Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ivy Joy is in the house

Ivy came up to the ICU a few minutes ago and is getting all hooked up as I type. 
It will be another hour before we are allowed in the room. Her surgeon should be up to see us soon. I absolutely can't wait to hear what he has to say! We are getting a bit sleepy waiting and I am certain Ivy's surgeon feels 10 times worse! I can't wait to thank that man!! I will have lots to share in the morning. Thank you all my friends for what you have done today! I know you are all just as exhausted as I am!! But after all the stress of the day, we have quite a gift! A little girl who was given little hope, now has hope!!!! A chance!! And Jesus has big plans for that little girl. Big!!!


  1. HUGE plans for this little lady!! :). I will be praying for her in my dreams tonight! I hope you get to see her soon! Stay strong mama and try to get some rest!!!

  2. So happy and relieved for u all Mary. Praying for a peaceful and restful night for all of you up in Boston. Please hug the incredible surgeon/surgeons on behalf of Team Ivy!!

  3. Incredible. What a miracle-worker our God is. Praying for her recovery!

  4. I have been following along and am so happy to hear that the surgery is over and that Ivy is in her room. Continued thoughts are with you and your entire family.

  5. So good to hear. Please try to get some rest. Blessings

  6. Prayers and peaceful wishes sent your way.

  7. Yes, indeed He does. She is very special. And has a very special family.

    I hope you all get some rest.


  8. My husband and I have been following your amazing story for awhile now. What a miracle that little Ivy is! God Bless you all and keep you safe and strong in the days ahead...

  9. So thankful and glad to hear the surgery is over! Praising Him for healing your little angel! Continued prayers as the healing begins.

  10. Just checking in. I hope you're resting. All of you. xo

  11. So happy to hear the surgery went well. Mary, your going to need
    your rest. You must be exhausted.

    Ivy is amazing! She is a fighter. Big things are in store for her future.

    Blessings for continued good news and a speedy recovery.

    Hugs and prayers.

  12. It's 4am and I just had to ckeck back! What a blessing to have Ivy! Can't wait for more info in the morning! Hope you were able to get some rest after such a long day!

  13. PRAISE GOD !! He has an awesome life planned for this little darling !! So happy for you all ! Can't wait to hear more womderful news today !!You all are a very special family !

  14. I spent last night sending prayers your way. The first thing I had to do before work this morning was to get up and see how she was doing. More prayers for today. Hopefully everyone can get some much needed rest.

  15. Praise the Lord! And we will continue to pray even more now...please Lord may Ivy recovery smoothly with no complications and setbacks according to your perfect will!!!!!
    Prayers from a China heart momma in Alabama....

  16. So relieved to read this post this morning. God will continue to bless Ms Ivy (and her whole family!)

  17. WOOHOO! What a relief to have the surgery DONE and it all went well! Praise Jesus!! Continuing to pray! Ivy is one awesome girl!

  18. Wonderful news! We continue to pray for you all of you and hope that her night was uneventful. God is working a miracle through Ivy and it is amazing to watch. May God continue as I truly think he has BIG plans for her life.

    Go Team Ivy!

  19. GOD IS GOOD!! We've been thinking and praying for Ivy, you and her wonderful team of doctors and all those assisting in her surgery. May God cover all of you with His constant provision and peace!

  20. I want to thank that surgeon too! He was guided by the Lord. Every moment in her life has led to this, and YES, absolutely, God has big plans for her!


  21. Praising God with you and continuing to pray for healing and recovery! God is SO good!!!!

  22. Just popping in to send love and healing thoughts to little Miss Gorgeousness. Hope you all had an "easy" night.
    Love to all

  23. Thinking about you and your family this morning and continuing to pray for Ivy.

  24. PRAISE OUR AMAZING GOD!!!GIVE GOD THE GLORY!! CANT WAIT TO READ THE NEXT UPDATE!! Thank you for caring about us,Mary, Ivys Prayer Team!! GO TEAM!! Blessings,Cathy in Illinois!! (give that doctor a hug)

  25. I was up much of the night with my little munchkin so as I sat up with her, I poured my heart out in prayers for sweet Ivy Joy.
    Lord let your Mer ybs upon us as we place our trust in you. Psalm 33
    love and continued prayers,

  26. "Lord let your Mercy be upon us as we place our trust in you"

  27. God is GOOD!!! You are blessed with this amazing medical team!!! Continuing to pray for your precious Angel:)
    God Bless,


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