs and kisses for that amazing little girl, Ivy Joy!!!

  22. I've with Di ~ it is time for Ivy to be free from all of the things getting in the way of her mama loving on her!!! Standing in agreement for clearing lungs and things to go well as she comes off that vent tomorrow morning. Precious baby girl... we are rejoicing over the testimony she is going to be able to share one day!! God is FAITHFUL! <><

    Love and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya

    “Peace I leave you with; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” ~ John 14:27

  23. Hurrah for the Hangzhou honeys. Glad that today was uneventful in a good way.

  24. Following your incredible journey every single day from Florida! We are waiting for a heart transplant for our Chinese Princess, so I feel a special connection to you and your Ivy Joy! Are these precious girls amazing, or what??? Praying that you are resting in God's all sufficient grace tonight! Know that you do not stand alone!

    Lori McCary

  25. Last check before bed and praise God for the ever unfolding miracle before our very eyes. I love, love, love how you are thinking about helping her feel good about her pacemaker; what an indication of your hope about the future. Brighter days are just ahead. Praying for only forward steps. Your faith and trust in God in the darkest moments has been an inspiration.

  26. I have found your blog through someone else about a month ago . I just wanted you to know we have been praying for your sweet Ivy Joy all the way in Tupelo, Ms. We are so glad to see she is making improvements. I hope to be adopting a waiting child from China in the very near future. God bless you and your sweet family !!

  27. Praying for Ivy's lungs to clear!

    So happy to hear she is doing better.

    We will continue to pray that she improves. I'm sure Ivy is done with all the attachments and just wants to be free of them all.

    Prayers and Hugs!

  28. Continuing to pray for sweet Ivy. I pray that the Spirit of the Living God breath His Holy Breath into Ivy's lungs pure and full of health filling her with healing and life and fullness of health!!

    Katie Grace is still on her lasix at home after a week. I think it is helpful. She had fluid in her x-rays in her lungs every morning and it slowing diminished!! God is good!

  29. I am so thankful she is doing so well! Praise the Lord, her surgery was a success and you are moving in the right direction!!

  30. Bless you and sweet Ivy! Saying a prayer for her.

  31. You call her the bionic girl that's how that pacemaker makes her special. I have titanium plates in my jaw and screws in my shoulder and when I was younger my parents called me the bionic girl and for some reason it helped. Ivy is so beautiful and is always in many peoples thoughts and prayers here in Minnesota. God Bless to you all, and I know Ivy will keep fighting!

  32. Sounds like lots of blessings and wonderful nurses!

    Will continue to pray for the amazing Ivy Joy!!!

    Love and blessings,

  33. Praying for continued blessings for your family and healing for little Ivy!
    Thank you for all your updates on this sweet little girl!

  34. Isa 8:18a(JPS) "Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me shall be for signs and for wonders..." And indeed you are!
    God Bless all of you. Love, Nancy


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