Saturday, April 7, 2012

Prayer Request

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, so much changes before I can even absorb the last change, my Little Empress keeps us on our toes. I'm sure she would much prefer things be boring!
Friday started off with another gift. My Father in heaven knows the way to my heart and gave me something I was NOT expecting!! The whole family was planning on coming here for the weekend. We were excited about all of us squeezing in to the Ronald McDonald house and having some much needed family time even if in just tiny increments throughout the day. At 7am when the nurses changed shifts my day nurse came in the room and asked me if I knew that the RSV Ban on children 12 and under being in the hospital WAS LIFTED!!!! All of my kids, minus my older treasure Quincie who lives in Virginia, could visit Ivy!! Lexi would get to see her baby sister for the first time since Sunday the 25th!! The bigs told me that when the bigs told her she lit up like a Christmas Tree and jumped up and down saying, "I get to see my baby sister Ibee" over and over and over.

When they arrived Lexi's first words were, let me kiss my sister, let me kiss her all over!!! It was seriously all the food my heart needed for the day. Seeing them together reminded me of the beauty of these girls having each other forever!!! Many have asked how Lexi is doing. She is doing amazing!!! She has handled everything with complete ease. She has loved every single second with her Grandma and my mom feels the same. Lexi cried for 10 minutes this morning when Daddy took Grandma to the airport. It was the sweetest thing and such a valid display of the beauty of family!! 
                   Planting flowers with Grandma in Tutu and Bedhead

By 11am Ivy had spike a fever of 103.5, they ordered a more intense (cath type) view of her diaphragm and discovered that her right diaphragm is not dropping. It is stuck in rise. So this could very well be adding to the lungs not getting better. Her fever continued throughout the night and broke this morning. But.... it's back right now. 

So, since they have likely found the lung problem, they are planning on taking her off the ventilator this evening. They feel that even if she needs ez pap treatments every hour, it will be worth wile to get her off the ventilator and off this massive amount of sedation they are feeding in to her little body.  The nurses joke that they have never given horse tranquilizers to a tiny baby before! Whatever it takes, please keep her happy! Oh here we go, as I was still typing this they called in to my nurse that they have decided not to take Ivy off the ventilator and they are not saying when they will????? See, it just never stays boring around here. 
Today my prayer request is that for the next 2 days we ask our Savior for Nothing. That we just give thanks!!! Thanks for Ivy's life, thanks for our family and friends who have stood in the gaps for her, thanks for our doctors, our nurses, the staff at PCH. Thanks for Ivy's healing thus far and all that she has overcome because of the mercy of our God, the Great Physician! So so much to give thanks for! 
Happy Easter!! From All of us To All of you!!!


  1. You, your family and your medical team are definitely in my prayers.

  2. You have lots of prayers coming from Ohio! I sure hope you guys try to have a nice Easter. The best you can with everything go on. (((HUGS)))


  3. Thank you so much for the reminder to give Thanks!! What a gift to all of us especially when it is obvious you could ask for so much more!!
    Kathie in NY

  4. Praise God for making little Ivy Joy a FIGHTER! And for bringing her to a wonderful family whose faith flourishes and inspires through every up and down of this rollercoaster! Tomorrow is a new day and praise God for the great day coming!

  5. I am thanking our God for the amazing powerful love that you after all you are all going thru have the amazing thought to JUST GIVE THANKS!! always in our thoughts and prayer, BLESSED EASTER TO YOUR DEAR IVY AND FAMILY!! Cathy In Illinois

  6. Sweet Lexi. Hugs to the whole family. xo

  7. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  8. We do give thanks Lord for this precious life, her family, and that You Lord, are our rock.So thankful that her siblings could spend time with her. Happy Easter!
    Angela in Florida

  9. You have lots of prayers coming from Canada to!!!


  10. I hope you all have a truly happy -- and thankful -- Easter!

  11. Giving thanks today and tomorrow!

  12. Giving thanks and praising our Lord! Wishing you and your family a most blessed Easter!

  13. Dear friend, what an encouragement you are to me!!! In the midst of all that is happening, you give thanks! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the sweet reminder! So we give thanks for God's provision and protection over Ivy! As we celebrate Easter tomorrow, we give thanks for our risen Savior!!! Hugs to you all!

  14. Still praying in Athens, AL! Little Ivy is the first person our 2 year old, Piper, has prayed for! I've talked to her about Ivy's "broken" heart and she also says Ibee! Praising God for all He's done!

  15. What a great reminder. In the idst of the storms to stop and give thanks. You have endured so much in the last couple weeks mary. Only God could have supplied the strength and he will continue to do just that. We are praying everyday and Love being able to walk with you.

  16. My friend, I loved seeing you today & getting to peak in on your sweet angel tonight. Thank you for checking on us! It is amazing to me that we are here TOGETHER with our girls. Who would have guessed?! I'll be giving thanks, and lots of it these next couple of days.
    Much love,

  17. Dearest Ivy Joy: We are so very thankful for you and for your incredible mother! You have both been such an amazing inspiration to so many! Your mighty prayer warriors march proudly on! And they have added to their ranks those who might have been wandering or lost, but have found a reason to pray again--for you, sweet child. We give thanks for the awesome power of God's love! We give thanks for His Son who has risen indeed! And we give thanks, again, for you and for your family! God bless you all!

  18. Happy Ressurection Day to Our Lord but also in this life to precious Ivy Joy! Thank you Jesus for that POWER you have !! I give thanks today for Ivys complete healing and the restoration of all she needs and her families. We thank you Jesus for your great love for us and for your words that are forever true!
    I thank for for families like Ivy Joys that have a heart like yours and for Adoption !! So we can be in Your Family !!and can say ABBA FATHER !!

  19. This old hymn keeps playing in my head over and over: "Up from the Grave He Arose!" That SAME POWER that raised our Lord Jesus from the dead, now is at work quickening and strengthening Ivy's mortal body! Praise Be to GOD! Thank You Lord.

    Low in the grave He lay,
    Jesus my Savior,
    Waiting the coming day,
    Jesus my Lord!

    Up from the grave He arose,
    With a mighty triumph
    o’er His foes,
    He arose a Victor from the
    dark domain,
    And He lives forever, with His saints to reign.
    He arose! He arose!
    Hallelujah! Christ arose!

    Vainly they watch His bed,
    Jesus my Savior;
    Vainly they seal the dead,
    Jesus my Lord!
    Death cannot keep its Prey,
    Jesus my Savior;
    He tore the bars away,
    Jesus my Lord!

    Up from the grave He arose,
    With a mighty triumph o’er His foes,
    He arose a Victor from the dark domain,
    And He lives forever, with His saints to reign.
    He arose! He arose!
    Hallelujah! Christ arose!

  20. Thank you Lord for placing this beautiful little girl in this family's gentle care. Thank you Lord for providing such a good hospital for children. Thank you Lord for giving this family peace, comfort, and strength beyond belief. Thank you for loving everyone who posts on this blog, calls, visits, and prays for Ivy. I pray special blessings on all of them. Thank you Lord for having the entire family come for the weekend to hold this family and care for them. Thank you Lord for creating little Ivy. You know this little Angel inside and out and You know she is a survivor. Thank you for Your Love Father God because You really do understand. Thank you for continuing to heal Ivy and guide the doctors and nurses. Thank you for Your intense Love, comfort, and strength. Father God, we love You and thank You.

    Easter Blessings,
    Annette Duty

  21. Giving thanks and always praying for your littlest doll, Leslie Anne and Julianna

  22. Happy Easter!
    Praises to the Lord for all he has done for your family and Ivy :)

  23. Lord Jesus...

    Thank you for this sweet family and how they continue to show gratefulness and faithfulness during this difficult time. It is truly a testimony to us.

    Thank you for the blessing of a grandmother who takes time to plant flowers with little Lexi...and how her love towards Lexi has brought her comfort.

    Thank you for the gift of Ivy and for the hope that next Easter will be a joyful time at home with her family.

    Love and Prayers in St. Louis...

  24. We are praying for Ivy. I am my two "littles" pray every morning before we start school for Ivy's heart. We don't have to know each other to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ. We will be making our own journey to China before the year's out. It's been good for us to lift her up to our Heavenly Father and the Ultimate Healer. In His Hands, Karen Farhart, Madison, MS

  25. That last paragraph brought me to tears, 'just say thanks'. Indeed, the Lord has performed miracles and sometimes we need to take a step back and say thank you. She has come so far.

    Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have done for Ivy.

    You are the best Mama.

  26. Gave thanks for you today!! In celebration of our Risen Savior, knowing very well the price that He paid was for Ivy's healing, as well! He is SO worthy of our praises, even through the storms... thanks for being a constant reminder and a living example of just that!! Love and hugs to ALL of you, Mary! So glad you got to have your family with you today!



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