Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ivy Joy Your Amazing!

Today started out with a very tired mommy heading to room 101 at 5 ish. Little Miss Lexi sprung an ear infection that we learned of in the middle of the night. She cried on and off from 11pm-3am. Poor baby girl, I think she just tolerates it without us even realizing she has one until it is just about to burst. And ALWAYS on a weekend. 

Baby Ivy was sound asleep when I came in. She had a great night, with lots of good rest!! Must have something to do with the busy fun day she gave all of us yesterday!! Her face looked very sunken to me, especially her eyes, they had deep dark circles under them. Even though this sounds bad and looks sad, this is actually good. It was the doctors plan to up her diuretics and really make sure they were drying her out. Well she's certainly dried out! Her lungs look great, her diaphragm surgery was no doubt, a success! 

And since it seems that everything that CaN happen, DoEs happen to our Tiny Super Hero.... I will share our next adventure.

When they placed Ivy's Pacemaker, they accidentally severed a lymph node. She is putting out more fluid from her chest tube than she should be at this point, due to the lymph node. She has been put on non dairy, Fat Free feeds. She is tolerating it all well. We are asking for prayer that with the special diet this resolves itself. Because if it does not, she will require YET ANOTHER surgery to find the lymph node and tie it off. God is good, so many other complications along this long road could have happened and they have NOT!! Yes, we have been here a long time, but SHE's HERE!!! I can not let anything else stop me from giving thanks and praise for that!! And wow is she ever here!!! Playing with toys, playing patty cake, doing the hand motion to her chinese jingle bells song, nodding yes to the doctors and nurses when they ask her questions and nodding no when she just wants them to go away. She's absolutely amazing and definitely has the nurses and respiratory therapist wrapped around her little finger!

I am trying to keep in mind that Ivy is Tiny and that pacemaker is big in her tiny body. The chance of hitting a lymph node would be greater in her small body. I believe they did their best and I am ever so grateful for the their hand in Ivy Joys chance at life!

On to today!!!

There was lots of playing!

                Looking cute in my custom made             
                hospital gown!!

Lots of holding!

I am so excited to see how much progress she will make this week!! Speech therapy is coming  tomorrow to see about getting her to take some ice chips or a little water. As of today she has refused everything but the wee bit of chocolate I snuck in to her mouth :) It was a very tiny speck and it made her very happy!!! My nurse pretended not to see.

And last but certainly not least, Chloe H~ Ivy sends you giant birthday hugs and kisses!!! Happy 5th Birthday Sweet Girl!!! 


  1. What a joy to see a good report and some wonderful pictures! What a blessing!

  2. Swells my heart to see her playing Praying that she will not have to undergo another surgery. Ivy is never forgotten in my daughter-from-China's prayers.

  3. What an absolute blessing your little fighter is! She is truly a little super hero. Ivy and the rest of your family will continue to be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing her journey with us, there is no doubt what an inspiration she has been to so many.

  4. So wonderful to see Ivy and Lexi playing together again! Praying for healing of her lymph node on it's own so she doesn't have to have any more surgery and for her ear infection to get better soon, those are just awful! What a trooper she is!!! Also praying for another fun play day and snuggling with mama!!!
    Hugs and kisses!! Oh yes, and thanks for the bday "shout out" for Chloe, she got a kick out of that seeing her name on "Ivy's website"! :) And Avery would like to know what happened to the pretty music that usually plays in the background? She has been singing that song for weeks now! :)

  5. It's so awesome to see those beautiful eyes and rosy cheeks.

    I'm amazed how far this baby girl has come in such a short time.

    ...Still praising God and praying for her complete recovery so she can return home and to her family.

  6. Bless you today as you begin again~ praying for God's mercy on the node and it will be well!!! LOVE all the photos~ such a blessing to see Ivy playing! Blessings and love! XO

  7. Oh Mary what an amazing site to see miss Ivy playing and laying in the arms of her family! So sorry that Lexi had an ear infection....those are not fun..poor girl! Hope you get some rest and that this week only brings great news and more beautiful pictures of Lexi feeling better and better...we feel such joy for your family xoxo

  8. She is one amazing little girl!! Never have seen so much fight from someone so tiny. She is small, but mighty!

    So good to see he up and playing Mary. Brings a big old smile to my face!

    Hope today is another great day with marked improvement.



  9. Your sweet Ivy couldn't be more darling! We're still praying every day for everything to go perfectly from now on with your little super hero!
    Leslie and Julianna

  10. Such sweet photos, it's good to see her looking like she feels better. God is good.


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