Saturday, July 7, 2012

More 4th

 Just one of the littles would humor me with some outdoor pictures.......
We had a very quiet and uneventful 4th. The girls did not even come close to making it for fireworks. I will post tomorrow the details of Ivy's echo she had on Thursday as well as a visit from her best friend from Hangzhou SWI!! 


  1. I have been following along and praying for your little on for a while now but not sure if I have commented before. She is just precious even if she is making the cutest little pouty face in that third picture.

  2. What sweet photos of Little Miss Ivy!! She has the most expressive little face!!!

  3. Mary, I just love it when there's a new post of yours. I love your family. I love those sweet little jelly beans you have. I'm happy to see Ibee so happy. Sending you much love and prayers always. You are a fantastic mom.



  4. She is so stinking cute! I love love love the red chucks! Praying that she continues to get healthier and healthier!

  5. She is so adorable in these pix. Too cute for words. :)


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