Thursday, May 31, 2012

His plan

His favor on this child. His hand on her heart when no one else could explain how on earth she was still here. His Love Shines!

Her chest x-ray.. CLEAR! CLEAN! DRY!!!!!!

PSALM 30:2

Oh Lord My God
I Cried Out To You
And You Healed Me


  1. I get to tell my kiddos that God heard our prayers:) absolutely thrilled for you, God never ceases to amaze me!!
    I can't wait to see sweet Ivy Joy with some chubby legs:)

  2. Only God could bring this sweet child to a complete healing...praising Him!!

  3. Wonderful news tonight as I had to check on Ivy before bedtime:)

  4. I HAVE GOOSE BUMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God for doing this wonderful work in precious Ivy Joy!!! Remember at the beginning of this medical journey when we posted this verse....

    ~Matthew 19:25-27: "Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

    We have seen this verse in action in your sweet baby girl!!!!

    Enjoy every morsel Ivy Joy!!!!! We love you!


  5. God is so good! Ivy's story is an inspiration. I am in China right now adopting my precious daughter, who has unrepaired TOF. I KNOW God's hand is on her, as He has been with Ivy.

  6. ....So thrilled to hear the wonderful update. God is so good. I will be praying for your family and especially Ivy. I cant wait to see her blossom.

  7. Tho we don't know each other Ivy makes my heart sing! I am so glad for such amazing results. God is so Good! Ivy Joy, you rock!

  8. Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow!! such wonderful news!! God loves MISSY Ivy !! this is so praiseworthy!! Cathy in Illinois

  9. I can't stop SMILING!! :-) I haven't been on blogger for about a month and the moment I logged in I came straight here to read about all God's beautiful miracles I already knew was awaiting! :)

  10. PRAISE GOD!!!!! He is so good!!!!

    And she is TOO PRECIOUS!

    She truly is a little angel here on earth! Just look at her with those Cool Ranch Doritos--the bag is almost as big as she is!

    Tell her the Taco Flavor Doritos are my favorite. If she likes spice, she might love them too! ;)


  11. Praise God!! He has big plans for your little girl.

    Love you all,


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