Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter, He has Risen!

 Today was am amazing day! Full of blessings from start to finish!

 The adorable children's playground here at the hospital was the perfect place for an egg hunt. We hoped that it would be free for us to use this morning and sure enough, it was! Lexi had a great time finding lots and lots of eggs!

          3 days together, All 7 of us!! Absolutely Perfect!!

 We were totally squished in our tiny house at RMH but it did not bother any one of us, we were together!!!! My house will feel like a mansion from now on! 

My sweet little Easter gift!! She had more tests this morning. Her fever has stayed away! Thank you Jesus!

Our friends, The Hart Family (how perfect is that?) brought us the most amazing Easter dinner! We could not have been more excited to all sit together and have Easter Dinner while at the hospital. They also brought the sweetest gifts for the Little's and made this darling banner for Ivy's room! Thank you Chris, Jenna and Claire for loving on all of us this weekend!!! We love you!

One of my dear friends who happens to have brought their little girl Georgea home from China at the same time as we brought Lexi home, happens to have brought a second daughter home just a few weeks after we brought Ivy home!! They also happened to be in the hospital right here with us at PCH this weekend!! Their baby was having palate surgery. Lexi was thrilled that she and Georgea got to see each other and play together!

And, as if the day could get any better, our sweet friend Bryan came to visit all of us and look what he brought with him!!!

A giant bunny for Ivy, a giant puppy for Lexi, blocks and goodies for the littles and the most amazing basket of goodies for the Bigs and even Bryan and I. This is the kindest, sweetest, and as Lexi will tell you, funniest man you will ever meet!! We love you Bryan Mitchell!! Thank you for loving on our family today. Lexi has not stopped asking when her funny guy Brynan (how she says it) is coming back! 
 Playing blocks with funny guy Bryan at the Little House

Ivy was taken off the ventilator today ( I told you the day was perfect) and switched to this cpap that I lovingly say makes her look like a baby elephant.

My sweet happy girl on sisters bed!

By the end of the day they decided that this was not working well for Ivy, her mouth was staying open since it basically plugs her tiny nose, defeating the purpose of the machine. So they are currently switching her to the high flow oxygen that she was on the day before and the day of her being put back on the ventilator. We look forward to Rounds tomorrow morning when we hope to find out what the plan is for her next surgery. 
Happy Easter!!!! 


  1. Poor baby - praying that this time will pass and that she will be running and playing and enjoying life very soon.

  2. Thank you for the update, Mary. Your kids together is a beautiful sight. Praying for Ivy to rest and recover.

  3. Hi Mary,
    So thankful you had your entire family with you on this blessed day. Your sweet Ivy is always in my heart. Praying for your precious Angel!
    God Bless

  4. Thrilled that your family got to be together!! Praying for good news this week and a perfect plan by the docs!

  5. Praising God for the awesome time you all got to spend together.

    And praying for Ivy this morning and her doctors to be guided by The Healer's Hand today as the next steps in her recovery are made.

    " For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord"

  6. We thought about you all day yesterday While in church when the pastor announced meditation and 6 year old leaned over and whispered..."Mommy, I am praying for Ivy!!!" I am so happy that your day was filled with such was my secret prayer for you!!...We also heeded your advice and gave Thanks for all we have!! Ivy are amazing! You go girl!!
    Kathie in NY

  7. Dear, dear Mary .. holding you and Ivy up before the throne of God. May His strength be yours and His peace be yours. My heart grieves with you for all Ivy has to go through, but God has a plan and we must trust. I have watched my China sweetie go through two open hearts and she will have at least two more. We also lost our granddaughter, Brenna,on Feb 2 after her 6wk battle to live, being born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Pix of Ivy are heart wrenching, but GOD will walk her through it all. Such strength in an 8 kilo little one! Fight strong, Ivy! Blessings to you! MaryK, fellow adoptive mom

  8. So very glad your family was all together to celebrate Easter. Glad to know you should hear something today on further surgery. We'll be so glad when Ivy can come home. Alexandria looked at Ivy and saw red on her shoulder/chest and touched the screen. She is concerned for her China sister. We look forward to meeting your angel!!!


  9. How wonderful you all got to celebrate the rising of our Savior together! :-) Lexi's outfit, as usual, is adorable! I can not WAIT until next year to see the pics of Ivy and Lexi Egg hunting:)
    Love you!

  10. I love this post. You have such a sweet heart and stay positive about everything. I love that you guys got to all squeeze together! I am still thinking of your family!

  11. Happy Easter Mary & family!

    What a blessing for you all to be together for the most awesome day of the year.

    It's amazing how an experience such as yours puts things into perspective and makes you realize just how precious life is. Every single moment together on this earth is special, whether you are on a grand vacation or at the Ronald McDonald House.

    It only matters that you are a family, and that your love surpasses all sadness and pain. I am praising God for keeping you all in His Embrace.

    Please give hugs to miss Ivy.

    God bless,
    Lisa Murphy

  12. So happy that your family got to be together for Easter !! Praise God!! Your faith in our Heavenly Father is so beautiful !! Continued prayer for all of you --tXIE!XIE! for the updates May God Bless sweet Ivy Joy!! Cathy in Illinois!!

  13. I'm so glad you got some family time to re-charge. Praying always for your sweet Ivy and your sweet family!

  14. So Thankful for a great day. Glad you had family and friends there to love on you. So thankful for each and every post.

  15. Happy belated Easter to your wonderful family Mary! So glad to hear that Ivy is off the vent and you were able to have some family time. I am still praying for Ivy and you all

  16. Happy that you had a wonderful Easter with your family. Will always start my day with a prayer for Ivy and her sweet family.

  17. Happy Easter sweet friend~ looks like you all had the perfect one! So thankful Ivy is doing so well!!! Blessings and love!


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