Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Joy in ALL things!

This mornings INR was 4.25 and this afternoons second check was 2.8! Perfect!!! 
But.... Always a big ol' butt in the way :)
Her potassium was crazy low! So even though she was that close to getting the ok for discharge.... Well, she didn't. 

                                If her INR is still good tomorrow....

And IF we can get that potassium up and out of the danger zone
We will be discharged by tomorrow night!!
And we will be FREE!!!
We will stay the night in our hotel
And see the cardiologist on Friday Morning
Have labs drawn and echo and x-ray
And then
Fly out of here!!!
Home for Bubby's Birthday (it's Friday)
And Home for the Super Bowl!
And I heard someone dropped off a whole heck of a lot of Cool Ranch Doritos at our door step today?!! 

                                            A visit from our friend Lily and her mama

                                       Trying to go to sleep in our very loud room...

Nothing special, just playing around because we were bored

Miracles still happen! 
Never put God in a box!
Never underestimate the power of prayer!
And most important, Find JOY in ALL things!


  1. Cant wait for the GOING HOME POST tomorrow!!! God loves you both very much!!! Happy Birthday to your hubby!

  2. That is SO exciting! Her outfit is precious!! She looks like a little Madeline- just adorable!

    What is that robot thing? I've not been in a hospital in decades. Is that normal? So curious!


  3. Looking forward to the "headed home" post!

    hugs - aus and co.

  4. Words can not express the true miracle. Yesterday as I was home checking on a sick Sierra and her Daddy....I saw my neighbor walking by with her sister. Back in June this neighbor had gone for a "routine" cardiac ablation. She wound up with a very severe brain bleed and brain injury and at one point her family was told she probably would not make it and if she did she would probably never walk again. And here she was...walking up the road. I ran out to see her and told her she was amazing. Her reply??? Kathie...I am not amazing.....but GOD IS!!! So true!!! I immediately thought of Ivy Joy ,another miracle I had watched unfold...again and again!!! Praying for you to be home for Daddy's birthday!!! Love and hugs

  5. Can't wait to read that you girls are finally HOME for GOOD!!!!! Go, Ivy, go! Praying for higher potassium and lower INR!!!!

  6. OMGosh! She is just precious with her sweet little voice! I can't wait to see her reunited with the rest of her family! Praying every. single. day!

  7. Amen and Amen! God is great! His love and mercy endures forever! Thanks for sharing some Ivy Joy sunshine!

  8. When she says "Bye Bye Robot", I melt!!

  9. Praise the Lord!!! We have been praying from Colorado for Ivy Joy!!! I haven't posted before but we have followed your blog and keep Ivy in our prayers. We have a precious daughter from China also. Will continue to lift her and your family up to our Great Physician and Almighty God!! Love, Lora Beth Topper

  10. Still praying for Ivy and your whole family. For some reason, I keep thinking of the benediction given by a wonderful minister I knew. I hope you don't mind if I pass it along.

    And now in our going, may God bless us and keep us.
    May the light of God shine upon us, and out from within us,
    and be gracious unto us, and grant us peace.
    For this is the day we are given;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it. Amen.

  11. Praying for Ivy's INR to stay steady and that potassium to get where she needs it so ya'll can go home!!!! Hooray!!

  12. God bless your sweet girl! I'm sure you know this trick, but when I went through chemo and had low potassium levels, the nurses had me drink "crystal light" instead of water. Who knew it had so much potassium? Praying for her discharge!

  13. so wonderful to hear her talking...adorable

  14. Absolutely LOVE Ivy's talking to the 'robot'!! Brought laughter and big smiles. So glad that things keep moving towards getting you home! What a blessing to see how far she has come. Only God. Pam M.

  15. Mary this is such wonderful news!! like I always have said "PRAISE GOD FOR WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW" !!BLESSINGS,CATHY IN ILLINOIS!!!

  16. Hoping you will be heading home this weekend!! How awesome that would be!! Precious videos of your sweet baby..(my 5 year old, Brendan, said "Aaw, how cute"! He just adores Ivy and has said many prayers for her)! Praying for a normal potassium level. ~Holly


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