Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dance Recital Weekend!

My tiny dancer will be 3 1/2 on the 13th. She was so ~ON~ in both of her dances this weekend and while it was the longest day ever (danced at 10:30 and 2 and stayed for the bigs show that began at 6!), it was also the absolute best day ever!!

She beamed from ear to ear the whole day and never complained once about the long day. She could have created electricity for a small city with the way she lit up when she walked on that stage each time. It was truly a dream come true for her!

So very loved by her big sisters! So much fun seeing the 3 of them share the day! Rylee and Cassidy are such a beautiful example for their baby sisters. I loved every minute watching my girls this weekend!

Bitter Sweet because it was the last time Rylee will be on the stage with our studio. But sweet that she has many opportunities ahead of her with dance. So proud of you Rylee!

 She walked around like a star all weekend and today with it all over, she still put on and took off her costumes a million times, always putting it back on the hanger and back in the garment bag each time. She longs to be a dancer like the big girls, she must have asked me 20 times today if she is a big girl now? Yes baby, you are a big girl, but you will always be my baby!!


  1. They grow up so fast! Such a beautiful little dancer your Lexi is! What fun to share the stage with her big sisters!!

  2. awww....that is SO sweet!! Sounds like it was a great day!!

  3. What a sweet day! Precious photos!!! Blessings and love! XOXO

  4. I love these pictures!! Lexi reminds me of LiLi at that age sooo much!!! Too sweet!! You should be very proud of all your girls. ;o)


  5. Oh my, she looks GEORGEOUS in that color! So sweet.

    Gin =)

  6. Wow, Ms Lexi is following in her big sisters footprints. Too cute.


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