Monday, April 9, 2012

On the mend!!!

Ventilator out!! Cannula in!

                                           Dreaming of Chocolate!

Todays goals were to get her off all her sedative type meds. Get her nutrition up to 1oz per hour from her feeding tube. Keep the fever away (it comes and goes) and wean her oxygen down a bit. She was getting 10 liters per minute this morning and we are down to 8 this afternoon. She will have her ez pap treatments as needed. 
All very reachable goals that she will likely have accomplished by morning. 
A great day!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the update Praise god for continued healing!!! What a fighter she is!!
    Kathie in NY

  2. Praising God !! she is so beautiful -- so aweet as she sleeps,too! Cathy in Illinois

  3. Praying for sweet Ivy Joy! <3 She's in my prayers many many times a day! She is looking great! Many prayers coming!
    God Bless <3
    -Kirstie Bikakis

  4. What a great update! I've been thinking of Ivy all day- so wonderful to see her beautiful smile, she must be dreaming about her mama feading her yummy chocolates! Continued prayers for your beautiful family (they are all gorgeous!) and your strong little heart baby!

    Antinette Mama to Hadley

  5. Beautiful sleeping girl! We continue to lift you all up in prayer! Sending lots of love and hugs!

  6. She looks very content! Dreaming of chocolate will make every girl smile!! Continuing to pray for sweet Ivy, your family and the medical team.

  7. Even my kids are asking for updates on Ivy Joy and remembering her in their prayers. We are indeed lifting her up to our great God. We rejoice in seeing Him move to bring about her healing!

  8. Ivy is such a beautiful little one and an amazing fighter! The little smile on her face I am sure warmed your heart today! I was so glad to see your update yesterday and today, I am sure Ivy is dreaming about getting home to all of her family! Ivy and your family will continue to be in my prayers!

    Charlotte in PA

  9. Praying for sweet Ivy Joy! Thank you for sharing her story with us. Your blog is the first thing I check each day in the morning and in the evening! Our kids from China are the most resilient that I know. Ivy's journey is a true testament of God's love for her and the miracles He can provide!! God bless Ivy!
    Michele, mom to 3 beauties from China

  10. My english is not good but i pray for your beautiful baby girl Ivy...Good luck!

    Monica from Canada xx

  11. Looking at this with Julia. She pointed to the screen to kiss Ivy. Still praying.

  12. So happy to see this post! Thanking God for the small blessings! Continued prayers heading her way!

  13. SO thankful for the great update!!! I know you LOVED seeing that little sleepy smile~ dreaming of mommy, not chocolate!!! XOXO

  14. Praise God for steps forward! Keep marching, Ivy!

  15. She is looking so good! God is so good! Thankful that she is doing well. Can I ask what about her pacemaker? Will she still have to have one?

  16. I knew in my heart if I checked your blog again there would be another update. So thankful for the wonderful news today. She will be off and playing soon.

  17. She is so AMAZING!!!!! So glad you had a good day! "On the mend" is the best news of the day!!!! Praying that she keeps getting stronger every day and that she blows away all of the goals being set for her!!!!

    Go Ivy!!!!


  18. Check each day for updates and so excited when I read that Ivy Joy is on the mend! Praise the Lord!
    A concerned Grandma

  19. Sweet baby. I love her little gown. So happy to hear great news so early in the morning so I can start my day right. xo :)

  20. ALLELUIA!!!

    What a beautiful chocolate dreamer she is....

  21. Love this post! It looks like she is resting so comfortably. Her sweet little smile warms my heart. Angels are most definitely watching over her while she sleeps. Ivy remains in our prayers. More blessings to come.....such a miracle baby girl!

  22. Be still my heart, that sweet smile! I am sure she was dreaming about her amazing mama and forever family! Will keep the prayers coming for continued healing and more good news for Ivy!!!
    The girl's are super excited that she is supposed to get their cards and "big eyed guys" for mei mei & jie jie, today! :) Hope you both got a wonderful night's rest!

  23. Thank you God for a great day and we pray for more and more and more great days!!!! We cannot wait to meet her and see all of you. Many hugs to all of you!

    Annette Duty

  24. This little warrior has definitely been touched over and over by the hand of God. It is so good to see her look peaceful and even happy as she slumbers. Mary, you are such a strong woman of faith and have been such an example for us on how to come through a storm with such Grace. Hugs and kisses to you all.


  25. loving sweet Ivy Joy, she is such a fighter. Still praying.

  26. Look at those sweet cheeks! Prayers for her continuing healing.

  27. Thank you, Lord! Even so sick she is a beauty!


  28. Get well soon, sweet Ivy.

  29. Yes! Off the vent! That is such a relief I know! The canulla is so much less intrusive. I will be praying for Ivy's fever. I hope it is gone now? I want you to know that Katie Grace also ran a fever almost the entire time, many times it spiked over 103.5. She did not culture positive for any bacteria, so it is possible that is is just part of the fight. It really didn't subside completely until 2 days before we left and after that it was gone. Now she has been fever free since home for the past 3 days.

  30. Have been quietly following from Diana's blog and just wanted to say that we,too, are keeping Ivy in our prayers and were thrilled to hear that she is on the mend and doing so well. What an amazing and beautiful little girl (who has a very strong and loving mama)!


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