Friday, September 28, 2012

Under Construction

Hold tight friends,
The blog is under construction and lots of things are still being changed and added.
The new name will be ~Joy in all things~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I love this verse because it has taught me how to live my life this past year. Finding joy in all things! And it is so freeing! It is my promise to live this way always, and I know it will be what gets me through the weeks ahead, in Boston.
Im adding a few (ok you know me and FEW don't go together when it comes to pictures) cute shots of Wednesday nights fundraiser for Team Ivy! It was an incredible night!
Friends gathered from 4-10 at Swirl It, self serve frozen yogurt to love on and bless our family and especially our precious Ivy Joy!

We planned on having the girls there from 5-7 but ended up lasting until 9:30!!! The girls were literally in the arms of loving friends all night. It was quite relaxing actually!!!

Thank you to everyone who came out and loved on our family. Thank you Chris for putting this together.

                                     Thank you all who spread the word! Thank you!!!


  1. Yeah!! What a great party. I only we wish we lived closer so we could have gone. I love seeing the Lord use situations like Ivy's to work in the hearts of those around to bring glory to himself. Praying you guys through and have a whole team her in CA praying as well.

  2. Do you have an address where we can send Ivy some treasures? Keeping you in our prayers in Athens, AL!!!

  3. I agree, too bad we live so far away!! Looks like an amazingly fun time!! and tasty,too!!Cathy in Illinois!

  4. Hi Mary!
    Just checking in on u guys and loving the miracles in the making!
    Following ur journey with lots of hope and faith! ....So very happy that Ivy's heart will soon be literally in the hands of the world-renowned cardiology team at Boston Childrens! Wondering if you might be able to sell the "A Heart for Ivy" t-shirts for fundraising?? Perhaps all prayer warriors could wear these shirts during Ivy's surgery?? Just a thought. Praying for your beautiful family :-)

  5. What an awesome love party for your sweet baby!!! Praying!!!

  6. Hello! I just wanted to tell you that I pray for Ivy Joy's healing every morning. I know that
    God has great things planned for this tiny little girl! Also praying for peace for your family. LOve, Kim

  7. Mary-I don't have your email. Hope it's ok to leave a message here. Yes, let's get together! I'm always game and really want to connect! give me a holler when you are ready after Boston, and we'll meet in the middle somewhere. Or I'm usually good last minute too and next week is all open.
    Prayers for you and Boston and Ivy and the team that will be with her. His hands upon you all,


We love to hear from you, say hello!