Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wedding Day

The girls had a wonderful time being flower girls at our cousins wedding last night. Ivy had spiked a fever the night before and continued with it through the wedding but she was such a trooper and lasted until 10pm. It was surreal for us, seeing the little girls together, getting ready, walking down the isle, making special memories. We are also so excited to be welcoming our new cousin Myles in to the family. He too, like our little girls, grew inside his mothers heart, rather than under it, and joined his family through the gift of adoption. 

                         Lexi Jade. Dressed and ready to go!

                  Ivy Joy. Dressed and oh so ready to go!

                   Lexi above, Ivy below


Lexi, waiting patiently

Ivy waiting patiently

 There was a whole lot of waiting and waiting for the 6:30pm wedding! I am so proud of how patient and sweet the girls were the entire day!

And what a sweet surprise when the bride asked them to come inside her tent!

Tomorrow we head to Lucile Packard Children's for the week. Please keep Ivy Joy in your prayers!


  1. Wonderful pictures, lovely girls. I know you always respect the privacy of the big kids and family, but I did like a peek at the bride too! Every good wish for the coming week.

  2. How precious! Thank you for continuing to share Ivy's health journey. Couldn't think of two cuter flower girls. Just love the 'spunk' of Lexi & Ivy-which shows in the pictures. Will say prayers for Ivy this week & favorable test results. Pam M.

  3. I just don't have any words for all the lovliness squished into this post. Hope little Peanut has kicked her fever to the curb.

    Be there with you next week in spirit.

  4. Oh my the girls look gorgeous! I hope Ivy's fever is gone and will be praying for all of you.

  5. Adorable pictures! Saying lots of prayers for Ivy.

  6. The girls are gorgeous and oh so precious together!! I will be praying for all of you this week!!!

  7. This is cuteness overload for sure! So sweet and so pretty in their beautiful white dresses! No words for this kind of adorableness...

  8. The photo of them under the veil is beautiful! Prayers being sent your way...Ivy is always in our hearts!

  9. The girls are delicious! Those flower girl dresses are so pretty!!

    Sending up prayers for your week ahead!


  10. What gorgeous pictures! Thank you for sharing them with all of us. We will be praying for you all this coming week and especially for precious Ivy and her catherization procedure.

  11. Wow, the girls look so beautiful in all their white! Perfect little flower girls. Best of luck this week.

  12. Simply beautiful - what a lot of joy!!

    hugs - aus and co.

  13. They look adorable in their beautiful dress ~ such sweetness!

    Keeping Ivy and your family in my prayer!


  14. Mary - Praying that God has completely healed Ivy's heart. Praying oh so hard for this.

  15. OH MY -these 2 dollies are so cotton pickin adorable!! they are just gorgeous in the beautiful white dresses!!! The bride is radiant also!! thanks for sharing !!! Continuing in prayer for little Ivy!! God Bless! Cathy in illinois


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