Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Ivy Joy

Today is all about you!!!

 Discovering you, being your mommy, has been life changing. You had ALL of the odds, not just some, but ALL of the odds against you. You did not give up. You never gave up. You have the most strength and determination of anyone I have ever known. I had no idea the immensity of the blessing God was giving us when he gave us you. I have learned more from you in the 2 months  of you being your mommy than I have learned in all of my life. My faith, my trust in God, my walk with Him, all strengthened beyond description because of you!

  The biggest lesson of all is that you belong to God. Not me. He is entrusting me with your life. What an honor. I have learned to trust God in a way I never had before. Your entire life was out of my control, completely. All I could do was pray. I have never prayed more in my entire life. God answered every one of my prayers (even the little ones). And now I have a happy, healthy and amazing little human being.   

Happy Birthday Tiny Angel!

 I will have cake pictures tomorrow. Thanks to the beautiful ladies at our neighborhood caketini, Ivy has a very special cupcake with only 2 grams of fat! And thanks to my sweet friends Chris and Tina Bolton and the amazing Yonana's appliance they got Ivy for her Birthday, she has an endless supply of fat free ice-cream!!!!!


  1. I love her matching bathing suit, floatie and hairbow! She really is a "bathing beauty". Happy birthday to the little cutie. Love Maggie

  2. Happy Birthday precious Ivy Joy, you are truly God's little blessing!ocesclu

  3. She is simply AMAZING and you both are SUPER BLESSED!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl. Love seeing the picutures with no tubes!! Just her in all her beauty!!!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ivy Joy!!!!! What a miracle today is!! We pray your second year is as beautiful as you are!!!!

    Diana, Jeff, Ainsley, Sienna, Ruby, and Emme Jade

  5. Wishes for a VERY HAPPY Birthday!! You are Blessed to have the family that you do!! You sure do look super cute in your swim suit!! A celebration of you today!! Cathy in Illinois!

  6. Happy Birthday Ivy. You are one special sweetie, and we are privileged to know you and to love you. All the C's

  7. Happy Birthday to your sweet miracle! God is all about the miracles.
    We just found out this week after almost 19 years of marriage and 2 China adoptions we were pregnant with an IMPOSSIBLE baby. The baby measured 8 weeks and had no hearbeat. God saw best to take that baby to Heaven to be with Him so that it would be more perfect.
    It has been an honor to join you in praying for your sweet Ivy Joy may she continue to grow healthy and beautiful!

  8. Happy Birthday sweet Ivy Joy!! I can't wait to watch your next year!!! You are such a special child and a gift from God!

  9. Happy Birthday beautiful Ivy are the sweetest angel we know and I thank your sweet mommy for letting us into your life. We are so happy for you all and we know your second year is going to be AMAZING just like you xoxo
    hugs, Janice, Kira and Emma (Scott and Kyle too)

  10. Happy Birthday sweet girl !!

  11. Happy birthday to your precious baby~ can't think of a better birthday than having a mama to kiss all over her!!! Blessings and love! XOXO

  12. Happy Birthday Ivy Joy..enjoy that cupcake...

  13. Happy birthday to your little super hero!! I have actually learned a lot from this little girl from afar!!!

    I hope her day and the year and years ahead are amazing like her and I certainly hope they will be easier!!!

    Thank you for sharing her with all of us!!!

  14. Happy birthday beautiful Ivy!! Mary, it is such a JOY to read your posts!! Ivy is such a special baby!! God bless you and your family. I think of you often:)


  15. Happy birthday Ivy Joy!


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