Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pre Op Tuesday

 It was a long day and tomorrow is the start of the really long days!
The cardiologist was very nice and very knowledgable. Tomorrow will answer lots of questions and help so much to determine how Friday might go. Bottom line today, they just don't see occluded coronary arteries here because kids don't get them unless like Ivy something has gone wrong. And those kids don't  survive. But Ivy did. They are going in to that part very uncertain. It's no wonder everyone shrugged their shoulders on what to do with it at home.  It's just so high risk and so unseen.  
As for the tricuspid valve, loads of damage, severe regurgitation to the point that her tummy is giant because its full of blood backup. We knew this. They can repair it, but if the cells are dead, the valves still won't work right so we will be back to square one. The heart squeeze would be much better if she had a more accurately placed pacemaker. With the one she has, the leads are in the least optimal place. With 3 leads instead of 2 and better placement we are hopeful her heart will get a better squeeze. So she will get a new pacemaker during open hesrt friday and the leads will be in different places.The squeeze is something that is terribly wrong with her heart right now. We should know  Lots more tomorrow after Cath. Thank you all for praying!!!!!! 

Jeremiah 29:11 – "’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’"


  1. Please know that we are here, right here with you. Put your right hand on your left shoulder, and your left hand on your right shoulder....theres a big hug from me.

  2. Praying for your family and your precious child!!

  3. Continue to pray for ALL of you and everyone that is part of this journey!!! Blessings and love!

  4. Prayers are being sent to your family. Ivy and your family are thought about everyday. Wishing you the best.

  5. Praying for Ivy, your precious family, and the doctors and nurses who will be God's hands during this next phase of Ivy's story.! Your blog is such a testimony of God's faithfulness.

    By the way, the blog looks AWESOME!!!



  6. Praying before the throne for ivy

  7. ...you have a "friend" in Delaware praying for all of you. God bless.

  8. Lifting you up in prayer.


  9. Thank you for the update....I know how busy you must be so thank you for taking the time... We are praying for Lil miss Ivy here and people on my fb are praying too!! Sierra says "God can make her better!!!!"

  10. Praying for Ivy and everyone involved.

  11. Mary, in reading your post the verse that came to me is "nothing is impossible with God". Believe and rest in the love and prayers that are coming your way.


  12. Praying! Hope today goes well and the surgical team is able to get their repair plans for Friday ready!! So very thankful that u were led and able to take sweet Ivy to the #1 cardiac hospital.

  13. Praying Mary and will continue to do so. She is such a strong little girl and such an inspiration to so many. I know God has HUGE plans for her......



  14. Mary, thank you for the update!! Prayers are GOING to God for IVY and all of you! Hugs and blessings,Cathy in Illinois!!

  15. Praying for you, Ivy and her medical team. How is Miss Ivy taking all of this?

  16. Mary - Today Ivy is here. Sure there is risk and unknowns but....SHE IS HERE AND IS SURROUNDED BY LOVE AND PRAYER. She's a fighter and we are pumping so many prayers her way!


  17. I have been reading your blog for quite some time and have been praying that all goes well with Ivy's surgery. Praying, too that you and your family find comfort during this stressful time. God Bless you all.


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