Saturday, October 27, 2012

Joy comes in the morning

Yesterday evening Ivy had her 3rd open heart surgery. Yes I know there are a lot of jaws being picked up off the floor right now.... But lets remember who we are talking about and how incredible she is!!
Ivy's mitral valve was not making her surgeon happy! Her Echo late yesterday revealed that the cleft was wide open again and just not holding the patch. When we got here, Ivy's MV regurg. was 10 (on a scale of 1-10). After the Boston repair the MV regurg. was 3-4. And yesterday, the echo revealed it was back to 10. They wasted NO time. Dr Baird, Dr Del Nido and Dr marx got together. They called some other members of the team in, and looked at all the data. They agreed that this was not acceptable and they asked for consent to go back in. Because they care!! They know that severe mitral valve regurg is not going to allow Ivy to thrive like we expect her to if untreated. They also do not settle for half (donkey) jobs here! They aim to repair what you have, but they were feeling like they may end up using a mechanical valve on Ivy due to the valves condition.
Bryan and I felt this was the right thing to do and had total peace about it. We felt the need to keep this step to ourselves as it was happening so quickly and we had so much going on with the family all leaving today. Ivy did fantastic in her surgery. She went on and came OFF bypass without a problem. She had hardly no bleeding. They used all the same lines and drains and she was already intubated. She came upstairs with her chest all closed up, minimal swelling and looking much like when she went down. Her regurgitation is now about a 2 and that is necessary because if she had no regurgitation on a patched valve, she would get stenosis. 
They did not use a mechanical valve. She is too tiny and they would have had to use one that she would quickly outgrow. Also it would be sure to get stenosis if they attempted to use a larger one. The were able to use a patch, more like a ring, that is actually tissue of the intestine. Her own tissue will grow right with it, and her body will absorb it as its own. They feel it was the right choice for the little jellybean and she is recovering beautifully tonight. They do not expect this to slow her recovery. In fact they feel she will get off the ventilator easier and recover quicker now. 
I knew you all were still praying. The peace we felt was proof. And the strength of our girl...... Just amazing!!!!!
Pictures soon. My family is leaving this morning (so sad) and I will have lots of upcoming boring days to post. I miss them already. And based on the craziness going on at their hotel last night, I think they might just miss me already too!!! And My baby Lexi..... not hearing her joyful self for weeks is going to be hard. But I'm getting pretty good at hard things I think. And all the fun ahead will get me through!!! Nat, Bryan, Chris, Jenna, Laurie..... please feel free to stop by and love on my sweet Lexi for me! Mrs. Richardson, .. Extra hugs at school please :)
Daddy is going to have a blast with his little pumpkin while I am gone. And big sisters and brother are too! Pumpkin Patch, Halloween, 3 year forever family day celebration are all coming up!!!! 
And Ivy Joy will be here, just getting strong as an ox over the next few weeks. I can't wait to post a video of her walking. She may just skip walking and run!!!!!!
Love to all!!!
Good night!


  1. Oh my. You guys are so strong, that's where Ivy Joy pulls her strength from. This time she will soar into healing mode.

    hugs to everyone.

  2. I had a gut feeling something was going on. I know that hospital well and I figured if something came up, it was all happening at lighting speed.

    Mary, Start your shopping engines! :) After my surgery I shot up from the shortest in my class to the tallest and went up 4 shoe sizes in less then a year. Happy shopping! I just remembered that tidbit, and it made me chuckle. I guess that isn't such a bad trade off. The things you remember.

    So happy they took immediate action, so Ivy doesn't have to worry about surgeries in the near future.

    Hugs & prayers from CT

  3. Yahoo! So glad things are going well!

  4. I am glad that they are on top of Ivy's condition and making key decisions that allow her to grow healthy!

    Can't wait to see Ivy running......

    Hope you are coping with all this stress...

  5. OK - I LOVE Dr. Baird, and his brilliant, loyal, and dedicated team.. Especially on a Friday night!!!! So darn thankful that you are in Boston.. God just knew, didn't He?!! :)

    Mary - I am praying that this IS it! Until she is old like me! No more surgeries.. Just dance classes, pre-school activities, and mischief in the future.. I just can't wait to see her with energy and a effortless smile on her face. SOON!!!!!!!

    Ainsley is already asking when we are going to Phoenix!! You know we will figure that out. We are all so anxious to meet you and see all of you!! My camera needs an Ivy fix too!!!

    Thank you for sharing the rawness of it all. And, for sharing that rock solid faith of yours!

    We LOVE you Team Ivy Captains!
    ~Di, Jeff, Ainsley, Sienna, Ruby, & Emme Jade

  6. Wow, wow and wow! Thank You, Jesus, for making Ivy Joy the fighter that she is, and thank you for her amazing team of doctors and her precious family! Father in Heaven, we give you PRAISE!!!!

  7. I knew all was too quiet in Ivyland. I'm so happy for sensational care. This is amazing. Jellybean is amazing, her doctors are amazing, her family - out of this world amazing. Here's hoping that this is it for all the action-packed start of your stay at Boston, and that from now on you both will just be chilling. :) Lots of prayers continually and checking up on you. Sorry if I'm stalking a tad. Much love to you. xo

  8. Wow! What an amazing healing place you are at with amazing doctors!! I just have no words to say how happy I am that ivy will be running soon. You are a true inspiration of a mom of faith!!!

  9. I did some extra praying yesterday when I didn't,t see a post....I wasn't anxious I just felt the need to pray! Praise God for a working valve!

  10. Amazing sweet Ivy and her family -- you all are in my prayers.


  11. ok you made me cry like a baby again!!! I will be YOUR prayer warrior while you are alone at the hospital now. I am by myself in Cincinnati with Janie until next Friday so on a small level I get it and know what to pray for. Living in the hospital is hard and missing the rest of the family is hard. I am in awe of how God is working in sweet Ivy Joy, I am so very thankful for these blessing upon your family. Please know I am praying for you both!!!

  12. Prayers continue to come your way. What an amazing testimony to God's abiding love and faithfulness!

  13. Knowing that you are in the right place at the right time is heaven, isn't it? Praise God that you didn't give up and got Ivy to where she needed to be. This is an amazing journey!

  14. Glad to hear things are going well, was very worried with no post.

  15. I have no words......

    Just know that we always have and will continue to pray for your sweet girl.


  16. Praise GOD!!!! I was worried last night with no update so we said extra prayers for GODS will! (((HUGS))) from Athens, AL

  17. Isn't it interesting how the silence on FB gave us all such an indication something was up. So glad you have such quality doctors that they just determined what is best and performed it beautifully. Mary, based on your posts I think you have a career in medicine calling you too. So glad all is well now. I can only imagine being away from family will be so hard. While you're gone, if Lexi wants a play date, I'm positive Alexandria would love to meet up at "1:00 o'clock-Ivy and Lexi time". :-) Please send us a message in FB or have Bryan give us a buzz. So glad Ivy Joy is recovering nicely now and all is being monitored properly and taken care of. We continue praying for your angel and you.

  18. Wow!! I had thought maybe u were just completely exhausted post adrenaline rush... Thank GOD for those incredible, patient-first, brilliant physicians up there!!!! Surely, they are men of faith (and if they weren't, they have to be now!!!!:-) I bet u they couldn't help but fall for Ivy too; she's totally irrestible!!!! Still thinking of the video, "who's going to get her heart all fixed and grow so big and strong"...."me, me, me!!" Gotta love your girl!!!!
    I tell u, I live very near CHOP and I think if I ever have a child with a heart condition, I might just have to bypass them and head to the big guns up in Boston!!!!!
    I am so loving that hospital right now. Mary,I know you will miss ur family like crazy, but hopefully you can begin to rebuild ur physical strength from this rollercoaster emotional ride you have been on for months and months. And, just sit back and feel full of love and peace as you look at that little angel that you have the blessing or raising!!!!!!!

  19. Ivy is such an amazing little miracle girl! I am so thankful for the wonderful doctors you have found. Ivy is so blessed to have such an awesome family who is willing to go to the ends of the earth for her. I pray that this is the beginning to her total recovery and she will not need any more procedures until she is 20!
    Are you going to be there still for awhile? Can you post the address again where we can send cards and such for Ivy?

  20. Praying still and won't stop!!!!!

  21. Praise God Ivy has such a wonderful & experienced group of doctors in Boston looking after her!!! I'm so glad to hear that she made it through a 3rd surgery so well. Our prayers continue for Ivy, you, and the family! Thoughts & prayers from NYC!

  22. I ,honestly felt that something was not right yesterday without an update either here or on Diana's !! prayed some extra prayers,too! Wow!! 3 heart surgeries -God Bless those wonderful doctors in BCH!! So thankful for them and how they seem to know Ivy already!!God sent her to them knowing THEY WOULD HELP!! and help they are !!Praise GOD!!Sure wish we could all be with you as your family goes home!know that we are there by you ,in thought and prayer !!Blessings,Cathy in Illinois!!!

  23. Mary, the strength of your little girl humbles me so! Your faith is so big and such an inspiration to me. It is such an honor to pray for all of you. Through your journey, you and Ivy are blessing all of us! Thank you for sharing your miracle baby girl. I love her so and she will remain in my most heartfelt prayers as she gets stronger and stronger every day.
    God Bless you, Ashley
    p.s. those doctors in Boston ROCK!!!

  24. Prayers to you and your sweet girl! What an amazing journey to be following along. God does have GREAT Plans for her. I can't wait to watch and see what it is. Stay strong.

  25. Praying for you and amazing girl!!!

  26. Bless you all- I wondered and prayed for you all not hearing anything. Thankful the surgery went well. PTL!!! SURE wish I could come visit!!! XOXO

  27. We are always praying!! and know there is still a long road ahead with many needs. You simply amaze me at how you are so detailed in her surgical happenings. I think I would be such an emotional mess I wouldn't understand let alone remember anything the doctors tried to tell me. You are an amazing mother! Bless you!!


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