Monday, May 7, 2012

Ivy Joy is 2

                           It was a perfect day!!!

The special cupcake was a big hit! She enjoyed taking it apart with her fork later in the day.


After cupcake pictures it was off to swim!

                The hot tub was the place to be! 

She could barely keep her eyes open towards the end of her swimming floating time, but she was so happy in the water so we just let her go at it as long as she wanted! 

 Back inside it was time to sing happy birthday and eat cupcakes. Chocolate for Lexi!
                                                     Pink for Claire!
 Same old pink one for Ivy! In the end I realized that I probably could have gotten her a regular cupcake because really, none of it was eaten. It looked like she was taking some big bites in the first pictures but she didn't even dent it. And here, she is just making a huge mess with her fork :)

 Terrified of the adorable piggy bank she got! This girl just cracks me up! 

Tuckered out and ready for someone to move her to her bed! She napped until 7pm and still went down for the night at 9. She then woke up at 9:30 this morning, ate breakfast and fell back to sleep in Rylee's arms where she slept for over an hour. Her little swim part wore her out!!


  1. Happy Birthday Ivy Joy!! Sweet girl you looked so cute! I hope you had a wonderful and amazing birthday!! <3
    Birthday wishes from Nebraska~
    God Bless!
    -Kirstie Bikakis

  2. Sweet Baby Girl! You're so beautiful. I'm happy you had lots of fun. I know you will have many many many more birthdays.

  3. she's is a doll face!!
    Happy birthday Ivy Joy, you are a precious gift of God!

  4. Super sweet little birthday princess!! What a beautiful day!!

  5. Happy Birthday even from Germany!

    Look how good she looks! That´s what she needs! Mommy, family, and her home to have a place where she feels save and loved. Everything else, even eating will come from alone.
    You´re doing a good job!!!


  6. BEAUTIFUL Birthday Girl!!!!!!!! I am in love with that butterfly onesie!!!! It looks like she had a very special day with some sweet people I know!!! There are truly no words to express the magnitude of her miracle day! I am so thankful that God chose you to be her family! What a special year it is going to be for Ivy Joy!!

    Happy Birthday Ivy!!!!!


  7. Just wanted to let you know I double check your blog daily for updates. I think about little Ivy all the time! I hope you had a magical mother's day!


  8. Just as a comment above me said, I have been checking this blog very often for any updates- I am so happy to see this beautiful baby enjoying her bday!!! So happy for you guys! I read so many blogs but this one I feel connected to somehow- such a relief to see you guys in higher spirits!!!


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