Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Are we chunky yet?

 One more day until the big reveal! Will we be ok to continue with fats in the diet or will we go back to the non fat diet?

To say our tiny but mighty Ivy has enjoyed the free for all these past 2 weeks just doesn't say enough!

 Chocolate (yes she loves it again!), chips, cheese and rich sauces! Ice cream and ramen and creamy soups and more chocolate! Peanut butter and nuts and Nutella and buttery potatoes!
 I sure hope she has put a few pounds on, but to be honest, she feels like she weighs 10 pounds! Soooo tiny! I love this dress on her because it covers her itty bitty arms and shoulders and puts the focus back on those amazing eyes and that sweet little face! 
 Ivy is walking holding on to walls and cabinets and whatever is available now. She still chooses not to push things to help her walk and she is still very stubborn about what she will try and when, but as soon as she gets a little confidence going she is so much more open to giving herself a little work out. 

She had a little reaction to the sunscreen I put on her... explains the chafing and darkening of her nose and upper lip :(
We greatly appreciate those that continue to pray for our little miracle as we navigate through the upcoming months. We will give thanks and praise no matter the outcome of Thursday, but we also delight in the truth that we can come to our loving Father and ask of Him anything! Please God, no fluid build up and no ill effects on Ivys health after this change in her diet. 


  1. Ivy is a seeing her in pink!

    Continued prayers specifically for good results at tomorrows appt, no fluid build up, and a continuation on her new diet.

    Thank you so much for sharing your special angel with us. You and your family continue to show strength with your unwavering faith.


  2. She looks amazing! Looking at her smiles and that beautiful little face one would never know what she went through not that long ago.

  3. Hey Friend!!!
    I have at least 10lbs I can send Ivy's way!!!!! Non returnable please!!!! I think she looks fabulous! And, I agree that precious smock dress looks so beautiful on her! Her eyes look brighter, and I think her face looks rounder too!!! Praying specifically for your requests!!!!

    MIss you!

  4. Such a beautiful precious baby! SO thankful she is doing so well and how healthy she looks! I sure hope you all get a great report~ sure you will!!! Blessings and love! XOXO

  5. Oh my goodness she is just so gorgeous! And look at that full smile.m I'm sure she's doing great on those yummy, fatty snacks. God willing. Xoxoxo

  6. She looks WONDERFUL.........Keep up the great Mothering...Gyll (Grandmother to Ryleigh (XinYi)

  7. I am believing and standing with you for a great report !! I believe the DRS will say MORE FAT MUCH FAT anything she wants that makes her happy and pleasing plump !! God bless you all You are an awesome family and you all have the Fathers Favor !!

  8. Still prayin' with all our hearts for Baby Girl! She is such a blessing to us all. We so hope the chocolate sticks on her like it does all the rest of us!
    “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1)
    Love you guys,
    Laurie & The "C" Crew

  9. She looks beautiful! Praying that tomorrow goes well.


  10. LOVE that she is smiling that precious smile again! I mean seriously, who wants to smile when you can't have chocolate?!? I'd be cranky too! ;) We are still praying for her everyday and will pray for wonderful news tomorrow!!!

  11. My little Emma said prayers last night, which is basically a l-o-n-g list of names of her loved ones. We said amen, and I thought we were done, when she said "Hold on. I've got one mowr name. Ivy Joy. And what's her sistuh's name?" and of course I told her. So, both of your girls were prayed over by Miss Emma last night. Precious!

  12. Oh IVY, I love seeing your cheeks growing plumper, but more than that, I LOVE seeing the light and happiness return to your gorgeous, stunning eyes.

    I continue to pray for your beautiful girl. Especially hoping for good news tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jill xox

  13. These pics are beautiful!! She is such a little doll baby!!! I'm so thrilled she is doing so well! Amazing!!!


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