Monday, September 17, 2012

Beautiful things

No word from Boston yet.
 I admit it, I'm sweating a little.. 
I just want to hear something, anything. Is my insurance not coming through? Fighting it? What is going on?? 
I'm going to call and check in at around 3 Boston time today. Hoping for at least an update. 

Ivy is doing well. The wall I was expecting her to hit soon, never happened! Last night she stood without a hand and took about 3 steps. She was so proud! She is so steady and graceful in her gate, she is just so so cautious and terrified! But let me tell you, little miss stinker pants is going to run when she gets this. She is getting CRAZY!!! She will no doubt be the life of the party, it's just her little personality, it is so funny and so darn cute! 

I have to tell you all about a few little surprises and upcoming events that have absolutely blessed the socks off of us!! 

After my last post I was contacted by a friend who contacted another bloggy friend and to make a long story short, some beautiful and kind woman who happens to be a graphic designer offered to re do my blog. So as I type this, there is a fresh new blog with a brand new name in the works. I think the name and the look is absolutely perfect for the season we are in and the days and years that follow. I can't wait to see it LIVE.

And, as if that was not enough,

Yesterday morning I received a text from my sweet friend Diana with this picture.
These 4 amazing girls decided to have a lemonade stand in Ivy's behalf. I was so touched by this sweet group of girls and their desire to be the hands and feet of our Father. 
Many hours later, I'm guessing they worked all day, I received this photo
With this letter from Ainsley, the beauty with the adorable glasses.

Dear Mary,

Today my friends and I had a lemonade stand for Ivy.  We had pictures of her and we told
people about her.  So many were touched by her amazing story!  When we ran out of lemonade we just started asking people for donations!
They were happy to help!   One of my friends little sisters pitched in $80 that she had collected with her friends for "Feed my starving children."   Instead they decided to give the money that they raised to Ivy!  We have lots of fun stories from our day!

We are excited to be sending you $508.28.

My friends and our classmates are praying for Ivy! 
We will be lifting her up during your trip to Boston and throughout her stay there!

She has a special place in our hearts!


And can I tell you there was not a dry eye in our house? We had to pass the email around because not one of us could read past the first sentence without sobbing. These girls are 11! They have friends to hang out with, jewelry to make, homework to do, malls to shop at, music  to listen to, party's to attend, and yet they chose to make lemonade and have a lemonade stand for our daughter! This portion of our journey is personal. It is a daily leap of faith now as we get in to the unknowns of what will and will not be covered. We have already taken our insurance company for quite the wild ride since coming home. But God continues to surprise us and continues to remind us that there are so many good people right here in this world cheering us on! We humbled and we are blessed! Thank you to these precious Minnesota Girls!! 

I promise to get some new pictures of the girls on here soon. Ivy is 

calling me, she's ready to get up and eat! 

Have a blessed day!!


  1. Now I am sobbing! What a precious addition to Ivy's story of redemption! Praying you hear something very soon. Also praying God holds sweet Ivy even tighter in His mighty hand!!!

    Blessings to your family!

  2. Precious! What a very special gift!!!

  3. Mary,
    Your big, generous heart and how you and your family love little Miss cuty Ivy brought me to tears. My children and I are organizing an eggroll fundrasing event for Ivy. Hopefully we will get to do it this weekend and will send a love package and the fund to you and your family. I will contact you via email.
    Blessings and love,
    Holly Nguyen

  4. That's just how your family makes people feel. Not just Ivy but all of you.

    Such sweet sweet girls to do that.

  5. As the mom of one of those girls, I have to say they have been hugely blessed as well. When I picked Lauren up last night, the over-the-top joy was bursting out of the walls of the house. God showed them they can dream big.

  6. We love you Mary!!! Such a blessing to help in this small way!!!

    Praying for God to orchestrate the details of Boston so you don't have to worry one bit about the insurance piece.. We all just want you to be able to focus on Ivy's needs along with all the others in that house that love you so!!!

    Hugs from MN,

  7. P.S: So excited to see your new blog!!!!!

  8. Mary, once again we say "PRAISE GOD FOR WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW" AND i SAY amen to that !! sending prayers and love your way!!Cathy in Illinois

  9. What a wonderful group of girls! There is something about families who adopt from China that we all become one BIG family who enjoy praying, loving and supporting one another! Praying for you all!!

  10. What amazing young ladies. Congrats to them.

    So glad to see Ivy with her great smiles. Prayers.

  11. God knows JUST what we need and I praise HIM for blessing you and Ivy!!! May He continue!!! XOXO


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