Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The miracle in room 5-123

Yesterday morning started out with big outstretched arms and mama mama under her cpap mask. I filled you all in up to the point of baby girl getting her washcloth and her 5 ice chips and me crawling in bed with her. When she fell in to her deep sleep I got out of the bed and let you all know the praise report, the excitement of being free of one more accessory and where my heart was at that moment. This post is going to take you from that point until where we are this morning.
Yesterday morning~
Ivy had been sleeping for a full hour. She was peaceful and not stirring around a bit. Then the beeping began. It was not from her meds, it was the monitor. I went over to take a look and her oxygen saturation had dropped to 94. Jaime was down the hall. I stood and watched it, expecting it to pop back up... 93,92,91,90. The beeps continued. Jaime came in, 89,88,87,86.. She called her respiratory therapist in. She sounded very junky in the lungs so they decided to try her breathing treatment and suctioning. When they suction her they put a tube down her nostril and use a sucking machine like when you are getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist (sounds the same too). They also put one down her throat. They did not get much out by suctioning and her numbers continued to drop 85,84,83,82,81,80
My heart sunk! Not because I thought something terrible was going to happen, remember, I've seen Ivy's Oxygen saturation at 20! But this time it's different, not only is she operating with a new heart, I was told that if her numbers could not stay at 95 or above she would have to be put back on the ventilator. That is 5 steps backwards and means misery for my precious girl. The thought of that was suffocating me to the point that I felt faint. The room was empty, the scurry in the hall was obvious, the doctors were called. I lowered Ivy's bed and hopped in to it. I pulled her up on to my arm as best I could and I placed my hand on her head and my face on her heart and I began to pray. I begged! I did not waste time, there was no time. Shine Jesus, I said! Shine like only you can, change those numbers like only you can, we've already seen that no amount of oxygen or suction from these current machines can do it, SHINE! I looked at the monitor as I continued this blunt, basic, non wordy prayer. You see God doesn't care what fancy or non fancy words we use when we pray, He just wants us to talk to Him, to spend time with Him, to know Him. 71,75,80,81,82 I continue to pray....85,89,90,91,92,93 Nurse Jaime walks in. She looks dumbfounded?? She looks at me, she looks at the monitor, she looks at Ivy.... I ask her where it needs to be for there to be no need for change. She says we like it at 95 or higher but that it isn't going to stay high because she dropped way too low. I think otherwise. I go back to baby girl and continue to pray. The doctors have arrived now, it's been all of 3 or 4 minutes and her oxygen saturation is now 98!!! Yes that's God my friends, That is God!!!!! 70-98 in 3 or 4 minutes!!!!
Since everyone was already there, they decide to do rounds and discuss the next step for Ivy. Everybody completely expecting the beeping to return any second. It did not return! In fact she stayed on the cannula with her numbers between 98 and 100! By this morning her oxygen was decreased from 12 to 8! They had said they would not begin weaning her down until today but since she was doing so well they started overnight and she did fantastic. She sits at 100% oxygen saturation right now!! She is getting fed through the tube right now and she was offered milk from a straw and guzzled it right down! She is with her daddy right now, he even got to kinda sorta hold her... the best her could with lots of wires and cords still on her. She is eating ice chips and drinking milk and tonight she might get some oatmeal and chocolate pudding!!!!!! 

Her upper left lung still has issues with some collapse, her right lung still has some fluid in it. Her diaphragm has a small perforation, common nick that accidentally happens during a complicated procedure. They are confident it will heal on its own. WE ARE SO VERY thankful for the miracles of today and the gift of Ivy's life. We are in awe of how God continues to shine shine shine and we are so excited by all of the sweet comments and lovely emails! We are hearing stories of people trusting Christ after reading Ivy's story or being matched with a heart baby or how your children are involved in daily prayer for Ivy, how some of you had drifted away from your faith in the Lord and now your eyes are wide open and you are back in his loving arms, how some of your husbands are now on board to adoption and how all of you have come to love this tiny miracle girl named Ivy Joy!!! God is faithful and hears every prayer. He loves you, he loves me and he loves Ivy Joy. We are all so blessed!!!


  1. Dear dear Mary,

    I honestly don't know how you do it, your faith and love are an inspiration. I am sitting here in tears as I read this from my office- I check in on your beautiful girl so often through the day and have been praying so hard for all of you. My little heart baby just turned 8 (she's been home for five years now) and there is a spirit and strenght about her that everyone comments on and I see the same in your darling Ivy Joy!
    Antinette Mama to Hadley

  2. I have chills- so many think we don't see miracles today - but we DO! I loved your prayer SHINE!

  3. Proof-Positive God can be in two places at one time. He has spent the past week with Ivy, a hand on her cheek and yet the Earth and it's Universe has not collapsed at God's absence.

    Your strength, conviction and trust are His reward.

    Obviously, Ivy is part of a Special Plan. He Blesses you all.

    John C

  4. Your faith is an inspiration. Only he can bring those oxygen levels back so quickly.

    I continue to pray for Ivy Joy and your family. It brings me peace and comfort.

  5. What a SWEET SWEET privilege to pray for your baby girl, and to be able to witness the miracle of her LIFE! All Glory to GOD!
    What a sweet sweet Easter! :)
    Hugs from a China heart mama in AL!

  6. Mary just checking in, she looks so great! So happy that she continues to do well all in God's time. Hugs.

  7. Made me cry an ugly good cry. Thank you for sharing this story of your life with Ivy Joy!!!! So precious to witness God's glory!

  8. This was a happy cry post. Praise God. He is Awesome.

  9. Beautiful beautiful beautiful:)! The picture of Ivy sipping her milk made me shed Happy Tears. I can't believe how beautifully pink she is!
    While I was reading this, only one thought was running through my head...
    "For with God, nothing will be impossible" (Luke 1:37)
    How true and simply fitting it is! Such a small sentence with such profound depth!

    Lee and Sarah Van Grunsven

  10. How wonderful to see God working, and to hear such good news about sweet Ivy Joy!! Smiling through my tears!

  11. Glory to God! He is so good. Thank you for sharing this journey. It is helping me now and will help a few weeks from now, when I have my heart babe in my arms and begin a similar path.

  12. I'm just sitting here in Nashville, TN crying tears of joy for your sweet daughter and I will continue to pray God's blessings and miracles over her life! He has done a mighty work in her, in you, and all of us as we follow your story. Oh have mercy...to think of the things he is going to do in her life!

  13. I was praying all day that no news was good news so I am so thankful to hear that all is well now! Wow, what an emotional roller coaster for mom & dad!!! We are continuing to pray that God continues his miracles with sweet Ivy and continues to wrap and protect you all in His love and to keep her safe and healthy! Those photos just warm my heart that she is finally able to drink and cuddle in her daddy's arms!!! So precious!!!
    Much love!

  14. So thankful everything is going well. I was worried and praying that no news was good news.

    I love it that Ivy is able to drink her milk. I'm sure she is a happy girl.

    Blessings that she continues on this road and can be home for Easter.

    Hugs from CT.
    Caroline, John & Hannah Grace

  15. Hallelujah! The pic of you giving Ivy milk is just what I was praying to see!!! Thank you Jesus! Mary, you are sooooo amazing!
    God Bless,

  16. Amazing, wonderful, I'm so happy and you are so right God is just waiting to help us and wants us to ask. I can't get over how her color is so good. Her little hands, and look at her drinking milk. Love that little Ivy Joy.
    Praying so hard for her and your family.
    Bless you all

  17. There is amazing power in prayer and God is blessing your faithfulness to Him! ALL the glory to Him who loves us way more than we could ever know! I am so thankful to be walking this journey through you and sweet Ivy Joy~ to know and see what God is doing there. I know there are so many people being changed through this whole thing. SO amazing!!! I continue to pray for you all!!! Praying a great night tonight and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!!! Love and blessings! XOXO

  18. Wow! Not even sure what to say. That little girl is such a fighter and you don't mess around when you start to pray!

    I have to let you know, Ivy has been the talk of the teacher's room at the school I work at. You have soooo many prayers going out to your family.

    (((HUGS)))and Still praying hard!!


  19. She looks fabulous! Happy dance for you - still praying! Sandra - mommy to Macy from Hangzhou

  20. God is awesome! What a precious little bundle of joy! We are praying for little Ivy every day. What a powerful testimony her LIFE IS and WILL BE!

  21. she just needed to be near mama.

  22. What a beautiful testimony of God's love you will have to share with your sweet Ivy! Praying!

  23. YAY for miracles and YAY for chocolate pudding!!!!!!
    I think we need to get an Ivy joy shirt made up with SHINE on it!!!!!! =)

  24. Sweet Ivy!

    May God continue to hold you all in his loving grace.

    Praying for you and your family.

  25. Wonderful news!! I am so ready for beautiful sweet Ivy to get that pudding and oatmeal!! Bet she would love a milkshake...if only they would let her have it, huh? Praying for Ivy's continued healing!

  26. Praise God! What an amazing testimony to Him!!

    Your faith has touched many and we are blessed!

  27. Praise God! So beautiful! Thank you for sharing with all of us how God is shining in that hospital room & through little Ivy's life.

  28. I am AMAZED at how God is able to work and reveal himself to us, oh He is just so great !!!! I am praying that strength and courage continue to pour into your soul! I know that God will show is Glory again and again, so keep praying for Him to shine !

  29. I have read your blog since shortly after Lexi came home and have prayed for Ivy post throughout her surgery. I look forward to the day when you post about her munching on a chocolate bar and playing with her big sister!

  30. Praise God for His miracles and your mama's faith

  31. Hallelujah! What a testimony to the power of prayer and the love of our Father in Heaven! We continue to pray for Ivy! Oh the wonders He has done and IS doing for and through this little adorable treasure named Ivy :)

  32. What an AWESOME God....glory be to HIM!!!!!!

    I sit here in awe of His love and mercy....

  33. Beautiful post. Thank you for always updating even at such a difficult time. You must be physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted. But spiritually, you are not. You show such love, patience and strength in your posts. You're such a wonderful mommy. So happy for Ivy. Poor Munchkin finally got some liquid in her little mouth. I love to see her sucking on that straw. Sweet baby.

    I can't wait for the day that God's promises will be fulfilled:

    "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”" - Isaiah 33:24

    “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Revelation 21:4

  34. God is good! Thanks for sharing your heart and His goodness! To Him be the glory great things he has done!

  35. Dear Mary,
    This is such a beautiful testimony from a wonderful mother. You are such an inspiration. Keep up the good works!

    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12

    And the Lord said, If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you could say unto this sycamine tree, Be plucked up by the root, and be planted in the sea; and it would obey you. Luke 17:6

    For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

    Stay Strong and Carry On!

    Sending you lots of LOVE!

  36. " I remain confident of this, I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord. Be strong and take heart; and wait for the Lord."
    Psalm 27:13-14

    The goodness of the Lord is sooo very clear in the many miracles we are witnessing as we are praying for your precious daughter! This past week I have spent so much time praying for Ivy and praising God for the miracles He is doing as we wait and watch to see how he will continue to heal Ivy! God's favor and abundant love is so evident to those of us praying you through this journey!
    God is amazing!!! Thank you for sharing with us :-)

    She is amazing ( and so is her

  37. Praise God and what a beautiful PINK baby! So much oxygen flowing through those beautiful veins with each beat of her heart making her stronger!

  38. God is so good!! So wonderful to see that sweet girl all pink and drinking her milk with so many of those tubes gone already!

    Gin =)

  39. Amazing!!! I was bawling as I read this! Your little girl is such a fighter! I've been praying for her every day. What an amazing miracle that God is working through her! I'm so impressed by your faith. God bless you all!

  40. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, I feel your fear and desperate prayer and the joy of God's glory as we are on day 14 in PCICU, and now finally soon to be discharged! We had those emergency moments over the past couple of weeks and are so grateful that He turned it around and brought our little girl out and off the vent after many days. My continued prayers for sweet Ivy!

  41. Mary, your reports keep taking me back and I can feel every emotion in every post. I love that you got right into her bed and prayed. GOD is using her big time and this was all part of his perfect plan. next year she will be running around looking for easter eggs sharing her miracle story with the world. xoxo Melody


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