Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Here we go!

 The tentative dates are now final!!!
Sedated Echo, blood work, chest x ray, and lots of other testing will happen the 16th of October.
October 17th Ivy will have a heart Cath.
October 19th is her open heart surgery.

It has been an amazing few days! Amazing!!

God lives right smack in the middle of how we show love to one another! And I am humbled to my knees again, grateful beyond words, that He has placed me as the recipient of this love again!

On Friday, the MLG's For Jesus (Minnesota Lemonade Girls) a huge part of the Team Ivy Club, were at it again! Another lemonade stand and a Team Ivy party where the sweet girls made Team Ivy T-shirts and prayed for our Ivy Joy!

On Saturday at 10am, Angel showed up at my door. I refer to this person as Angel because Angel prefers to remain unmentioned.  But Angel is a huge part of Ivy Joys story so I hope Angel doesn't mind. Anyway, Angel appeared with Angels computer and Angel used a huge collection of points that Angel had been saving for a very long time, to purchase airline tickets for our family to go to Boston! Angel is a wonderful friend. Angel loves the Lord big and out loud! Angel loves our kids! We love you Angel!

And then!!!! My friend Jill, who went to China with me used her points to get Ivy and Quincie to Boston! Those were the 2 tickets we did not get Saturday morning as we were hoping Ivy would be able to sit on my lap since she is only 15 pounds and super fragile. The airline said, then put her in a carseat. Well ok, we will. Thank you Jill for making that so simple, I know that having a carseat for that long flight is going to be so appreciated! Your squishy faced love bug has some big kisses for you!!

On Monday we got some absolutely incredible mail. A check from a mom of a precious China sweetie with a check from their unused fundraising proceeds. Seriously? Yes, seriously!!! Thank you Lindsey!! Thank you Burror family! The girls love their cards and their clip boards!!! We have had to lock them up because they want to use all the stickers now!

On Tuesday my friend Chris who is the one who organized out Swirl It fundraiser tonight and the Garage sale next week, took Ivy for the morning. She had her house set up like a princess was coming to stay!!! She gave me a little one on one time with Lexi that was so needed and so appreciated! Ivy had the whole family eating out of her hand and they got to see what a pistol my tiny miracle is!!! I bet you needed a nap after we left Chris!!!! Ivy was asleep before we even got out of the neighborhood! I love you Hart Girls!!!

And finally, insurance.
We do not have final dollars yet. We were told, what will likely happen is our deductible will double and start back at zero. Since it is out of network. After that we would owe a percentage of her ongoing expenses. Not sure if it is 25% or what. This is the purpose of the fundraising. Because obviously her deductible will be due on day one due to the extent of what we are about to endure. We can handle this.
I trust the One who made Ivy, who got Ivy home, and who promises to love and care for her always! Really at peace knowing that this is where Ivy's hope for health really begins. And finally, we are here! Her life is more valuable than any thing we could ever buy, any place we could ever travel! We have EVERYTHING!!! How Could we ever ask for more? We are immeasurably Blessed!!!!

So stand fast in the Lord, beloved. We can only stand fast when we are in the Lord, any other place is not a secure place to stand. Don't you just love Philippians!


  1. I am just smiling through my tears sweet Mary!!!!

    LOVE you all, and we are trusting in The One who created that precious Ivy Joy!!!!

    We will be with you in prayer to Boston and back!!

    Love from MN!

  2. So happy to read an update! I think about y'all all the time. You must feel joy in knowing there is a plan in motion now. I can't wait to see how she soars after all the healing happens.


  3. So happy for your girl and a set date and how God has intervened financially as well. We will keep on praying for ALL the details!

  4. SO BEAUTIFUL!!! OH what amazing blessings being bestowed upon you in Ivy's sweet name!! So happy you'll be on your way to Boston soon! We also have miles if you need them, Mary! Don't worry about the money. God WILL provide! And I think you can see that's true just through the generosity of his believers!!

  5. Mary,

    Such beautiful blessings are being poured out for you and your family. I am very excited to read all the good news!!!

    I am praying for Ivy and for her complete healing.

    I love that the Burror family shared their fundraising with you. I have been praying for them a lot too and how wonderful that God connected the two of you!!!!

    Lots of love and prayers,

  6. Mary -
    So glad how everything is falling into place for your family! You have such great faith and you are such an inspiration to me. I hope all goes well in Boston for Ivy and wish you the best! You are in our thoughts and prayers!!


  7. Mary,as I read this I feel tears --GOD IS SO GOOD!!!Praise God FROm whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!Continuing in prayer!! ,Cathy in Illinois!!

  8. Hearts, thoughts, prayers, (and anything else you can think of in between), are yours. I've been in your shoes, and want to say: NEVER hesitaite to ask for what you need. We are all praying, thinking of and sending our best to Ivy...but if there is anything else, let us know. It is so amazing to watch adoptive families rally. We are here for you, come what may.

    Lindsey and family


  9. Thinking and praying for all of you -- so much power in prayer.

    Blessings to Ivy and your amazing family and friends.


  10. Such sweet blessings!!! Praying for you all.

  11. What an incredible God we have.

    I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

    Praying for every last detail & your little miracle.


  12. Praying with all our hearts for wonderful things in Boston!
    Hugs, Leslie and Julianna

  13. Will be praying for little Miss Ivy,your family and the doctors and nurses caring for her. Hope all of your travels and stay go as smoothly as possible. the 16th is my sisters birthday and the 19th, is my dad's and his first up in heaven. I know he will be an angel watching over her that day.

  14. I wanted to send you my prayers in the up coming surgery of your daughter. We have been on that journey with our son. It is not easy, but so thankful that he is doing well today. Sending prayers from Georgia!

  15. Ivy is looking pretty good in these pictures! Glad everything is coming together as God intended.

  16. I am so blessed to read all this, dear Mary. "Now unto Him who is able to exceeding abundantly beyond all we can ask or think".

    We came home from the hospital last night. So thankful to be back home again.

    Love and prayers to you and precious Ivy Joy!!

    With a big hug,


    ps I"m not sure what rock I've been living under, but I just realized Thursday, when Sadie and I visited the American Girl Store in Chicago, that there is an Asian AG doll named Ivy! Didn't know that. We bought the miniature Ivy to celebrate Sadie getting her tube out!


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