Wednesday, April 11, 2012

He Brings Victory!!!!!

Praising God tonight!!! Whispering in baby girls ear and Praising the King!!! Whispering all of your names, no matter who you are or what you believe, we are all one, and Ivy will always hear about the parade of angels who loved her from Arizona to Dhabi, UAE and back!!!! 

She is back in her room and resting. My little warrior princess had her eyes open when they rolled her back to her room!! She does not mess around! 

The doctor used the same incision for her pacemaker and her diaphragm. They are going to wean her off the ventilator as they see her doing more on her own and we hope to have her ex~tubated in the next 48 hours!! 


  1. PTL!!! Count me among those who don't actually know you, but I'm praying fervently for your precious family. God is doing amazing things through that sweet little girl. I can't even begin to imagine what a roller coaster this has been for you all, but know that He is ever present with you. Thank you for sharing Ivy's story! She is truly an inspiration to so many!

  2. Our Amazing God is using the Strongest Child on Earth to carry out his plan for now, for tomorrow and forever.

    You would not have been chosen her mother unless you too were strong enough to deliver what His plan requires. Team Ivy grows by the hour.

    In Prayer there is Love.

    John C.

  3. Yay! I was so hoping for a happy update before I fell asleep tonight. I can't wait to read of her progress in the coming days. It's amazing how BIG her story is given how short her little life has been so far. I imagine you are craving some dull, boring days at home as a family in the near future.

    Thanking God for all He continues to do for Ivy Joy! Sleep well!


  4. Praise God. I will continue to hold you all up in my prayers.

    China Hope

  5. i have been following your blog & so happy to learn that Ivy is doing great. Praise the Lord!

  6. This is WONDERFUL news! PTL! Looking forward to hearing more great results. You are a warrior as well Mary. Sending lots of prayer and love your way.


  7. Now I lay me down to rest,
    Praise the Lord we are so blessed!
    Thank you God for answers to prayer,
    For Ivy’s healing and tremendous hospital care!
    Please strengthen and heal her with your might,
    And give all Ivy’s prayer warriors and the Sammons family rest tonight!

  8. YAY Ivy and YAY God! It is such an honor to pray for your daughter!

  9. What WONDERFUL news!! Can't wait to watch her improve every day now!!

  10. Praise God!!!!! He loves His little ones!! Been praying for your little Ivy. So thankful for God's healing.


  11. From Germany, prayers continue and many heartfelt thoughts for all that is possible to heal Ivy and bring her home soonest! You are all warriors in my book, know we are all keeping you close.

  12. So happy to hear she is out of surgery and doing well.

    I couldn't wait to see how Ivy was doing. She is amazing and so strong.

    Praise God!
    Continue prayer that now she can heal and go home.
    Caroline in CT

  13. Praise the Lord! My first chance to check today, but thrilled for the good news. Go God!!!

  14. PTL!!! I got up early to check for an update. I am crying tears of Joy!!! Please know that I am sending you a huge cyber hug!!!
    Kathie in NY

  15. Praise the Lord!! God has answered prayers!! Praying you all can rest today and Ivy will continue to get stronger and stronger.

  16. Continuing to believe the miracles(John 10:38)and know that He will work through the doctors and nurses treating sweet Ivy. Cling to Him as you wait for complete healing.

    Precious Ivy: God has big plans for you, plans for HOPE and a FUTURE, plans to prosper you and not to harm you all the days of your life! To HIM be the Glory FOREVER!
    praying in TX

  17. I've been worried/thinking about her all day at work and praying. But also knowing that she'd do great.

    Ay Sweet Ivy Joy... you're giving me so many emotions to feel, baby girl! I look forward to seeing you running around with Lexi.

    Big kiss! Praying for you and your family always.


  18. What great news to wake up to. Glad she is back in the room of miracles.

    Isaiah 41:10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

  19. Wonderful news, Mary. Rest in His hands.

  20. So, SO delighted to hear this news! Praise the Lord!

  21. Praise Him and may you be blessed today, clinging to Him who brought you through another night. We continue to uphold you in our prayers. xoxo from Texas!

  22. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what my ears needed to hear this morning!!! Thank you thank you for an early update, Mary!!! Yes, we are like family!!! :)

  23. Faith. Hope. Love.

    Ivy has an amazing testimony of HOPE and God's abundant LOVE through the ever growing FAITH of a multitude of prayer warriors! This is so exciting!!!

    Ivy, you are one tough little nugget and I cannot wait to see what God has planned for your life... Until then, we are on our knees, praying for and praising God for what He has done and how He continues to heal your body!

    "This is the day the Lord has made...let us rejoice and be glad in it..."
    Rejoicing for you comes easily this morning!!!


  24. Woo Hoo!!! Praise be to the creator of Heaven and Earth!!! :D
    It is such an honor and a privelege to lift Ivy Joy up to the Most High. Continue fighting, little princess, God has GREAT things in store for you!!! xoxo Brooke

  25. What great news to wake up to! Praise God!

  26. Praising God for this wonderful news this morning. God is good all the time!!

  27. I just wanted to let you know that I and my family are praying for Ivy, her medical team, and all of you! So glad to get the good news this morning!

  28. PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So thrilled to hear this news!


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