Thursday, July 12, 2012

Checking in

Not a whole lot going on. This is probably the most boring hot summer of my life but thats where we are right now so thats ok. Soooo much more to be thanking God for than I could ever have asked for!
And I would sure rather spend it bored and hot than in a cool hospital..... ya you get my point. Ivy has had a most fantastic week! She continues to adjust beautifully to this new dose of medication. She is happy as can be and cruising around the house a little more each day. She has enough energy to climb 1/3 of our stairs now. When we got home from China she could climb the entire flight of stairs and her oxygen saturation was in the 50's and 60's at that time. She would just push herself. So you can see that the coronary artery being blocked is a huge life sucker for our sweet tiny princess and 1/3 of the stairs is  huge for her right now. 

I can't wait to see what the final dose of carvedilol and adding the sildenafil will do for her! My prayer is that it allows her to get up and walk. 

To be a 2 year old! 

To chase a ball and dance along side her sister! 

It is way too hot to take pictures these days! But I just had to try!!

Lexi didn't seem to mind the heat.

Ivy could not understand why on earth anyone would sit her out in this heat?

 Saying poop over and over and eeww over and over as she points to the bird poop on the chair...

 Lexi Jade is getting to be such a big girl! She just turned 3 1/2..... wow!!!! We register for pre school tomorrow! 

 Ivy is observing Lexi here and she just has this look, like, sis do you not realize that we are melting out here??? 
 She is so funny, she makes a little fan with her hand and says HOT HOT HOT!
Have a beautiful grateful week!!! We will too!


  1. sometimes boring is the best thing ever! Always so happy to see your two beautiful girls. Ivy is a hoot! She looks like a little cherub :)
    Hope you all continue to have a blessed summer!

  2. Those faces just make me giggle. Such a gorgeous little "diva". I have to agree with though on the heat and I live in Miami but seriously, who needs it?
    Lexi is beautiful too and I never mean to ignore her in my comments because she is just incredibly special too.

    I think you deserve to be ever so bored. (ha, like you could ever be bored with 2 little ones)

  3. So cute and that Lexi of yours is going to take preschool by storm!!

  4. Yay for boring and such precious babies!!! Blessings and love! XO

  5. Love seeing their beautiful faces and hearing about their personalities. :)

  6. Hot weather or not, those girls sure are cute!! So grateful that Ivy's meds are giving her a boost today. Praying for God's mercy and complete healing.

  7. Mary,

    Thank you so much for stopping by and your very sweet words! Joy knew who you were! :)

    Lexi and Ivy are adorable! Love their fasion style. Both of their personalities come through the computer screen! Oh, and love their names too.

    Gosh, I just love everything don't I? One thing for are blessed with two precious gifts from God!

    Have a great weekend!

    Enjoy K-Love! :)



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