Thursday, October 25, 2012

The worlds BEST Adrenaline Rush!

Before I go in to all that needs to be shared of Ivy's surgery yesterday and the night she just had, I just want to take a minute to give the One who made her and has always protected her, ALL the glory!!!!!!!
There is one explanation for her survival, and that is ALL GOD!
Thank you prayer warriors who have fallen in love with our girl! Your tiny little jellybean Luciana! I think she has more people calling her ~theirs~ than anything I have ever witnessed! She is so worthy of all this love and respect! Thank you Father in heaven for blessing us all with the life of this precious child! We are all so anxious to watch you use her in big Huge, ways!!!

This is what a hero looks like. A heart warrior indeed! 2 times in 6 months. A whole life of fighting. A will to live that surpasses all understanding. A love that pierces! A child of God. Mighty and perfectly, wonderfully made.

Upon opening our girl and repairing the findings, much was found. The huge cleft in Ivy's mitral valve was not congenital. It was an inscision that happened by accident. The surgeon expected it to be the easiest part of the repair but when he went in to repair it he discovered that the flaps (leaflets) had been cut off too. So the repair consisted of creating new ones and attaching them and then closing the cleft. There is still a little regurgitation from this valve. But nothing that would require further repair. It is minor and it is something that one can live a normal long life with!
The tricuspid valve was patched and repaired. The flaps in that valve were accidentally sewn in to the patch. They took the patch off and attached a new one. One that is NOT sewn in to her precious little tricuspid valve! Her little flaps were set free and then repaired. The tricuspid is working perfectly now and has NO regurgitation! 
The Aorta..... We had no idea there was an issue with her Aorta. Again, a result of her Nikaidoh procedure. The way the Aorta was adhered, it had severe stenosis and was resulting in more of the heart failure she was experiencing. He replaced the whole aortic arch with a conduit. 
Both pulmonary arteries were a mess! Both!! We knew there was an issue with the Left, it was hypoplastic and he planned to address it. He ended up addressing both the right and left arteries!
 Ivy now has 2 brand new pulmonary artery valves.
Ivy's Homograft was not positioned properly and thus was leaking pretty drastically. He was able to save it, relocate it, and patch it with cow tissue. 
They moved on to the right coronary artery. They moved it and while it was flowing, it was not flowing as much as they had hoped. Ivy had been under a very long time and still needed to come off bypass in order to place her new pacemaker. The pacemaker she had from Phoenix surgery was in a far less than optimal place, it did not have the right leads and the leads were in the wrong place. Since they had done all they could do for the right coronary during her heart cath last week, it was time to work on the pacemaker. They took her off bypass and her blood pressure dropped drastically. We called on The Team and we thank you ALL for your fervent prayers!!! Ivy's heart just wasn't beating. They used the paddles, and put her back on bypass. 
Her surgeon just had a very strong suspicion  that this was rooting from the coronary artery. Just as he suspected put her on ECMO after her first surgery in Phoenix. So he went in with a scope and looked very closely. He was shocked at what he found. He found 2 stitches in the coronary artery!! When our Phoenix surgeon put in her homograft, he must have gotten too close to the RCA and he actually stitched it closed. My oh my am I biting my tongue right now...... All these kinks! All these mistakes.. How did they not know? Stitches?? Yes, baby girl has been through the ringer. And mommy will bite her tongue. You can also bet that the doctors here at Boston will be assiting me in finding a new team of doctors for Ivy back in Arizona. Because mommy can be calm and gracious, but mommy is not clueless! 
Dr Baird snipped the stitches and the RCA saw blood flow!!! We do not know what the future holds for this artery and the damage that may have been done by the stitches having been there. The artery was also repositioned during the Phoenix surgery and the doctors in Boston say that it was put in a terrible spot, way too high, but it is way too risky to try and relocate it again after all she had been through today. Praise be to God that she was not able to come off Bypass or they would have never found those stitches and her RCA would have slowly gone back to being completely occluded, thus leaving us grim hope for Ivy's life.
Praise to God for this wonderful man who wanted so bad to be sure he addressed every single issue with Ivy's heart all in one shot so that our little jellybean could have a REAL chance!!! Her RCA is now flowing!
It was soooooo late now and it was time to get that pacemaker in and those new leads on and get this baby out of the O.R. 
It took a long time for them to tell us she was off Bypass again and this mommy had a few melt downs waiting. I was preparing myself again for what might not be my plan and remembering all that this little girl had already accomplished in her short life. My mustard seed faith was shrinking without me even realizing it as I leaned on the changing table in the bathroom and had a good cry! Every person in the waiting room, all with kids who came in much later than our baby, all had been given the great news that their children were recovering in their rooms and they could see them soon. I asked, "why not our baby God"? She has been through so much. She has been through an earthly form of hell. This time was supposed to be different. And then I was reminded of the promises God made to me, and I to Him. Of all our special time chatting together in China as He prepared my heart, my soul and my mind for the days ahead with Ivy Joy. He equipped me for this. This is not strength of my own, I take no credit for that! In China, I told Him I would never regret how many days He gave me with Ivy Joy. I told Him I would be the best mom I could be for her and I would love her like He loves me! And he promised to never leave her to never forsake her! And He promised that whatever we had to go through, we would never, not for a minute, be alone.
And then Jessica, our nurse came to tell us that Ivy was off bypass and would be up in an hour or so!!! She would come up with an open chest and the doctor would be in to see us shortly after. Relief is the only word. No ECMO, our baby was ok!!!
Hours later we finally had our conference with the surgeon. This incredible man who took our baby, with a messed up chopped up, hardly functioning heart, and spent all day and night doing everything possible to make it right.
So grateful!
She is having a little flutter issue that they are using medication for right now. That heart has been through so much. Her pacer is the Mercedes of pacemakers and should be able to make that flutter less of a problem soon. 
Her swelling is already going down, she is peeing on her own, there is even talk of closing her chest as soon as tomorrow!!! 
She is on a cooling blanket. She will remain paralyzed and sedated for several days. She is soooooo beautiful even with all that graphic exposure! 

Believe, and you shall receive, anything you ask for in prayer. 
If it is God's will.... Step back and be prepared to see a miracle!!!!!!!!


  1. I don't think I have ever been so grateful or cried so hard for anyone that is not related to me ever.

    Oh Ivy Joy you truly are a miracle.

    And yes, she has stolen so many hearts, just this morning Lily said, how is "my" little Ivy Joy"

  2. Tears of joy!! Praise God for healing Ivy's precious heart...Ivy is such a blessing!! Big ((hugs))

  3. I came home from work to see how Ivy Joy was.....and here is the news we had been hoping for! Continuing to hope for a speedy recovery.

    Go Ivy!!

  4. Sooo happy for all of you! Made my day...

  5. Crying tears of JOY and full of praise for our Father! What a little miracle you are , Ivy! We will continue to lift you and your precious momma and family up in prayer. You continue to SHINE!! Go Ivy!!!
    Loving you from Pennsylvania!!

  6. Hard to type through the tears. Humbled to be created and loved by the same God as Ivy Joy~

  7. Wow! Just WOW! Ivy Joy is such an incredible little one, and it sounds like the hand of God was guiding that surgeon and his team. Blessed doesn't seem to quite describe this outcome. Praying for a speedy recovery!

  8. Mary.. what a miracle. God does get all the glory, but you listened to your mom instincts and got her to the surgeon that could help her!! You did that! I am so happy that her heart is fixed. Now you understand when I said.. "I don't trust PCH!" I know how it feels to bite your tongue so hard. So grateful that Ivy is doing well, fantastic, and our prayers continue for a smooth recovery!! Unfortunately, there is no GOOD team in Arizona. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY trust Dr Stock.. he has been our rock, our advocate and I can't say enough good. As far as caths, surgeries, there is no one I trust locally. We do everything at Stanford!!

    WAY TO GO IVY!!!!

  9. I agree with dawn - she has stolen our hearts. I sob every time I read your blog, tears of "joy" for God's love and blessings but also to read the testimonial of your love for God. Your whole family is an inspiration and a piece of heaven on earth.

  10. Mary, it must be so hard to bite your tongue. May God give you the strength and discernment to deal with those other doctors. Thankful that God led you to the competent doctors and that your family has fought the good fight for Ivy. Rejoicing in all the good news, especially the one about no more surgeries till she is 20! Maybe you can give us the surgeons contact info at the hospital so we can send thank you notes.

  11. Glad "our" little girl is on the road to recovery! Praying hard for her and all of you.

  12. My heart is so full of JOY from this miracle!!!! xoxo to Dr. Baird and u all up in Boston. I think we can all safely discern that Boston Children's cardiology dept. ABSOLUTELY DESERVES their #1 title!!!!I can NOT wait to see Ivy blossom in the weeks, months, and years to come!!!!

    :-) thinking of Ivy's little video "me, me, me" so precious!!!! Yes, she has gone to Boston and gotten a new heart and is going to grow big and strong!! :-)

  13. I am sitting here crying and sobbing for you and Ivy. Glory be to God! If I ever doubted I don't anymore. This little girl has touched my heart and restored my faith. She is strong, beautiful and she will soon be healthy. You are an amazing mommy and you were God's plan for Ivy. I can't wait to see her beautiful brown eyes open and I hope she gets to eat some kisses soon.

    My blessings,

  14. I am sitting in my Dr's office trying to type through tears of amazing joy and thanks for this awesome news!!! Thank you God for leading yall to this wonderful hospital and more importantly, Ivy's awesome Dr. who took such great care to heal her poor heart!!! So blessed to witness this tiny miracle and her amazing, faithful family!!!
    So much love for a tiny girl most of us have not had the pleasure of knowing in person, but we do all think of her as "ours"!! :). So happy for y'all!!!! Cannot wait to hear more good news and see precious Ivy up and running, soon! :).

  15. I'm in tears, reading this. Praise the Lord!! What a beautiful and strong little girl you have! What a miracle she is! And what a strong mama you are! Praying for all of you.

  16. Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!!!!!

    All glory to GOD!!!!

    He is so faithful! I can just imagine your puddle of tears on the changing table...bless you. How relieved you must have been to see your baby girl and her restored HEART!!!! He is Restorer and Redeemer!

    And rest assured, we will continue to pray for those flutters to settle down quickly and for a continued smooth recovery with NO complications please Jesus!

    And praying for rest for you all...oh how this brings back memories for me!

    Alabama hugs,

  17. WOW!!! I am so HAPPY to read this wonderful news this morning. Your faith is inspiring. Continuing to pray for your sweet baby girl.

  18. I have been reading your story for quote some time, but have never left a comment before. But after just reading about Ivy's surgery, I feel I need to leave a message. First and foremost, God Bless your family and Ivy. YOu are all indeed, very blessed, to have found each other. I hope she has a very speedy recovery and can go home and truly enjoy the wonderful life you will all have together. I have two adopted girls, both marvelously healthy, and feel so very lucky to have them in our family. This is the way God intends some families to be made, and bless you for listening. Wishing you much joy and happiness!!

  19. Mary, I was so overcome with Joy when I saw the pictures of precious Ivy, I cried. I am so
    thrilled with how great she is going. When you mentioned Boston as a possiblity I knew Ivy would be in good hands. They work magic. If they say 20 years valve replacement it will be 40! I am a living testiment. They told me I would only go 10 years before I would need another surgery. It has been almost 30. Yes, I will need one at some point, but they are wonderful there. I am so incredibly happy for you and for Ivy.

    Thank you God!

  20. Wow -- so happy to read this update and the wonderful work that was done for sweet Ivy. Praying for a sweet and speedy recovery.


  21. God is an AWESOME God! So thrilled and happy for Ivy. I will be praying always for your little one and your family.

  22. Overcome with JOY for sweet Ivy! Best post ever!


  23. In awe... Thank you God for creating and sustaining precious Ivy Joys life!!!! Thank you for the team in Boston who were your hands...

  24. PRAISE THE LORD!!! Oh, Mary, I can only imagine the relief and the adrenaline rush from God that you are experiencing!!! I think we are ALL walking on air with you!!! How AMAZING that the surgeon was able to repair ALL of those issues for IVY and that she is PERFECTLY PERFECT!! We will continue to pray as we watch her get better and better and HOME with you!!!

  25. This is AWESOME!!! Sweet baby girl is going to have a whole new world open up to her...the thought of her playing with the normal energy of a two-year old makes me giddy & teary all at the same time! What a blessing!!!

  26. Crying, with Joy for Ivy, for your amazing faith, and for all God has done. I am speechless, but even more so, I am beyond thankful that you were able to update us. I am so sorry for all of the errors, I can't even imagine. But as many of us are finding the best in their fields earn that title for a reason. Hugs, cuz she is so all of ours, God made her ours to carry us around in our hearts, look at our won children and learn the lessons he is so desperately trying to teach us!

  27. Hello, my name is Cara Kenney, from Roanoke, Virginia ... i happened upon your blog last week thru a friends blog and i THANK the Lord that I did ... it has been a blessing to follow Ivy's journey ... what a MIRACLE ... will be praying for a complete recovery and will pray that the Lord continues to provide peace to your hearts during this trial and someday very soon you will look back and say "remember when ~ thank you Lord"! ... always keep in mind ~ Phil:4:19

  28. God is Marvelous! AMEN AMEN AMEN. I will continue to pray!

  29. She's just precious and looks so much like my little miracle who is just about exactly a year older than her.

    I've held my breath during every post and update, actually making my husband read first a few times because I couldn't bear to read if it were bad news.

    We rejoice with you in the goodness of our God! Either way he is good but I like this way soooo much better.

    Doing my happy dance for you today...and knowing Ivy will be doing so SOON!



  30. What a miracle. I pray that Dr. Baird and his team know WHO was guiding their hands yesterday. Praying for no complications and a speedy recovery.

  31. PRAISE GOD!!!!!! Mary, I don't even have any more words, just PRAISE GOD!!!!!

    Tears of Joy for you all and for precious Ivy.

    She flies because God said she could!!!!!!!

    Love you!

  32. Praising God in Georgia!!! Thank you Jesus!!! Yes! God has HUGE PLANS for this little miracle.

    Mom of FAB Five

  33. Praise the Lord!!!!!!! So Thankful for sweet Ivy Joy.

  34. I wept through this entire post. God is so incredibly good! Thank you for saying yes to the call and loving her for the Lord!
    In awe!

  35. I have been following your story for a while now. You are an incredible mom and you have a precious family. We all prayed for Ivy last nite at the dinner table and asked God to be with her to heal her heart. He has indeed answered! God bless you all!

  36. I've been checking your blog all morning and am now sitting at my desk here in Washington, DC with tears flowing down my face! JOYful tears!! Thankful tears! And, I am so humbly reminded how powerful our God is and just how much He loves us! I'm also reminded how we are to use our own God given gifts for His glory... just as Ivy's surgical team has done.

    Miss Ivy is loved and her spirit and her fight has ignighted a new fire in many as we seek to serve The One who made us! I am humbled to my knees and can't wait to share the news with my Eliza Grace! Love to you all!

  37. I'll have to come back and post when I find the words! Tears of joy flowing here!!!
    Thank you GOD!

  38. Prayers answered! God bless you Mary for you faith and your love for Ivy. I think anyone reading this and following along with you cannot help but breathe a sigh of relief, shed a tear, and praise the Lord for all he has done. I hope she continues to do well and can come home to play in the sunshine with all her siblings. Hugs, J

  39. I've been following your blog since her surgery in Phoenix. So so happy to hear this wonderful surgeon and our wonderful Lord have repaired and protected her! Will continue to pray!

  40. Tears flowing!! Yes, our God is an awesome God and He makes all things possible!

  41. wow!! i have no words!!
    PRAISE BE TO GOD that miracles still exist!!


  42. Amazingly God! Such a good report. Will continue to pray.

    In Christ,
    janet and gang

  43. yes! miracles still happen everyday if we will just open our eyes and see!!! crying big tears of JOY for your sweet baby and you all!!! There are just no words and our girls will one day by having the same surgery when they are 20. PTL!!! I am thankful for this amazing report and Praise HIM Who heals broken hearts!!! I love you sweet friend!!! XOXOXO

  44. Absolutely THRILLED to hear little "IVY JOY", can look forward to a long life of spreading joy! Definitely extra prayers going up on her behalf. Pam M.

  45. I had to stop reading part way through and process my own anger over the many, many, many mistakes made by the first doctors. I am in awe that you are able to focus on the blessing of having your precious baby back with a whole heart. I am so thankful that her surgery went well and that you assembled such a fantastic team of blessed surgeons. I wonder if they can put into a formal report the list of mistakes made by the other surgeons for you to submit to the appropriate medical board and the appropriate time. Clearly, Ivy's heart condition was beyond their experience and expertise and, after opening her chest the very first time, they should have closed her right up and admitted it.

    I will continue to pray for Ivy's recovery.

  46. There are no word, just tears! What a miracle you little gift is. Praising God for the testimony that little Ivy is the way she is changing hearts and lives! Blessing

  47. Amen and Amen!..

    humbly said in God's name...

    thinking of you in each prayer during the day

    anonymous in New York

  48. Yeah!!!! so thankful to GOD for this gift!!!! We love you all in Athens, AL!

  49. Dear Mary and Bryan,
    Reading the magnitude of what has transpired in the last six months leaves me in awe.. In awe of a loving Father who created a tiny little girl. He knew from the start that her heart would be broken. He knew who her family would be.. And, he knew without a doubt that they would follow his call in obedience. A call that you answered without hesitation. He knew that she would change lives by her story. And, He knew that through her trial you would give Him the Glory! He also gave a very special surgeon the gift of patience, perseverance, and wisdom. The wisdom to know that there was a reason she wasn't ready to come off bypass. A Doctor who also has followed a call.. It is a privilege to know this part of Ivy Joy's story. And it is a privilege to see how her life has a powerful eternal purpose already.. The angels are singing for the lives that are being saved by one very tiny, but one very mighty life!! So, I type all this so say... Thank you Mary and Bryan, for saying YES.. And, for trusting that with God ALL things are possible!

    We at this house are giving thanks for God's timing, for His perfect plan for Ivy Joy's life, and for the amazing power that there is when the Body of Christ comes together in prayer!


  50. Brings tears to my eyes to hear such wonderful news! Such a blessing from God. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery for your little Ivy Joy.


  51. Mary, I am literally SOBBING tears of joy for Ivy's miracle. I praise God for all the He has done for your precious daughter!!!

    Jill G

  52. Praise God!!! What a wonderful testimony of his faithfulness and his big plans for Miss Ivy!

  53. What a journey....what a joy.....praise God for Ivy joy! Rejoicing with you for all He has done and will do in and through your baby girl. Thank you for sharing and letting us get a glimpse of God's glory through your sharing! God bless!

  54. Crying tears of praise and love!

  55. I am near tears reading your post! How I wish you could have gone to Boston the first time around and saved Ivy so much pain! I hope the doctors in Phoenix will take notice and re-evaluate their procedures and abilities! Can't wait to see happier pictures of little Miss Ivy!

  56. I agree with ist emailer DAWN, NEVER have I cried so hard ,as she did, for someone not related to me!!! Praise God!!To our God be the Glory!! we are full of JOY!!! It is a MIRACLE!! AS is IVYJOY!! Wowie how we all do LOVE her!! so proud to be on IVY's prayer team!! No MORE surgeries till she's 20!! HALLELUYAH!!have to go to share all this with my own IVYJOY prayer team!! so relieved its all over!! Blessings, of love and relief and comfort to you all and thanking God for a team of doctors who would not give up !! Cathy in Illinois!!

  57. This made me cry tears of joy for Ivy and ALL of you. Truly amazing. Will continue to lift all of you up as you move forward into the next hours & days.

    Love you,

  58. This is the BEST news!!!!!! We have been praying so hard over here. Ivy Joy is a living miracle and your faith has inspired so many, Mary. You are doing the Lord's work so beautifully on earth. Love,

  59. What an amazing little girl you have and what a beautiful family you are. I can't wait to read about all the great things in store for Ivy's future and God's plan for her, which I am sure are GREAT!


  60. I don't know you and your family, but I KNOW you. I stumbled onto your blog a while ago...and feel like part of your family. I want you to know that I am typing this thru tears. I prayed all day for Ivy, for her family, for her doctors and nurses. I am thrilled for her! What an amazing team God put in place for her....and for you. Thank you SO much for all the updates on Ivy. They were so appreciated. Our God is an awesome God! Thanks be to Him.

  61. There are no words... only tears of gratefulness to the great God we serve! Rejoicing with you, sweet friend! Lori McCary

    "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more...."

  62. God has incredible plans for your precious baby girl and I'm rejoicing that she now has a PERFECT heart!!!! Just think how wonderful she will feel after she has healed from her surgery ~ you will have a daughter like you have never known before, a healthy, happy, baby girl that is no longer struggling!!! Get some rest mama, I'm guessing you may need it to keep up with your healthy baby girl!!!

  63. What an amazing testimony to the faithfulness of God! I am honored just to have been on team Ivy! I can't wait to see what God has planned for your little fighter in the future!

  64. Our God is an awesome God! So happy to hear the wonderful news about your beautiful baby girl!

  65. YAY GOD!!!!!!!!!! I knew in my heart all along she would be just fine and get through it like the fighter she is!! Praising Jesus, and so thankful your little girl is doing well.

  66. qoor1i 62
    Praise God! Praiase God! Praise God!!!!

  67. Speechless and in awe of the miracle that happened today! Sweet Ivy has been on my mind all day! That little girl is a fighter and He has big plans for her indeed!! :)

    1. The downey family awesome God we serve we give him all theglory i will be praying for your baby ivy everyday till you hold your angel again thanks God for awesome surgeons with guided hands crying right now May she get Stonger ever day with God direction

  68. Almost cried reading this! PRAISE THE LORD!

  69. "His mercies are new every morning, great is HIS faithfulness!". What a wonderful update to read. To know that little Ivy will have a working heart". Thank you, Lord. You are such a testimony of HIS love and grace. What a blessing to all who can pray for Ivy and be a witness to this miracle. I shall continue to pray for Ivy and your family. Thank you for all your updates.
    Praying Grandma in Nebraska

  70. Pondering what "k" said and I too, was so.not.happy with the folks responsible for her last operation!!!! Agree totally that Dr's should not accept cases completely beyond their expertise. After u recover and recoup from all of this, perhaps you should pray about what to do with this information...not to seek revenge, of course, but to try to ensure that other families do not unnecessarily find themselves facing the hardship and struggles that yours has dealt with.....

  71. What a little miracle, actually a big huge miracle. My prayers will continue to be with Ivy and your family. God is amazing.

  72. Praise God!!!!! I have thought about sweet Ivy and your family every minute for the past 2 days!!! Last night before I closed my eyes I looked for an update, there it was "Ivy off bypass", I couldn't help but yell out loud "thank you lord!!!" I yelled so loud my husband heard me from the living room. Prayers are being sent your way, in a constant flow. Ivy is nothing short of a perfect little miracle!!!!!

  73. Dear Ivy Joy and family,
    Seeing your picture today makes me cry so hard. I am crying for what you have been through your entire life. I am crying tears of Joy and Praise God for healing Ivy! Thanks God for giving Ivy the Joy of Life!! Ivy, your strong will to fight is an inspiration to many!!
    Thank you God!! Thank you Ivy Joy!! Thank you the Sammons family for loving Ivy Joy so big!!
    Love from Virginia,

  74. I wasn't home all day and couldn't wait to get home to look for the update. There is nothing better than to read what I have just read. Your girl is a miracle! Continued strength!

  75. Soooooo glad to hear all is going well,

  76. I am so happy that this... these are the results we expected last time and finally, we got them. Thanks be to God almighty, our wonderful and loving Creator. All glory truly goes to Him. In the name of His son whom he so lovingly sent for us, Jesus Christ.
    So much prayer, so much love.

    A big, huge sigh of relief. That Jellybean is truly a hero. She is tiny and so grand.

    Mary, your heart. Bless your own heart. Your strength, your courage.

    Love to all.



  77. Praise God and he is a mighty God!!! Your little girl is tiny and strong and a miracle!!!

  78. Praising the One who carried your little girl through! Go Ivy Go!!! Praying for a quick recovery.

  79. Tears of pure "JOY"!!!! Praise God!!!
    God Bless You Ivy Joy:)
    We continue to send you prayers.

  80. Amazing! Prayers were certainly heard!

  81. It's shoutin time in Glory for sure!!! You were chosen for sweet Ivy, God knew you would have the faith of a mustard seed and trust He could move this mountain! Prayers will continue for strength, recovery, and endurance to finish this race! Thank you Jesus for sweet Ivy Joy and her precious family of faith.....all glory and honor belongs to you!!!

  82. I've read this through a couple of times now. LOVE IT!

  83. I cried like a baby when I read this. I love it when God gives us more than we can imagine. The words "wonderful answer to prayer" just can't say what He has truly done. I am over the moon thankful for your family and sweet Ivy Joy!!! What a special blessing she is to all of us!!!!

  84. Thanks be to God! I'm still praying!

  85. Sweet Baby girl! Praying for her.

  86. May God continue his blessings upon you and Ivy Joy.

  87. I have chills and tears after reading this post. I am forever changed because of sweet Ivy! I can't wait to see what God has planned for her life. You have shown the power of a mother's love. Many blessings and continued prayers!

    With love from FL

  88. Crying perfect, happy tears for all of you!!!
    Praying always, Leslie and Julianna

  89. Thank you so much for the update. Will continue to pray here in TX.

  90. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!!!!!

    SO grateful, so joyful, so amazed....

    Ivy Joy = His Lil Miracle

    Oh can "breath"!!!! And your precious one can en"joy" all that awaits her wonderful life!!!!

    Thank you for the honor...
    Love and blessings,

  91. Amazing! Continuing to pray. :)

  92. Thank you God for the work you have done for Ivy Joy! Thank you God for the wonderful surgeon, nurses, anesthesia doctors, and everyone involved in this healing. Thank you God that your plan is for a wonderful full life for Ivy Joy. Thank you God for healing this angel's heart so she too will reach others in her life. Thank you God for bringing everyone together in this little girl's life to see the miracles You provide and the blessings are real from our Lord and Savior. We will continue to pray for a very fast recovery so this little angel can flourish in so many more ways!

    Huge, soft hugs for Ivy and all of you!!
    John, Annette and Alexandria

  93. That is the BEST news EVER! I have been following your blog since before Ivy's 1st surgery. BCH is an amazing place with awesome doctors and wonderful care givers and has proven it once again! I will continue to keep Ivy, your family and her doctors in my prayers as she continues to heal. I know that God has GREAT plans for your little miracle!

  94. I am so happy for all of you. It is great news. I check in several times a day to see how Ivy is doing and this is the best news.

  95. I am just in awe at how calm you are with all the mistakes that were made to her poor little heart. I sure hope they are able to find you a great surgeon back in Arizona, but it sounds like you will not be needing that doctor again anyway. Definately God had his hand in this miracle. Congratulations! Her little picture brought all the memories back of our sweet boy who had sugery 5 years ago to repair his TOF. Now go get some rest. She is going to need you! Hugs from one heart mama to another. Kelleyn

  96. So excited to read this update. My girls and I have been praying for Ivy Joy! We will keep those prayers coming your way!!!

  97. This is just beautiful. All of it. I am speechless. -Dale

  98. So happy for your family and daughter! And thankful for amazing doctors!

  99. Woohoo!!! How cool is that?!?! Hoping for a fast recovery!

  100. Overjoyed to read all this - praise and thanks to God!
    I was rehearsing with my choir this evening and how appropriate it was when we sang "Achieved is the glorious work; the Lord beholds it and is pleased."
    Thank you for sharing Ivy Joy with us all - what a privilege to be part of team Ivy!
    Our love to you all.

  101. Hi. You don't know me, but I've read your blog for some time. As a premed student, I was initially interested in Ivy's medical care. As someone who questioned my faith, I continue reading because of something else. Simply, Ivy makes me believe in God. I pray for her and your family a lot. Thank you for sharing her miracle. Thank you, Ivy.

  102. I've had the children's song "Jesus Loves Me" on my mind for a couple of days now. Yes Jesus loves Ivy Joy...Praise His precious name.

    We will continue to hold you all up to Him in our prayers.

  103. In a week of heavy hearts and sadness from the loss of one grandmother, and another fighting for her life as she battles a severe infection in her leg... this news just brings me great joy and overwhelming hope in our God who really does care about every detail! Oh how beautiful to rejoice with you over a very precious and fragile life SAVED and a HaPpY, HEALTHY heart!!! ♥ God is INDEED very faithful, and He hears our every cry and sees our every tear, doesn't He!?! Oh Glory and Praise be to His Name!! <><

    Love you, sweet friend!! Give your little princess a kiss for me when you have the chance. I'm overjoyed for the GIFT of Ivy Joy and the faithfulness of our AWESOME God!

    ***tears of JOY for Ivy Joy!♥***


  104. So glad to hear the good news!!! Heard they were even able to close her up today!!! That is amazing! God really has plans for little Ivy!! Praying for Ivy & your family!

  105. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  106. HI,

    I just learned about her about a week ago through another mother with a sick child. We started praying for her and I cannot even state how thrilled I am for her and your family !!! Praise God! Everything and Anything is possible through Him!
    God bless,
    Lee Ann

  107. Praise God! What a wonderful blessing that team of doctors is. God is so good. I will pray for a continued smooth recovery, for no pain for Ivy, and peace for you.

  108. I so looked forward to coming to see the news of Ivy this morning and I cry as a madeleine.... Thanks to God for all the prayers heard.... It is not my daughter but we so became attached to your baby!

    We can feel all the love up to here for your so beautiful family.

    Monica mom of a 3-year-old girl xxxx

  109. I am crying tears of joy and thankfulness.


    She looks AMAZING to me, even with that open chest! She already looks so great Mary!!!

    As for biting your tongue, honey, if you need any of us to say it for you ... please just get the word out so others can avoid what you've all been through.

    When it comes to heart surgery for these special hearts, I am learning more and more that you have got to have the BEST surgeon.

    I am so thankful our surgeon here was trained by the BEST at Boston's. He was there before coming here. Though I'm getting a 2nd opinion from Boston, they have already told me b/c of who our surgeon is that it is highly unlikely they will not agree with his plan. That is comforting!

    Please update us again when you can and enjoy every minute of soaking in this miracle baby girl you are blessed to be the Momma of!!!

  110. All I can say is God has amazing plans for this precious child!!!!!!

  111. Hi, I just got this from my (our) cousin Jan Tolman in AZ. GOD truly doesn’t sleep and He knows best who to send His precious gifts to. Your faith in Him has sustained you all on this incredible journey that has lead you here to Boston to get the quality care little Ivy Joy so desperately needed. Thank God for the knowledge and positive outcomes of the surgeon’s decisions. Prayer is a miraculous thing and the Lord couldn’t nor would ignore the abundance of prayers for Ivy Joy and all of you. By the way, my name is Joy (Mello) Freitas from Marion, MA and I’m just one more person who is praying for your continued strength and faith in our Lord Jesus. I hope to see pictures of Ivy Joy smiling a playing with her siblings soon. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  112. So glad she is doing well. I have read your blog for awhile. When she is feeling better apply for a Make a Wish . Your whole family deserves a chance to reconnect. Many blessings to you and your family.

  113. I just found your blog. I am praying for your sweet girl! She is so brave big hugs from Phoenix.

  114. I was here reading this yesterday and I am here again today... such a God-sized story He is writing for your precious Ivy Joy!! Praising Him with you and I can't wait to see all the wonderful things He has in store for her!!
    Sending big hugs!

  115. Our God is an AWESOME God!! Our prayers continue for your precious miracle girl and your whole family!


  116. Love, love love you all! What great blessings!

  117. So awesome!!!! What a miracle!!!

  118. I just read the update, then clicked back to my FB page and saw a post saying "Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you." I immediately thought of little Ivy and how strong she is!! So glad the surgery went well, praying for a fast recovery and strength for all of you! Can't wait to see her up running around, playing like a normal little girl should be! Love and Hugs from Covington, Ga!


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