Monday, September 17, 2012

afternoon update

As promised XXO

Is she not just the life of the party?? Just you wait till she's all fixed up! OH MY!

I spoke with the gal from Boston who is handling things there and she informed me that they have been working on scheduling for a week and have still not confirmed the date. She said that until they have a date they can not move forward with insurance??? So I can stop sweating at least for today? Ughhh! I was told that they need the entire team to confirm all being there for Ivy on these certain dates and they are still awaiting a few confirmations. So we have a tentative date.... But it is ONLY tentative and we were told NOT to plan anything yet. The possible dates are Cardiology appointment, labs and so forth on October 16th. Heart Cath on the 17th. Open Heart Surgery on the 19th. I have no idea when she would actually be admitted or any of those details. Sounds too stressful to even ponder on at the moment. I really just want them to admit her, do the heart cath, do the surgery the next morning. That would make it so much easier on her rather than dragging it in to a week long miserable time for her when she could just be on the road to recovery. I know I know..... be calm and carry on~ blah! Hey I'm mommy, Ive gotta have my say! Hugs and Thanks to all of you. I was told we should have set plans by Friday. I sure do appreciate all your continued prayers!!  


  1. We will pray, pray and pray! Love this prayer Robin Roberts from Good Morning America shared with her viewers as she prepared herself for her bone marrow transplant:

    The Light of GOD surrounds me,
    The Love of GOD enfolds me,
    The Power of GOD protects me,
    The Presence of GOD watches over me,
    Wherever I am GOD IS!

  2. I think about your family everyday and keep you all in my prayers! Ivy is a true miracle. Her short life, she has seen so much and God truly is watching over her and guided her to the perfect family just for her. She has many people praying and we have all seen that God truly does perform amazing miracles. I will continue praying for your entire family.

  3. Oh my that is a whole lot of lovliness in one post.
    Stay calm and carry on...Ok if that works keep saying it or just run around like a headless chicken, it just seems more appropriate with all the stuff you have going on ;o)

  4. She is absolutely precious! We pray for her Janie is scheduled for her surgery in Cincinnati on oct 23rd, your precious Ivy will sure give me some perspective!! Love all the pics!

  5. Covering the whole Boston situation with prayer and also for peace of mind for you all. With our love, Marilyn & Brian

  6. Mary,

    Will you please email me? My daughter (from China) recently had 2 brain surgeries. We have some donated funds we didn't use that we may be able to hand over to your family if you need them.


  7. Oh Mary! What beautiful pictures of sweet Ivy!!! Things are moving in the right direction! Praise the Lord for every moment, right?? And continue to take one blessed day at a time!! We'll all be watching for updates and praying for your special family!!

    P.S. The lemonade stand was so amazing! I can only imagine you must've been in a puddle!!!

  8. Oh sweet baby Ivy...I could just eat her right up she is so sweet!!! Mary we continue to pray that everything falls in order and that Miss Ivy doesn't have to wait to much longer. Before we know it Ivy will be running around and full of so much energy..can't wait to see:) Hugs Janice

  9. Mary - Ivy is going to conquer this and when your family is on the other side, you will all be rejoicing in trying to keep up with her. She's a fighter. She's soaking up the love everyone is sending her. God is holding her - HE will be the one you hand her off to when she goes to the ER. HE will comfort her and give her the strength she needs. She is going to come through this. She will!

    Praying for you still - Beth in Cleveland

  10. As a mom to a 5 year old daughter adopted from Vietnam who is fighting cancer right now my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. These little ones are truly a blessing from God and He will get us through this! Hugs, Trish

  11. Praying here too... in your daughters birth country.

    I don't know if you read Choice Gleanings daily devotionals, but I was reading yesterdays online, about how the Lord is the vine and we are the branches and we can't do anything without the vine. So it hit me really hard, especially when I read the part "For without ME you can do nothing" was a huge reminder to me, God is over all... we need Him in everything, every sphere of our lives.

    I know you are trusting Him, and He will not fail.

    ((hugs)) Jill

  12. Forgot to add... Ivy Joy is the most precious baby girl ever. She has put on weight and her smile is about the most gorgeous thing every. Beauty. xo

  13. Mary thanks again for sharing a little bit of Ivy with us!! She is soooooooooooo adorable!! Prayers continuing thanks for the update!! God is GOOD! Cathy in Illinois

  14. Mary, know that we are praying for Ivy and her journey in Boston. We are close enough for a visit so let me know when the corner turns and Joshua will be right down. We are waiting to hear the results of Joshua's case being presented to the transplant team. Boston really is the best. Glad your family can be with you.

  15. She is so darn cute Ms Mary. Been thinking of you.

  16. Praying that all is ok on your end. Update us as soon as you can. Kisses to my Jellybean and hugs to all.


  17. Hi Mary:

    God continues to press precious Ivy onto my heart and my prayers are with you.

    Love and hugs,

  18. Hoping for an update. I am guessing you don't know yet. :( I can only imagine your nerves. I am praying for you all.

    BTW, I have no idea why but maybe there is a reasoning behind the heart cath and open-heart being separated. I know when S had her heart cath in 2008, her heart surgery was scheduled 5 days later, and she was in the hospital the whole time.

    I think they don't want to do them back-to-back, but I can't remember why. It is hard to think of waiting, but as you know, these doctors have reasons.

    I know when we brought our Sallie home in February, I in *my plan* had her heart surgery happening in April. Except it didn't. The cardiologists felt waiting awhile was best, and so now, we are set for October 4th hopefully. Not in my plan, but i have to trust God's plans are way better. I know you know this all too well.

    As of right now, baby Sallie has a lingering cough from a cold we've all had but she has had a harder time moving on from it. I am praying with all of my might this cough doesn't upstage her surgery.

    I will continue praying for Ivy Joy and her Mommy too! Heart hugs and prayers. Leslie

  19. Hi. I've been following your story and saw that you were hoping to have your blog redone. I'd LOVE to help you with the design (no cost to you, of course). Let me know if you're interested.

  20. Mary - I am thinking about you and praying for Ms Ivy. Love Maggie K

  21. I think of you all so often...would love an update when your able. (((HUGS))) from AL!!!

  22. Hi Mary, I have heard about your new adventure to Boston through a friend of a friend. I too have been on the Boston adventure since February. My son, Max, is here at Boston Children's. Max had open heart surgery back in February. I would love to talk to you and I'm here if you have any questions. I'm pretty familiar with hospital living and while Ivy is in ICU, you can get a sleep space in the hospital that way you don't have to be roomies. Trust me, you WON'T sleep. And YES bring flip flops. I have lots of other tips too! Max is on 8 East in Room 821. Stop by anytime if you feel like it. I'll be praying for Ivy:) Hope to see you soon --Gina


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