Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sick and Tired

                               This little peanut has been sick for 4 days
                              And oh so very tired too!

And she is the mightiest little trooper on the planet I might add!
It is so hard to keep calm when you have a child with a heart condition with a fever, cough, and very wet sounding lungs. Because there is  the cough associated with a cold, and there is the heart related cough, often associated with heart failure. 
Ivy's cough has progressed from just at night to all the time. It sounds very juicy, not the kind that has mucous break up when you listen and not dry either. She is very sleepy. On day 2 she slept 23 of the 24 hours of the day. Yesterday she slept very little, but that is likely because she couldn't go even 2 minutes without coughing. Her chest must hurt so much. She looks at us like...Why aren't you doing anything about this? She isn't eating much, just drinking lots of water.
I have spoken on the phone with her cardiologist and we are watching her very closely. Here is a description of what is going on.
Ivy has heart failure, you know that. Heart failure means that the hearts pumping ability just can not do a good a job of pumping blood as it needs to. And one common result is lung congestion.
Since coughing is the body's way of clearing the airway and bronchial passages, it makes sense that it's a prominent symptom of heart failure. I believe the older term for the condition is "congestive heart failure". I can not explain the on an off fever, however it did break and has NOT made another appearance.

So I have propped her mattress up on one side to keep her somewhat upright. She was held all day yesterday. Her big sister Cassidy is her rescuer.. When she see's medicine coming she looks for Cassidy, calls for her, and cuddles deep in her arms. She has a very special bond with her sister and she is perfectly content being held for hours by her!! I spent much of the night on the couch next to her room so I could be an arms reach from her and just listen more closely for her. She might not feel good but she sure will feel loved through this! And we will do our best to keep her comfortable until we see our doctor for her next ECHO, Xray, EKG, and blood work on Thursday. I can not imagine her making it all the way to Thursday to be seen. We are in regular contact with her cardiologist and come Monday morning we will be walking through his door! And if she gets any worse, we will take her in the middle of the night if we have to. But we pray so fervently that that is not God's plan. 

Yesterday, sick as can be, we had pictures taken of the littles. I planned this a few weeks ago when she was feeling awesome. I knew that I needed to take advantage of this time she was finally feeling better and get some pictures done. Pre surgery she was hooked to oxygen 24/7 and post surgery she has been so on and off sick that pictures just never happened. 
When Brooke (the photographer) said she could not fit us in until the 20th I was a little weak in my faith (Ivy has yet to have ever made it 3 weeks without taking a few steps back) and secretly wished she would call me and change it to a sooner date. Just in case she had another set back. Yes I am a sinner saved by God's grace. I have fear and I have worry. But I'm so thankful that He loves me just the same! And oh how I love Him. And all He has done for me, my family, this precious little Angle Ivy. But anyway... there was no call from Brooke so the appointment stayed Friday the 20th. And sure enough, she took her 3 steps back on Wednesday. 
Friday morning she woke with no fever and she looked less puffy in her face. The cough was pretty bad. I decided to seize the moment, knowing Brooke would happily understand that Ivy would not be up for many smiles or clothing changes and that it just may be Lexi she was photographing alone. Well Ivy was a trooper. Out in the 107 heat at 9 am, both girls dripping in sweat. (All of us dripping in sweat!) WE GOT SOME CUTE SHOTS!!!!!
Brooke was amazing with the girls and the girls were Stinkin Cute!!! She sent me one sneak peak,... the rest I will get in a few weeks. I can't wait!! And even though peanut Ivy was sick and not smiling, and both were miserably HOT....It is where we are right now. All real, all a reminder of how life is today. And there will be lots of photo shoots in the future with a healthy, smiling, running and jumping little Ivy! For today, we will take it as it is and remember these days, these moments. Some day we will look back and hardly remember the day Ivy was sick. I can not wait for that day. Right now it just sounds sooooo good!

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. (Psalm 61:1-4)


  1. Sweet Mary, we will be praying fervently for you and your precious Ivy!! I can't imagine the places your thoughts go and pray for peace and reassurance for you.

  2. "And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spoke unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing."
    LUKE 9:11

    Continuous prayers for Baby Girl and the whole family. We love you!

  3. Praying for Lexi's continued healing and thanking God for gifting her with such a loving family.

  4. Oops meant Ivy's continued health.

  5. Mary - still praying for precious Ivy! - Beth in Cleveland

  6. Prayers are continuing to be said for your precious baby girl! With love,

  7. Prayers being sent for precious Ivy!!


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