Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ivy and Myah Meet Again

These 2 little girls were born in the same province.
Both abandoned and raised in the same orphanage.
 Ivy and Myah were room mates in Hangzhou Social Welfare Institute. Ivy was listed as Myahs best friend in her baby book.
 The two girls were reunited this week when Myah's family was here in Az to visit her grandparents.
 Myah came home last October, she was around 14 months. And 4 months later, Ivy came home.
 Myah is 3 months younger than Ivy, she will be 2 next month.
 We love that these 2 will have one thing in common forever and hope that they will see lots of each other through the years.
 Don't you just love Precious Myahs chunky little arms!
 When I look at these pictures I am given confirmation that calling Ivy Tiny is not an understatement! 
 It was terribly hot outside and the babies were hungry and wondering why on earth we were sitting outside when the food and AC were inside!

Back at home it was time for medicine. And after medicine Ivy gets the hershey kiss bowl so Myah got to join in! It was a sweet time :)
 She impressed them with the way she could pop the whole kiss in her mouth never drooling a drop of chocolate!
 Later that day Ivy and I headed to the hospital for her scheduled visit. Her Echo showed that the tricuspid valve leakage and pulmonary hypertension are in full force. They doubled her carvedilol and left everything else the same. In 3 weeks, She will have another ECHO, more blood work, and they will do the last increase of her carvedilol. Once she adjusts to that, she will begin taking Sildenafil too. 
She continues to be diagnosed with right side heart failure. 
She seems to be adjusting well to her new dosage of medication. She had more energy today than she has had in a while and she has been extremely happy! She continues to blow us away with new words every day. The best yet was on Friday when she said ~I You You Mama~ as I lay her down in her crib for her nap. You You is ~love you~ and it made all the hurt I was feeling from the day before just go away. Thursdays doctor appointment was hard. Holding her for her ECHO as she screamed for an hour straight just about did me in. She was so very upset and I could just tell she was done. She can't stand the gel getting pushed around on her and the fact that she is so skin and bones, she is just uncomfortable the entire Echo. They have so much to look for and hers are so often and take sooooo long! Poor baby was covered in tears and could barely catch her breath. 
But, in her true Ivy spirit, when her doctor walks in the door a while later she is just all full of flirty smiles for him! She is different with him than any other doctor or nurse. It just makes me smile! And when all was said and done she had all her fans (nurses and techs) blowing bubbles for her and doing whatever they could for her because she is just so loved! She's a special girl. It's nothing we did or nothing we do, it is just her sweet spirit and the sparkle in her eyes. You can't meet her and not fall in love. 
We love you baby girl! 
And we will keep on going to the moon and back until you are healed!


  1. Such sweet beautiful girls! So nice they (and the parents) could get together! Keeping your sweet Ivy and family in my prayers.


  2. we too just had a beautiful short reunion with Emma's room mate from her Orphanage. It was truly nice to see them together again and thank God they only live about 2 hrs away from each other. Been home 4 months already.

    Love your photos and the girls are stinking cute.

  3. It reminds me of Nadi and Tung Tung!!! Even proportionally!! :) What a blessing to have these forever friends together!!! YAY!!! I am so sorry about the Echo... But, so very thankful God blessed you with those precious and priceless words from your tiny angel!!!

    Love you!

  4. Precious that the girls could get together~ both are just precious~ such a sweet bond!!! Thankful Ivy has her mommy to love her through all this hard. God is good! XOXO

  5. Too cute, and I just saw Di's note, too funny, they do look like Nadi and Tung Tung, proportionally. What a blessing they have each other.

  6. What a blessing that they can be friends through the ages. I need to send you a picture of little Joshua and big Joshua. I get it about the little. As the endicrinologist said, they are on their own curve!

    Praying that the meds help with Ivy's energy.

    Be Blessed TODAY. Because today is what we have.


  7. What sweet little "sisters" from the orphanage together for a visit! Wow, Ivy sure is a tiny angel! How nice they could have time together! "I you you, mama" is the sweetest thing! I am praying for dear Ivy.

  8. Awww...broke my heart reading about her upset but the I Love you mama was great!!! LiLi calls me mama too. Those I love yous never get old. God bless you my friend.



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