Sunday, July 15, 2012

Playing in the rain

A rare glimpse at the Bigs!
Approved by them first :)
 It's been a long time since we have had a storm like this!
 And the bigs were all about getting outside and playing in the rain!

 This girl was the first to get out there and the last to come in. 

                     The Littles and the Daddy, Thinking                                                 
                         ~Our Bigs Are ~Strange!~
                              Look at that awesome troll hair!
                                                      Getting fancy!!!

                                                  Brother Joining in :)

Later that night we discovered our basement flooded during the storm! We went to dinner and then church and finally down stairs. A surprise squish when I stepped on the carpet... 
So much for boring~ I guess I should not have  said that in my last post, oops! 
Have a blessed week!


  1. Sweet and funny post!! Those girls and your boy have some great moves -- are they dancers? :)

    Sorry to hear about the basement -- have been there and done that!

    Hope you have a good week!

  2. I love those dance moves!!!


  3. there singing in the rain, just singing in the rain....awesome poses there.

  4. Wow looks like so much fun! I wish we could get some rain like that here in Nebraska! ): We need some lol
    hope your basement is okay!!
    God Bless~
    -Kirstie Bikakis

  5. The girls are so talented. What a fun day!

  6. Your bigs are delicious- just like your littles! Love them! What a beautiful, sweet, smiley, fun bunch. Love ALL of you!

  7. They look like they're having SO MUCH FUN I want to join in. :)

  8. I'm so happy that I saw this today, bc we are getting a beautiful rain today.... the corn in our rural farming community is so very parched .... even beyond true hope of recovery ... and we have been praying for rain. Seeing these pix made me see on the screen what my heart has been doing today ... dancing and praising God for the rain.

    I hope by now your basement is somewhat recovered... yes, boring is usually good, dear mary!

    Hugs from rainy MI,


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