Monday, August 5, 2013

August 6th Heart Cath

We had a very very full day of tests and pre op things at the hospital today.
 My little happy dynamo was just not herself. Her temp was normal this morning but she just sleeps and sleeps.

 She slept through her nearly 2 hour echo (got to love these teaching hospitals where everyone has to take a turn :)
 She slept through most of the hour and a half wait for the cath team to come meet with us. 
 She slept through her ultra sound and x ray and so on and so on and so on. She was awake for about 2 hours tonight from 6:45 until 8:45 and is now asleep again.

This is unusual for her, at least in the past 2 months. Our little girl has been a little awake and busy girl since June. I'm so not ready to go back to the old way's so I am praying whole heartedly that this is not heart related and she can continue to live life out loud!!! I feel confident that it is just her catching up on sleep from her week of fun at grandmas house or that it is just a little bug.

The plan for the morning is as follows.
Ivy goes in at 6:45am for her heart cath. They are planning to do a full cath but have told us that if she starts to show any signs of distress or trouble they will be cutting it short and doing only half of what they intended. The plan for tomorrow. Look at the function of both the right and left sides of her heart. They will do both cardiac and coronary angiography to see the current condition of the coronary arteries. They will see if her PH is any better, see how she responds to nitric oxide this time and measure pressures and so forth. We are asking for prayers for her current health as she has not been herself the past 2 days. And of course we pray that we hear great news about her heart and her PH when all is done. Please Lord, no clots, no stroke, no complications! Amen

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Prayers are being sent out from Texas for everyone involved. Hoping that Ivy is just tired from her fever and nothing else.

  2. Praying for this sweet girl of yours!

  3. Praying this very moment for your sweet Ivy Joy and for all who will care for her.

  4. Praying for you guys as I type - and I'm thinking she might be like on of our girls - who sleeps when she's stressed - easier to ignore the stress if you are sleeping!

    Makes her a hero in my book -

    hugs - aus and co.

  5. Thinking of you all and praying with you.


  6. Sending prayers to sweet Ivy, you and your family, and all the physicians and clinical staff who will be performing the procedure tomorrow! For healing, hope, strength, clarity and God's guiding hand (among other prayers)! ~your friends in Louisville, KY

  7. Sending prayers to sweet Ivy, you and your family, and all the physicians and clinical staff who will be performing the procedure today! For healing, hope, strength, clarity and God's guiding hand (among other prayers)! ~your friends in Louisville, KY

  8. Sending prayers to sweet Ivy, you and your family, and all the physicians and clinical staff who will be performing the procedure tomorrow! For healing, hope, strength, clarity and God's guiding hand (among other prayers)! ~your friends in Louisville, KY

  9. Thank you for the update. We will be praying here in NY! Hugs to you too!

  10. Thank you for the update. We will be praying here in NY! Hugs to you too!

  11. Praying for Ivy, you, the nurses, technicians and the rest of her medical team. Love to all Maggie K

  12. waitingformaisy.blogspot.comAugust 6, 2013 at 7:06 AM

    Always and forever.
    Praying for you, my dear friend, and the miracle that is Ivy Joy.

  13. Praying for your sweet princess & all of you! Missing you so much.
    Love you-


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