Thursday, January 31, 2013

Out of there!

Today was a glorious day! We were discharged around 1pm and the whole day was ours!
Ivy was very a little scared and weary of what on earth was happening next but she was clearly excited to break free of this place!
We headed to our hotel to drop off our things. She was not too sure about that! I assured her this place was good since there were fries in the galleria attached and she was all over her fear!
We had a fry party in the room and just played together in the room and out on walks in the stroller all day. She skipped nap and stayed up until 8:30pm.
She is happy, smiling and laughing and eating up a storm. She had pasta with Alfredo sauce and a baked potato for dinner. I thought she was going to explode she ate so much! 
Tomorrow we start our day with lab work at 8am. They would not let us leave with her picc so she will get poked tomorrow :(
We see Dr. Marx at outpatient clinic later in the morning. We will head back to Arizona later tomorrow. No idea what time yet but I will try to post tomorrow along with some goodbye Boston pictures!
Love to all of you.
Thank you for praying us through this adventure!
God has blessed us with the most amazing little girl and we are so honored!!!

 Ivy's new favorite snack. She ate 3 of these yesterday and 3 today and asked for one tonight (number 4!) She loves croissants!!!

               Leaving the hospital!!!!! Extra food in hand as usual! 
 I took her  right to her favorite french fry spot and she was so excited while waiting for those hot little numbers :)
 And I tried to get her to try the new fish bites...... uh, ya, not going for that! Can't say I blame her either! 

 After an early dinner we were blessed by a visit from Ivy's sweet friend Maggie!!! They were so cute hugging and kissing and sharing raisins! What a gift it has been for me to watch Ivy glow all day long!


  1. Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!!

    So thrilled for you guys! What a tremendous answer to prayer!

    And holy cow to all the food she's inhaling! My doctors would be thrilled if I could get down even a fraction of those calories - although (admittedly) McDonald's fries are one of the few things appealing to me (my nephrologist was trying to get me to add salt substitute to add more potassium to them - oi vey - yeah right!) and I never eat those normally! Your pictures and chronicles of her food make me laugh!

    Bummer about not getting to keep her PICC and having to get poked tomorrow - praying for a nurse who's a good stick on the first time and for an uneventful trip home.

    So excited for what God has in store as your family gets to be all under one roof and with Ivy feeling so much better!

    Continuing to pray!


  2. This ol' grandma in Delaware is so, so happy for you! Prayers for you and Ivy and the rest of your family to be able to enjoy this time with no reservations! God bless!

  3. I am so thrilled to read this!!! Happy travels home!!!

  4. PTL!! Happy news!! Safe travel tomorrow. Praying, Holly

  5. I've been checking your blog all afternoon, hoping for such wonderful news! Congratulations!

  6. Praise God, from who all things flow!

  7. I am so happy for you! Praying that Ivy' s bloodwork comes back a-ok! Safe travels home!!

    Anne in Colorado

  8. Cute, cute, cute pictures. I'm so happy that Ivy is able to get out of that hospital and recover at home for Super Bowl! Go Ivy!!

  9. Fabulous news! So excited to hear that you will both be heading home so very soon. Yippee!!

  10. Wonderful news! I didn't get in today until after you had left. Sorry I missed you on this trip but I'm so thankful things have gone so well and that you and Ivy get to go back home to your beautiful family. Are you flying from Hanscom again? Wishing you a safe, uneventful flight and all the best when you return home.

  11. Wonderful news! I didn't get in today until after you had left. Sorry I missed you on this trip but I'm so thankful things have gone so well and that you and Ivy get to go back home to your beautiful family. Are you flying from Hanscom again? Wishing you a safe, uneventful flight and all the best when you return home.

  12. Awesome! Powerful! What an amazing little girl.
    God be with you on your journey home as you reunite with your family. It will be wonderful to watch her grow and develop from here on in.
    xoxo from British Columbia

  13. God is so good!

    Praying the Lord's sweet protection over you and Ivy as you travel home. What a joyful reunion that will be!


  14. She is so dang cute! So happy you get to go home. Yahoo! Tell ivy she needs to convince my 19 m old to eat. Your little heart baby eats more than my heart baby who is almost 6 and is skinny as a stick!

  15. Outstanding!! Couldn't be any happier for y'all!

    hugs - prayers for a good doctor visit today and comfortable flight home!

    aus and co.

  16. We are so happy you are going home. Have a safe trip. We look forward to seeing the updates you post from Arizona. We will always keep you, Ivy and your family in out thoughts. Hugs to you both. Love, Karen and Lily

  17. Delighted to hear this news!! Speedy travels home to you two!

  18. What terrific news to wake up to! Have an awesome day today. Safe travels HOME! Love that word! And love it that you'll be there tonight!

  19. Such a great feeling walking out the door!! Bring back memories seeing the hotel and the galleria:) Continuing to pray for sweet Ivy's recovery. Boston is the best!!

  20. So humbled and thankful ~ yet again ~ at God's goodness and grace in answering our prayers for Ivy. The picture of her in the big ole bunny ears hat is my favorite.

    Rejoicing with you!! "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."

    Love and prayers for today!

    Jane (and Sadie)

  21. yay!! you're free! praying all the doctor stuff goes well this AM and that your flight home is safe and uneventful. :)

  22. FANTASTIC NEWS!!! Safe travels, Godspeed, and we look forward to hearing from you when you are HOME!!!

  23. Rejoicing with you!

    This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

  24. Rejoicing with you.

    This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

  25. Sweet baby girl! So happy that Ivy is eating like a football player and feeling so well:-) Will continue to pray that this repair will continue to work well for many many months/years to come!!!!

  26. This is so AMAZING!!!PRAISE GOD FOR THE GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!!!safe day and safe flight to HOME!!!Blessings,Cathy in Illinois!!!

  27. All praises to your Dear God...ALL PRAISES TO YOU. Thank you for sending OUR Ivy Joy back home healed and fully restored. ALL PRAISES TO YOU!!!

  28. Yea!!! I just love how God has worked in and through this beautiful little girl!! She is just so precious! Can't wait to see her home with her family!

    All of her food pics just make me giggle, I LOVE it! Did she feel this well when she left Boston last time??

    Praying it all goes well today and that you have a nice easy trip home!!! :)

  29. Wonderful! or as my daughter likes to say, "excelente"! (she loves Dora!) So happy for you and Ivy, and your family at home waiting for you.
    Totally love the bunny hat :)

  30. So happy to hear the good news! And by the way who doesn't love croissants in all their butterly flaky goodness? Only I can't eat 3 of them in a day without starting to be like Alice in Wonderland when she starts to grow so big that she bursts out of the house. But Ivy - you go girl and eat all those croissants that I can't! Love MK

  31. I'm so happy for you guys! I've been following your blog and praying for your sweet little girl for a while now. So glad you get to take her home!! Travel safe!

  32. Yippeeee!!!!
    It is soooo great that sweet Ivy gets to go home! What a sweet celebration you will have when you are reunited with the rest of the family. Continuing to pray for a safe trip and speedy recovery. Whatta lil luv in that Bunny Hat. Love it!
    Dawn in NY

  33. So very happy for you. I love that she is eating so much. I can't wait to see some chub on her!! Beth

  34. So glad that you are hospital free! I also think I saw on Facebook that you are safely home!!

    So, so happy for your whole family and most especially for Miss Ivy Joy - your little warrior!



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