Thursday, January 10, 2013

Another Update From Boston!

From Mary...

 Open heart surgery is on the board for tomorrow.   However, Doctor Baird has 2 other surgeries tomorrow. Small ones.  If for some reason he can't get her done tomorrow he is coming in Saturday early morning to put in this new valve. A tissue valve this time.

I have a really good feeling about this. Huge sense of peace! He's still in the miracle business folks, lets blow up our faith a notch or two and believe Ivy is going to sail through this surgery like 
nobody else could!!!!!


  1. PRAYING!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing an update! I'm keeping you and Ivy and all the other Sammons in my thoughts and prayers! So glad and relieved that you are with Dr. Baird!!! Sending love and lots of good thoughts your way!

  3. Yes, if anyone can get thru this our little WARRIOR can do it!! If God is FOR us who can be against us?!!!! Lifting you all up...

  4. SO GLAD you posted tonight! I feel such HOPE for "our" Princess! Thank you, Lord for a helping of good news and wonderful people to be your hands and feet in Ivy's healing! May You be glorified!

    Hugs and prayers without ceasing...
    Lori McCary

  5. Amen! Will be praying for God to direct the hands of Dr. Baird. Praying for the family, also. And, will be checking in here for updates on this darling little girl!

  6. Prayers sent your way -for Ivy, for you and your family and the entire medical team.

    Wishing you a peaceful nights sleep and sunshine in the morning,

  7. sending you, Ivy and the doctors our prayers and thoughts from TX. I know another miracle is in the works....your little pink super hero will be bossing everyone around and eating those chips at the end of this valley!!!
    ((((big hugs))))

  8. SO a pig valve?? Many many prayers tomorrow!!

  9. I am a MomMom to four beautiful Grand daughters, one from China with special needs. I so admire you and your family for giving Lexi and Ivy a chance at life and a loving family. My prayers are with Ivy and all of you as you continue to go through these trying times. I raised three children with major illnesses as a single Mother. So as a Mother and a MomMom who knows what you are going through, Good Bless little Ivy. MM

  10. With you in prayer. Hope all goes well for Miss Ivy Joy. What a love. :)

  11. Still praying for your little girl and peace for your family -- we've never met but your little angel has been on heart these past few days and I can't wait to hear about all the awesome things God does in her life :)

  12. Thank you for the update. So, so many prayers are with you, sweet Ivy!! You are so brave and special! ~Holly

  13. Believing and praying with you Mary

  14. Believing for miracles healing restoration xxx praying with y'all

  15. Thanks a lot for updating news!
    Ivy is a warrior.
    Praying praying praying for an another miracle.
    Huge hugs from france

  16. Please update when you can. You have no idea how much this little one is loved. Praying for her.

  17. I am amazed as to how we all become this family that many of us have never even "met" one another. I pray for your family ans Ivy Joy, without ceasing.

  18. Ok, but listen... tell Dr. Baird that this is the last time he's allowed to mess with that little sparkly heart. ;)
    Oh, thank God for that man.

    Trusting my wonderful Creator so much that He will guide Dr. Baird's hands and will give him discernment to make the right moves every second of the procedure.

    Trusting Him to envelop my Sweet Jellybean and keep her safe and content throughout it and afterwards. As well as her unbelievable, glorious mother; that she has all the peace, assurance and determination He can provide for her. She deserves to be so at peace.

    Many prayers and beautiful thoughts to the Sammons family.

  19. I am so glad you are in Boston. Wonderful things can happen there! I will be praying and checking back all day. I can,t check emails or FB from work but I can read blogs!

  20. Praying for all that is needed for our sweet Ivy to be healed! Praying for Dr. Baird, the nurses, mom & dad and all Ivy's loving family waiting for her at home!! I can't wait to see her being chauffeured around by Lexi on their new bike again soon!

  21. She sill shine through this surgery.

  22. Up early this morning and you were my first thought! Praise God you are where you need to be and Ivy will sail through this like no one else could!!!! Love and (((HUGS))) from Alabama!

  23. Praying to our miracle working God - He's got this!

  24. Keeping the prayers coming your way.

  25. Hang tough Ivy - and mom - we're praying our heads off for you guys!

    hugs - aus and co.

  26. praying constantly for our sweet girl!!!!!

  27. Mary,
    God is ABSOLUTELY still in the Miracle Business!!!!! Just yesterday, huge, huge miracles happened all over the world because God HEARS and LOVES his children. He cannot be stopped by governments, illness, poverty, wealth, human power or doubt. He is the KING OF KINGS. Rest, Dear Friend, in knowing that prayers are constantly being brought before the throne for Precious Ivy and for you.
    In Him,
    Amy Root

  28. Thanks for updating! Praying for that little warrior!!

    Lord, she fights and fights, please allow a victory for Ivy and make this her final surgery! She deserves to enjoy a healthy heart!!

  29. Praying for a successful, beautiful surgery today and the continuance of peace on your heart! I'll be lifting up prayers over your Ivy and your family!! Blessings, Valerie

  30. Absolutely believing!!!! Amen and Amen!!

  31. Thank you for the update!! Praying for sweet Ivy and Dr. Baird and all- if you feel good about this - we will as well!! God Bless! Cathy in Illinois!!!

  32. Praying, praying, and upping it a notch praying that sweet Ivy will sail through this like none other.

  33. Thanks for updates! You are an exemplary example of faith! Tears in my eyes reading your journey...your girl is a fighter and we are praying for little Ivy!

  34. Still with you and still believing in our Masters power to heal!!!

  35. If anyone can get through another surgery it will be your sweet fighter!! We always have you in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping you can find peace especially knowing that Ivy is with the perfect Mom that God intended her to be with. Take care sweet Mary!


  36. Ivy is in great hands! I hope Dr. Baird is able to fit her in today just so you have one less day to wait. Thinking of you in Chicago.

  37. Praying for you all from Arkansas!

  38. Please let us know if it was today or will be tomorrow so that we can pray to that end. Praying hard...

  39. My husband asked today how the little girl who had heart surgery is doing now. We share prayer requests at the supper table, and then say the blessing at the end and pray for those who were mentioned. Ivy has been the topic of a few supper-time prayers. I havent been online in over a week. I popped by to see how things are and found this. Prayers going up for you.

  40. Praying for you, Ivy, Dr. Baird...... and a completely healed heart!!!


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