Sunday, July 21, 2013

Upcoming Heart Catheterization for Little Miss Ivy

 2 1/2 Amazing months of a healthy girl! No hospital stays, No pulmonary effusions, No Edema! 

 This little girl has amazed us. Not just by the way she carries on, but by the way she does it with such joy! She wears her oxygen day and night but gets so excited for  her moments off the oxygen to play un tethered for a while. She takes her 21 syringes of medication with no hesitation now, no bribery needed. She loves that she has become a little girl and can run and play now. She has discovered her independence and is often found trying to do big kid things saying, I Do It MYBYSELF!

On August 5th Ivy will head back to Lucile Packard Children's for her next heart Catheterization. It will have been 3 months since her last one and we have high hopes that this Cath will hold wonderful news for our baby girl!

 We need to hear that Ivy's pulmonary hypertension has lessened. That her pressures are at an acceptable level for a transplant. Or, our biggest hope, yes, this one is our hope for a miracle, we pray that the results show that her heart is recovering and after some much needed rest and all of these heart failure medications, it is working! That it is recovering and that we may be able to save the heart she was born with. We know whatever the plan, it will be the perfect plan for Ivy Joy. 

Before We head to Stanford, the girls will be in their cousins wedding and we will get to spend a whole week with our family there. So many relatives still yet to meet little Ivy! The girls can hardly wait! 

Thank you for keeping our daughter in your thoughts and prayers. So many of you have emailed to check on her and left comments assuring that your family continues to keep her in your prayers. We love and appreciate you all so much! 
Heart Cath work up/pre op August 5th, 2013
Cath August 6th, 2013 


  1. Praying for ONLY good news!!

  2. Ivy looks so wonderful and it looks like she is having a super fun summer!!
    I am praying for good news for in August. ~Holly
    p.s. I absolutely love how you dress Ivy and Lexi..they always look SO adorable.

  3. The prayers never stop for Baby Girl! Love you Sammons Family! Claire & Chase need a play date soon. :-)

  4. That little girl is one spunky kid! Her spirit and determination jump right off your blog page. Lexi seems so devoted to her and the two of them to each other. I hope and pray that this continues to be a story of recovery for this little miracle child.
    I love seeing the pictures of the "littles" and "bigs" together as well.
    Good luck little one!

  5. Good news is sure to being coming your way...I just sounded like a fortune cookie. LOL

    Ivy and Lexi look fabulous.

    So great to see so many smiles on your little peanut.

  6. Praying for you Miss Ivy! Adorable pics Ms Mary! Many Hugs.

  7. Praying for you Miss Ivy! Adorable pics Ms Mary! Many Hugs.

  8. Prayers for nothing but good things!

    hugs - aus and co.

  9. Your little one is such an inspiration. What a JOY she is! Sending you all love and of course continued prayer. xoxoxo

  10. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of and pray for Ivy Joy! She looks absolutely WONDERFUL!
    Love and Hugs!

  11. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of and pray for Ivy Joy! She looks absolutely WONDERFUL!
    Love and Hugs!

  12. Will pray for miracles and that's God will exceeds your dreams for Miss Ivy. Your little peanut looks like she has added a pinch of well needed weight. Still sayin' she would make a great spokes person for Doritos.

  13. I have just fallen in love with little Ivy. I love the fact that her little body is gaining weight and she just looks so darn healthy. My prayer is that her heart is HEALED. That the cath yields results that blow the MDs off their feet. My prayer is that the heart that God made for her is doing just fine and getting stronger evey second. Beth

  14. Ivy continues to be in our prayers!! So exciting for the girls to be in a wedding and see family!

    Blessings, Ashley

  15. Praying for Ivy Joy and her
    Amazing family daily. Will kick them
    Up a notch for August. Your little girl looks
    Great !
    Marilyn in SC

  16. Piper (3.5) and I pray for Ivy's "broken heart" every night! Love from Athens, AL, Michelle

  17. Ivy does look wonderful!!Praise our God!! still have all in prayer!! praying for good or shall it be great news in early August!! Blessings,Cathy in illinois

  18. Hello: Wanted to meet you all at Stanford. Were there Monday but now we are scheduled for angiogram August 5. Hope to see you and Miss Ivy in person - been following from the beginning.

  19. Dear bytheriver, can you message me from the email link on the blog? I can't access your contact info. We'd love to try and work something out.


We love to hear from you, say hello!