Thursday, August 15, 2013


                     Is not wishing you could
                        It is knowing HE can!

This morning we all woke up as a family in our little hotel in Palo Alto. Ivy included! She has regained her appetite and was munching on eggs and noodles before 8am while her sister slept. Lexi was so excited when Ivy was unhooked from everything yesterday and they said we could leave. Her smile could have lit the room up! Tomorrow, we start the drive home. But today?

 Today is about miracles! Family! Treasure! Hope!


  1. Hallelujah!!!!! ((((BIG HUGS)))) from RI!

  2. Oh this is so AWESOME!! Wow it shows how BIG God is for sure! I check in like once a week to see how things are going, I have to say I was a little scared to check, last time I did, you guys were so heartbroken in hospital. He surely is WORTHY TO BE PRAISED!!!!

  3. Oh that precious sweet little impy look she can still my heart!!!! And Lexi, I don't even have words for how special she is!!! Our family will continue to pray for this ongoing miracle and that this miracle with continue with some relaxation and living out loud involved!!!:)

  4. Praise Him and Yea for HOPE!!!!
    Here's to a safe trip home and more healing coming your way.

  5. Ivy, Ever wonder how many people were and are still praying for you and your family and all your medical care-givers?

    Ever wonder home many fallen-away people were drawn back to God because of you, and only because of you and your need for their prayers ?
    Start counting now, by twos, and when you get to be age 97, let us all know what that number is.

    That the number of supporters you have.

    John C

  6. In the book of John it says to believe on the evidence of the miracles. I believe Ivy Joy is certainly evidence for anyone that has the slightest disbelief! She is a true miracle! Praise God!

  7. Yay!!! God is so good! Prayers will continue for Ivy!

  8. Just overjoyed for you guys! God is good! Beth

  9. Enjoy the time together and Praise God!! safe trip HOME! Blessings,Cathy in Illinois!!

  10. I am always amazed by how quickly she recovers from major set backs. She is such a fighter.

  11. Would love to know where you got that necklace!!


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