Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In Surgery now, Pacemaker and Diaphragm Plication

When they took her away for her surgery I had to move all her treasures off her bed. It just didn't feel right. Seeing her wheeled away on that big bed felt heavy. Her OR nurse (male and same one as the day of her Open heart surgery) and Anesthesiologist were the sweetest men we could have wished for today. She was asleep but that did not stop them from talking to her all the way, loving on her, and being absolutely amazing! So thankful!

Today we got more adorable pictures and treasures from some more very sweet little girls! Thank you Chloe and Avery! Children and adults, Tiny kids and big kids.. It just blows my mind, loving our girl through prayer and cards and beautiful artwork, gifts and emails and constant thoughts! Gale said it well, though we may not have ~met~ We are all sisters and brothers in Christ.

I don't know why God chose Ivy to use in such a big way. I don't know why it is that He has pressed on so many hearts, the overwhelming call to lift her in prayer, the heaviness on hearts for this precious child we call Ivy Joy, the deep desire to see her healed and home, but He has and the only way I have to thank you is through this blog and by keeping you updated as often as possible.  Thank you!! God is using you to give me strength. Only He could give the kind of strength to get through something like this, you know what I mean? It's big stuff, hard stuff, overwhelming stuff!

Ivy is still in surgery right now (6:52pm) as I type this. the doctor is hoping he can place the pacemaker through the same insiscion as the diaphragm repair. But, he warned me that if he could not, he would need to open her chest back up. I want this to work and I want what is best for Ivy so whatever it takes, lets just get it done so we can have Ivy back!

I have to tell you though, seeing her off for surgery today was harder than February 26th when she came in for this huge open heart surgery! I know this is crazy but let me explain. We had a blue baby, a baby with a very crazy little heart, she needed so much done to it and we raced to get her home for that. Her surgery was her only chance at life, she was not going to survive any longer without it, so while it was scary, it was good, it was her chance at life!

This time, her heart is fixed. Her pace is not without help and her lung is not working but she is pink and she is here! So the crazy thoughts raced through my mind this time. Thoughts that did not haunt me last time. Will the anesthesia have side effects, will the heart be able to keep working if she goes in to surgery again, will her diaphragm really be fixed, what if her lungs can't do the work even with a diaphragm repair, what if.. what if... what if she comes back on ECMO..... Yikes! I had to stop myself from all this nonsense and remember that it has never been through my own strength that I have made it this far. Oh what comfort that is!! And He who made her, knows her! He who made her, loves her!!! He who loves her will bring her back to us and we will be right here waiting!

Love to all of you!!!!!


  1. I never thought it was possible to want something so badly for someone I don't know but I am hoping and praying for Ivy, your family and her medical team.

  2. Mary, you have so many people right there with you in fervent prayer for Ivy! I firmly believe that this will be her last surgery for a long time to come and she will be healing and headed home with her loving family! Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated on your precious baby!

  3. Praying now for Ivy Joy and also for you as you ae waiting and that is soooo hard for any Momma!!! My daughter and I prayed also at bedtiem!

  4. Mary, I have been following your blog and I have been so touched by all that God has done for Ivy and your family! I brought home our little girl 2 weeks after Ivy came home and she is such a blessing and will be undergoing some cleft surgery this summer. Although not the extent of Ivy's surgery, you have really help me put this all in our Lords hands and I thank you for that! Please know that me and my family and friends are praying and have posted your blog on our facebook pages to have others help in praying! In Christs Love, Mindy

  5. We are holding Ivy close here and will continue to lift her in prayer. Hugs.

  6. Praying so hard in New York for Ivy and for you.

  7. Mary, I'm not Christian or religious but I am an adoptive mother with huge amounts of faith, love and hope. And I've been keeping Ivy Joy and your entire family in my heart and thoughts. Ivy and your family have touched the hearts and souls of many. We're sending love and peace and healing to all of you...

  8. Praying for Ivy and for peace for her sweet family.

    I keep checking regularly for updates! Ivy Joy is on my heart!


  9. Praying hard for Miss Ivy. I will check your site first thing again in the morning.

  10. Gabriella, our baby girl from China, and I have been following your blog very closely. Each day she asked me "Mommy, we need to check on baby Ivy. We need to pray for her. What does her mommy say we need to ask God to do for her"? And then we pray. We can be driving in the car, at home or saying our prayers at night. Ivy has a very special place in all of our hearts! We wish were closer as we would be right there with you!! Hugs and Prayers!

  11. Delaware

  12. Thank you for the update, I have been thinking of you all ALL afternoon and evening. Our God is so good and knows what needs to be done. I am so ready for you to take that sweet baby home to play with her siblings!!

  13. The Ivy Joy team in St Louis is praying for our sweet, chocolate loving princess. We have been praying all along and when one or more are gathered......we are in agreement that Ivy Joy will pull through this surgery stronger and pinker than ever! Hugging you all with our hearts,

  14. Mary,
    We continue to pray for your family and sweet Ivy. After my son had his diaphragm surgery, he turned the corner and started doing so much better. I pray that this is exactly what your precious girl needs and that she can rest and be hom very soon!
    Praying for your family while you wait.

  15. Oh Mary, I adore you. I miss you. I do not miss waking up at PCH, but I miss knowing you were just one floor down & that we might have a coffee, or lunch break or walk around the PCH campus awaiting us. I'm so thankful for you, your friendship, your strength & your example of faith. Can't wait to hear that Ivy Joy is back in that bed with all of you surrounding her.
    Love you,

  16. Mary, we go to sleep tonight praying that Ivy's surgery goes well and that she comes back to her room on the road to recovery without any major issues. She is tought...that we have seen and I know she can do it! You have so many people praying for your family and I know she will be okay. Hugs and we look forward to good news in the morning. Thank you for keeping us updated....we are constantly checking in on you all!!! Janice {hugs}

  17. Praying in Kentucky!


  18. God love you and beautiful lvy.

  19. Mary, You have so many of your sisters and brothers in Christ praying on your behalf. We are standing in and will continue to do so until sweet Ms. Ivy is in her car seat heading home, Pink and healthy!
    Love you

  20. Mary,
    Ivy and you will be in my prayers, thoughts and my heart all night as well as her surgeons. Praying for wonderful news for that sweet little one and her wonderful family! Blessings!

  21. Every time we pray, God's mighty power is released and made available to bring victory......
    Our most fervent prayers for Ivy Joy!

  22. So relieved to get your text of good news!!!! We will be praying specifically for her to be extubated asap!!!! God is being glorified in a beautiful way through HIs precious child, Ivy Joy! And, He has given you the voice and the heart to praise Him. Even on the toughest of days! You are doing a wonderful job Mary. So proud of you!


  23. Count me among those who don't actually know you, but I'm praying fervently for your precious family. God is doing amazing things through that sweet little girl. I can't even begin to imagine what a roller coaster this has been for you all, but know that He is ever present with you. Thank you for sharing Ivy's story! She is truly an inspiration to so many!

  24. I loved you comment about how many were praying for little Ivy, even though many have never met your family. So many of us have the same bond of adoption and know these children need the same chance in life and others. We are all God's children and want to see the best for each other. If we had to go through the same thing, I and others would hope and pray to have the same support. We are all hear for each other which is such a wonderful gift.

  25. You are oh so right about the prayer warriors precious little Ivy Joy has around the country (world?). Thank you for the updates. I have found myself on pins and needles waiting to hear how she is doing. How can someone else's daughter weigh so heavily on my own heart (and that of my family-my dtrs and husband are asking me how Ivy is doing) Clearly your family alone was not meant to shoulder the prayers for Ivy all alone as so many of us care for her as well. Praying for many forward steps with none going backwards. Peace be with you.


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