Saturday, October 13, 2012

Boston in the morning

I am known for pulling all nighters in the days leading up to a big trip. It seems like even if I get every single thing done a full week before I leave, my wheels are just turning too fast to sleep at night. I find new things to do. Clean the fridge, organize the closets, anything. 
Tonight we had a nice family dinner with a very special friend and spent the evening with 2 friends here at the house as we finalized the packing. We will leave tomorrow in the early afternoon with no worries. We have been blessed with everything we need. We are filled with a peace that really cannot be explained. It is wonderful!! All in the same sentence though, we are anxious at the thoughts of what this week will bring. We know God has miracles in store for Ivy Joy, and we also know that there is pain and suffering involved with open heart surgery. I can only continue to pray that her recovery is nothing like last time, that her healing is nothing short of miraculous. Just like her life this far.

Thank you for your prayers. Please do not stop. We will be posting often with updates and prayer requests. 
The 19th is a Huge day for Ivy Joy. 
She needs the nations standing in the gaps. 
Will you join me?


  1. Praying for Ivy and your family.

    Michelle from KY

  2. I love those Munchkins... And my lil Jellybean's bum all that pink lace!? Oh too cute! Praying for you sweet Sammons family. Lots of love,

    Luciana and Family

  3. I have been following your blog since you went to China to get Ivy. She is so precious, and she has been in my prayers every day. I wish you all the best in Boston, and I will continue praying for all of you. Frankie, lucky mommy to two healthy sweeties from Vietnam and China

  4. I hope so much for little Ivy...I wish you all the best for her in Boston!

    Your two little girls are beautiful!

    Monica from Canada :-)

    Keep praying for Ivy and your family.

  5. Keeping Ivy and you in my prayers - praying for all aspects to go smoothly, wisdom for all involved in Ivy's care and a supernatural recovery!

  6. Continuing to pray for sweet Ivy Joy and for all of you! Praying for God's hand on the surgeon's hand as He guides and directs and for continued peace for all of you. Sending hugs from one "heart mom" to another.

  7. Not sure what to comment on first... The adorable pics, Lexi's adorable Ughs, or your amazing grace as you pack up your blessings to head East... I have watched you embrace this situation since before you even held Ivy Joy in your arms... You have followed God's plan with faithful obedience.. He has blessed you greatly for it!!! As we give thanks for all He has done, we are on our knees asking Him to keep doing it!!! With a prayerful heart I will wait for every update and every text!!! God is already there at Boston's Children waiting for all of you to arrive!!! And, I can't wait to see this story of miracles continued!!

    We love you Sammons Family!!!! And, to you precious Ivy Joy.. Don't give up sweet baby girl! You are loved all the way around the world!! And, a very special team of people are READY to stand in the gap!!

    Let your Light Shine!
    Jeff, Diana, Ainsley, Sienna, Ruby, and Emme Jade

  8. I will be praying! These are cute outfits in these pics!

  9. We are praying!! Lena Yi Yi (our 14 year old daughter from China) is so into lifting Ivy's life to Jesus.

    Lisa, Brad, Lane and Lena Yi Yi

  10. Dear S family-we are ALL with you in love and in prayer!! these pics are toooo cute!! will be waiting for those updates!! but know that Ivy is so LOVED by our GOD the FATHER!! hugs,Cathy in Illinois!!!

  11. We will be praying in Indiana for your sweet baby girl, the medical team and your entire family! God is already there and he has it ALL in his hands and under control:)

  12. Safe travels dear friends, you are in our hearts and prayers, and we look forward to God's miracles in Boston as we continue to pray for you.

  13. Jamie from Western, MassachusettsOctober 13, 2012 at 6:44 PM

    There is one thing for sure. God has brought our children to us to help teach a lesson, you have been blessed as a "heart mom" to learn about and bring awareness to CHD's and of course adoption. You and your family are blessed with stength in faith and love. Best of luck this week at BCH, my daughter is a heart warrior whose life was saved due to the surgeons, dr's, nurses and staff at BCH. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Sophie and I are thinking of you all and sending good wishes and healing thoughts for the days and weeks ahead. I know that this is not foremost on your minds but it is beautiful back here in the East this time of year. Love and Prayers from Baltimore, Dale

  15. Praying EVERY day for your sweet girl and the rest of your family!! Please know that we are constantly thinking of you all!

  16. We'll be there - standing in the gap - for your precious little peanut and all of you.
    With love from Marilyn & Brian
    Colchester England

  17. I could not stop watching the photos on your blog header! Two of the most beautiful little girls! God will give you faith, strength, courage, and grace in abundance! Ivy Joy will be bathed in His light and love. You are an amazing mama and Ivy is a precious miracle. My fervent prayers for her and for all of you will be constant. Blessings and love as you begin this journey. We are standing with you!!
    extra big hugs, Ashley

  18. A flood of prayers accompanies you and Ivy Joy this week and the weeks to follow.

    J C

  19. Mary, Our family has not stopped praying for Ivy Joy since we found your blog! We will continue to pray for Ivy's complete healing!! I am sending you hugs also as I know this week will be a long one!! We will be thinking of you all!!
    Kathie in NY

  20. Standing at the ready in the name of Team Ivy.

  21. Thinking of you guys and hoping u r getting settled and all is well :-)

  22. Always, always, always praying for your sweetheart and all of you!
    Leslie and Julianna

  23. Wishing Ivy and your entire family nothing but the very best of luck in Boston. Know that you're in the best of the best hands there, and know that there are so, so many people praying for you every single day. :)

    Carrie in Minnesota

  24. Praying for Ivy!!!!! And for you ALL!!!!

  25. Looking out my window to the east and praying for the wisdom of Ivy's surgeons. Praying for the compassion of her nurses. Praying for the strength of the community to hold you and your family in our arms until you are safely back at home with your entire family and Ivy is hopping from one piece of furniture to the other!!
    Beth in Cleveland

  26. Praying and sending our love to you- I'm so sorry that little Ivy had to go through this again but so very thankful that she has a mommy and daddy right there by her side!

    Antinette Mama to Hadley (our China heart baby)

  27. I worked and lived in China with many heart babies whose cases seemed "hopeless". Against all odds, many were adopted and living, breathing, enjoying a life full of HOPE because the ONE who went before us. Standing in the gap for sweet little Ivy. I have a been a long time reader of your blog and think your family's faith is an inspiration. One verse that helped me "stand in the gap" for "the least of these" we would pray for at NDFH was " For I know the plans I have for you, IVY JOY, plans to prosper you and NOT TO HARM YOU." no matter the outcome... will pray for wisdom and guidance of the doctors hands. Blessings to you and yours, Catherine in TN.


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