Monday, April 2, 2012

One less accessory!

After a sleepless night for our Little Miracle Girl, but lots of rest for mommy, I was greeted by a very restless very stressed out baby this morning. Arms wide open,  saying mama mama, precious Ivy was so happy to see me! Thank you for all your prayers, the rest I got last night was solid and so needed!! I feel like a new girl today and SO DOES IVY!!!!!!! Just minutes after I walked in today, they began the discussion of taking Ivy off CPAP! Her lungs have drastically improved, her blood gas is normal, her numbers look good, there was really nothing stopping them!!!! So that was it! One thing I LOVE about this team is that when they say they are going to do something, they do it! You don't wait all day for it to really happen. Now of course if her cardiologist needs to be here for it and he is in surgery then things might change, but any other time, you do not wait for anything! Love that! 
You can imagine my little mind during this time.... invisioning the wet washcloth, my baby girls lips being wet and cleaned, maybe a peppermint sponge or a few ice chips?? I could barely keep still! And that was that! The doctors came in, they all agreed, the respiratory therapist appeared with her new accessories and the removal of the old ones began!!!

 Out with the old........

The mask I pictured yesterday is not the mask Ivy has been wearing for the past 24 hours. The one shown above is the one she has been wearing. They had a really hard time finding one small enough to fit her face. Even the petite one would get air leaks causing her machine to alarm constantly. Im not talking about the type of beep you hear when her O2 gets low or her Meds finish, or someone forgot to put their seatbelt on. I'm talking about the type of alarm you hear when someone opens the emergency exit door! Its LOUD! So they took her off of that mask and put her in this old fashioned one from back in the day and attached a gel pillow to the back of it. She must have felt like she was being restrained, she was clearly so very uncomfortable.

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better, Nurse Jaime arrived!!! Yay we love Jaime! She had Ivy hooked up with a damp washcloth within minutes!!

And when I asked her if Ivy could have some ice chips she ran off so quick and came back with a whole cup!!!!!!!!! And a spoon! Ivy grabbed that spoon faster than I could blink and was shoveling it in to her mouth!!! I slowly placed one ice chip in her mouth at a time and she would just roll her eyes back and savor the wet she had been thirsting for all week! It was the most beautiful sight, her body relaxed and for the first time in 24 hours, she was content. She looked at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers and opened her mouth so wide for more. She put her arms out to me and I just leaned in and cradled her as if to hold her the best I could with all her cords, kissing her cheek and whispering Jesus loves you, mommy loves you, daddy loves you!! And she fell asleep.
Thank you Jesus!! 

And thanks to Ivy's special angel Di, 
Look what is waiting for her when she is all better..


  1. In tears reading this. Praising God for all the miracles.

  2. Praise God! I am so thrilled to see this post. Tears. I'm so thankful your precious girl is more comfortable!

  3. Praising God!! Ivy is a testimony to his miracles. So glad that she has finally had some liquids and that she is content. Rest precious baby girl and momma too.

  4. We cried out and God heard!!! Praise God!

  5. She is beautiful and it is so encouraging to see the Lord move her toward healing and comfort. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thanks for the helps my family know how to pray! xoxo

  6. What a beautiful so happy to hear that Ivy is having a good day and that she is able to have ice-chips....This has got to be so hard on you Mary...sending you big hugs...Praying for continued progress and that Ivy's little lungs and heart only get stronger and stronger!!!


  7. Answered prayers! So happy that the wee one can finally get some liquids. Maggie

  8. Tearing up reading this! How sweet to fulfill your daughter's need of something to drink! Precious moments.

    Praising Him once again!!!

  9. So thankful that Ivy is progressing so well! Praise the Lord!

  10. I've had surgery and remember what it was like to just want one little sip of water (or a whole cup) my thirst was satisfied within a few hours. I can't even imagine going through that for days. Poor baby. I'm glad she got her ice chips and some momma love. I'm so happy she's doing better. I check this blog the whole day. Sending lots of love and prayers your way...

  11. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! That is the most beautiful picture yet with her eyes and whole body looking so relaxed. What a brave family you are ~ how beautiful to know Jesus has gone before you to lead you to this moment. Thank you for allowing us to watch this miracle unfold.

  12. Praising God with you!

  13. Tears are flowing! I can just imagine the happiness in her sweet eyes when she got those ice chips and washcloth! It melts my heart just thinking about it:)
    Praise God, for ANOTHER miracle :-)!!!!!

  14. I can't imagine reading anything sweeter!!! LOVE that she is able to feel you close to her and sleeping as you say Jesus to her. YES~ thank You Jesus! To YOU be all the glory! Blessings and love! XOXO

  15. Wow, what a powerful story your little Ivy has... I have tears in my eyes. Found your blog through Catherine's Chatter... your story has really touched me. Will be praying for your family.

  16. Praise God! What a happy picture of her holding the wet cloth knowing her thirst is being quenched. Praying constantly for you all!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    Philippians 4:13

  17. Praise the Lord she is making leaps and bounds!!! I'm thrilled her breathing is better but most of all that she has her wet wash cloth and ice chips, and that she is content!!!

  18. Continuing to ask GOD to cover Ivy and the family and the drs. and nurses in prayer!! He is doing wonderful things and in the HOLIEST of WEEKS, too!! God Bless YoU All! Cathy in Illinois

  19. Tears of joy for Ivy Joy!!!!!!!!

    Our God is SO good!!!!!!!!!

    Love and blessings,

  20. I'm crying. Thank you God for ice chips and mama love!!!

    Still praying and thinking of you in Wisconsin.

  21. oh what sweet amazing news!!! praying Ivy's body continues to adjust well to its new way of working...and that you ALL continue to get good rest. :)

  22. I have not been commenting but I have been reading and PRAYING! God is so good! Crying big tears of joy and relief for you and praying for God to continue to heal her!

  23. I have never been so happy to hear about ice chips in my life!!!!! Praise God that the big nasty mask is OFF!!!! Another ginormous Praise for your sweet girl!!!!! And, Nurse Jamie too!!!! Frosting on the chocolate cake!!!!

    Keep the great news coming! We are all cheering you on!!!

    When she breaks into the chocolate I want a picture!


  24. I am so happy for Ivy!!! I broke down in tears. I walked in her shoes and I know what she is going through. I was over the moon happy to hear she got her ice chips. I know what it is like to be so thirty and hungry after surgery. I was older and a lot more vocal. I can't imagine poor Ivy wanting something to drink and not being able to understand why she can't have one.

    I will continue to pray that the healing process goes smoothly.

    Mary, you are a great mom and doing a fanastic job! Stay strong and get your rest so you can be there when Ivy is ready.

    Sending Love, Hugs and Prayers from CT.

  25. Tears are falling. Thank you Jesus this sweet child could be held by her momma as best as she could and her thirst was quinched today! Many of us have very heavy hearts for you and your sweet Ivy and are in continued prayers for her total healing as well as your peace, strength and comfort. What a blessing to see His miracles unfold. Numbers 6:24-26

  26. Wow! She is such a fighter! My heart was breaking reading this post about her wanting a drink. I hope she can get a tall drink of water (or whatever she wants) soon!

    Prayers are still coming from Ohio!


  27. YAY!!!!! So, so, sooooo happy for little MIss Ivy! I have grown to love that girl of yours!

  28. I am so very thrilled and thankful!!!! Praise God!!! I know you are so very relieved!!! What a precious baby you have!!!

  29. Praising and thanking God with you! One more day and another step closer to life back in her own little bed, a flower on her head, laughing, running, playing and growing, hearts soaring, filled with pride and grateful Praise to the only wise God and Keeper of all our days.

    xoxox Nancy

  30. Continuing to shout praises to the Lord. Ivy is such a sweet miracle! I'm so happy she was able to find some contentment today....thanking God for damp washcloths and ice chips! I continue to be in awe at your strength, your love for your baby girl shines brightly with each post you write.


  31. Praise God! Praying that the worst is over. Your story is such a testament to what love and prayer can do. Miracles!


  32. You, Ivy and your family are truly inspiring and your experiences have brought tears to my eyes. Prayers from Mountain View, CA have been coming your way....I'm a cousin to Kim's husband Ed.

  33. Thank you Lord for what you are doing in this sweet little girls life. Thank you for placing her with the perfect mommy who advocated so hard to save her precious life never doubting that you would do amazing things.

  34. Such a relief to read this great post and see Ivy peacefully sleeping. You are doing a GREAT job! My friend recently told me about a talk given in my church's general conference that talked about how moms of children with special needs receive extra blessings from God because of the great burden they carry for Him in caring for these special children. I was very comforted by that and I hope you are, too.

  35. Thank you Dear God for continuing to cover this baby girl with your protection and love. Ivy....we are continually Praising God for you baby girl!!

  36. Tears of pure joy are running down my cheeks. Ivy is so beautiful. To see her face and eyes without all of those machines and masks.....miracle!!! Praise God. Ivy - you have a whole army of prayer warriors out here! We are so proud of your courage and strength!

  37. Our thoughts and prayers continue for sweet Ivy and her wonderful family. She is such an ANGEL! Anxiously awaiting for more great news from Team Ivy!
    Go Bless,


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