Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Day In Pictures


  1. What a wonderful see her out of that bed and being pushed around in her stroller...BIG improvements!!! Hope her little belly has had some relief...sometimes being upward and wiggling around may shift some of that air. Prayers for more and more great days to come!! She is going to have quite the testimony to share as she ages! God is great, God is good~

  2. WONDERFUL! I am rejoicing; God is so good!

  3. Thank you for this Positive-Update Album. Being Held and Loved-upon is by far the best medicine anyone can offer this young lady !

    Only you can fully understand how she has been able to Battle-thru this process. If anyone ever had a doubt ... Prayer Works.

    J C

  4. BEST POST BY FAR! So incredibly happy to see her in your arms and to see those beautiful eyes opened wide. Oh Mary it is two years ago today that the doctors gave Hannah a 30% chance at life and they did emergency surgery. Two years ago that the Lord did an amazing work in her life. Can't wait to celebrate Ivy's two years as well. Love the progress she has made and she will embrace her beautiful scars and pacemakers as she hears you tell her beautiful story of how they came to be and the work the Lord did in her precious life.


  5. a picture is worth a thousand words and tears!!! She really is a superhero!!!

    Tears of joy running down my cheeks for all of you and the joy you must be feeling<<

  6. Oh Ivy...the smile on your mama's face says it all! You are such a strong and amazing girl! You make me want to try harder today...and that's not easy for a 47 year old with a beat up hurting body! But after seeing those pictures of you out of that bed...I will spend time out of mine today too!

  7. I gasped! What a wonderful surprise. Precious,beautiful, treasured Ivy and her entourage. Love it!

  8. First the open eyes, the up and out of bed? Awesome! Go team Ivy!!!

  9. Go ivy!!!! Hope today is an even better day!

  10. What an AWESOME day!!! Its wonderful seeing her in her mama's arms and then to see her out for a ride ~ simply amazing!!! God is good!!!

  11. Tears of joy for these beautiful pictures. Prayers continue from Mississipi.
    Cheri, newly home with another Hangzhou blessing.

  12. Love seeing Ivy out of bed & being held! Amazing girl...Amazing God!!

  13. Wonderful to see this!!!! So very happy for you all!

  14. Those photos brought tears of Joy...Praise God!!

  15. What beautiful pictures, they say so much. So glad you can hold her now!

  16. How wonderful see this miracle baby this morning doing so well!!!
    Praise Jesus!

  17. Praise God! She looks so content in your arms. Keep the faith and be strong - you are are wonderful mommy!

  18. Hallelujah!! Oh to see Ivy Joy's beautiful face this morning with eyes wide open and held in everyone's arms. She looks just fantastic! Praise the Lord!!!!! Thank you for giving us the day in pictures, Mary!!! God bless you all:)

    Lisa & family

  19. We are sharing these pictures around the breakfast table today!! go girl!!!
    Thank you God...please continue your healing!!

  20. Thank you Lotd, for giving us the chance to see a glorious miracle. Thank you Mary and family for letting us look In on this incredible work of God. We love you Ivy Joy.

  21. You don't know me, but I've been following your blog. I found you through Katie Grace, who I don't know either. It was so wonderful to see your daughter doing so much better. To see her eyes open and out of bed just touched my heart. I think about her all the time. Continued wishes sent your way.

    Mom to Rachel Qinghuang
    Huainan, Anhui CHINA

  22. I've been following you through Catherine of Canada, I'm so glad to see improvement in Ivy. Now for some smiles....Can't wait...Gyll in California, Grandmother to Ryleigh, (Xinyi)

  23. Ohhhhhhhh Mary,
    I prayed and prayed that I would see Ivy's big, beautiful eyes wide open the next time you updated us! GOD IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!
    You are an amazing Mom and I am so happy for you and your wonderful family:)
    God Bless,

  24. THANK YOU GOD!! How wonderful to see those beautiful eyes of Little Miss open and to see her in the arms and laps of her loved ones !! Even a ride in the stroller !! God is GOOD!! such a joyful post !! thank you for sharing !! Cathy in Illinois

  25. PRAISING God for His healing!! Ivy's up and cruisin' the halls! Eyes open, ever so slight smile and NO naso-gastric tube...her belly must be improving on its own. So very happy to see positive progress! Our prayers have been answered!

  26. Look at those beautiful eyes! So happy to see the progress that she's making.

  27. The best pictures ever!!!! And, I LOVE seeing the "bigs" with her!! And, the whole family strolling the halls of the PICU!!! We had an amazing sermon today that reminded us so much of you and what you are all going through together. You are doing an incredible job of glorifying God through this amazing journey in Ivy's life.. She is a true testimony to God's healing, and His amazing love for all of you! We are praying specifically for God to continue to heal Ivy and to get her home soon!!!!

    Hugs from MN,

  28. wow! amazing and wonderful! Ivy joy, you are a shining star! Thank you God! That looks like victory to me!

  29. The best pictures yet! Yay! So happy to see Ivy up and around.

    Blessings for more progress.

  30. What an even more wonderful way to start Chloe's 5th birthday off today!!! On our way to church, I got my daily email update and shared the pictures with the girl's and the smile on Chloe's face was priceless and then she says, "Ivy's better for my birthday!" :) Amen! I hope you all had another wonderful and snuggle filled day today!
    Love, love, love!!

  31. Ivy is such a beautiful little princess. I used to read your blog, but lost it some time ago. I'm praying for your family. One day this will all be a distant memory and God will get the Glory for healing your beautiful daughter and her life will be a testimony of faith and courage. You are an amazing Mom!

  32. How surprised we were to open your post and see Ivy Joy strolling down that hospital corridor in her stroller with that entourage! And in your arms.....she looks so good and your peaceful smile is a testimony to all God has brought you through. Praying for this week to be filled with more progress toward healing! God is good!

  33. so happy to see her beautiful eyes open. Your faith is amazing

  34. So thankful to open your page today and see a bright-yed girl with her smilling mama! God is sooo good. What an amazing transformation Ivy Joy has had this week! Thanks so much for taking the time to let us know how uch better she is!

  35. LOVE IT!!!! What a happy day!!!

  36. Our family who is also adopting from China (WIC) have been following sweet Ivy's journey. Although we are strangers your family has inpired us with your faith and trust in our Lord and the love that is so clearly shared between each of you. Thank you for sharing Ivy and your family. Her story is maybe far more reaching than you will ever know. We continue to pray for all of you~

  37. The ONLY thing that will make me smile bigger than today is when I see you taking her home but for now, I am SO thankful for your precious miracle!!! Blessings and love! XO

  38. This really, really made my day!! Love you all!!


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