Thursday, October 11, 2012

Spread the JOY

My dear friend Diana has worked so hard to put this together for us! I did NOTHING! She called one day and asked if she could do a T shirt, then she took the wheel and took off! I think she put the whole thing together in a week and I'm pretty sure she was on a vacation with Mr Handsome for part of that week! I am nothing short of humbled, and blessed by you Diana and the whole team that worked with you to make this happen! Thank you! 

Spread the Joy

Just click on the picture! And be sure to spread the joy on blogs, twitter and Facebook! Thank you Team Ivy Joy!

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of JOY; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.  Psalm 16:11


  1. Oh Mary this is so wonderful. Diana rocks! I already made a post about it on my blog. Can't wait to order and get my T-shirts.


  2. It is so wonderful to go to all my favourite blogs and see Ivy Joy. Go Team Ivy

  3. Mary,
    So thankful that you are soon on your way to getting Ivy Joy the chance at healing she needs!!! You and your precious family have touched many by your steadfast faithfulness, and constant strength.. I know that your next part of this journey will be no different!!! What a light you will be at your next stop!!!! We are praying for God to protect and watch over your baby girl. Just like He has done so faithfully since she was born!!!! Remember that verse from the beginning of all this... Matthew 19:26... We know it is true.. With God ALL things are possible!! As for the tee-shirts.. It took a special group, and we are excited to get them on the backs of "Team Ivy!!" Love you! ~Di

  4. The new blog is beautiful, Mary!!! Wishing you so much peace next week as you walk through another trying time with sweet Ivy Joy. Thankful for your strong faith, my friend!! Your family is so covered in prayer, and your friend Diana did a wonderful thing with that beautiful t-shirt! I will be sure to spread the JOY!!! God bless!!!

  5. Praying for your strength and your heart as you go walk through this difficult trial. Remember to count it all JOY for it is in His will you are walking.

    Ordered my T yesterday.



  6. ordering t-shirts--your Faith in our Lord and Father is so wonderful!! praying for all of you plus the doctors to be covered in prayer and God"s love! Cathy in Illinois!!


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