Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Waiting on results

We got to get the little Empress out in the wagon today. She had been asking all morning!
We have been given the thumbs up with neurology so now it is just up to her heart doctors to say when we can go. We have 2 more IV's gone as of today. So down to just the one in her right hand. She had lots of awake time today! She is very on edge, Ivy is usually the star patient. most cooperative little patient you can ever imagine! Well today she pitched a hissy fit like we have NEVER seen. She was pounding her tiny fist and shouting at the top of her munchkin lungs, "I NOT GONNA LAY DOWN FOR MY ECHO! I DONT WANT ECHO! I NOT! I NOT DO IT MOMMY!!!!!!" She hates tape. She has had her skin pulled way too many times and she is terrified of getting tape taken off. Well, she had an IV on her groin and another in her foot and that was a lot of tape to come off. She'd had enough and when the echo tech came, she was DONE! It made me feel so relieved to see her fight come out for reasons other than getting through near death experiences. Seeing her use it to protect herself, to own up, to be heard, made me proud. I want her to be herself. I want her to know that she has every right to tell these people she is NOT HAPPY about this! Tonight is going much better. No tests left to do, no tape to pull, just hanging with her daddy tonight while mommy is at the hotel with the other 2. Waiting on pins and needles for the results from todays Echo.


  1. Precious lamb!! She has every right & more to be ticked! Glad to see her spunk is back! So happy that she's doing so we! Praise God!

  2. Isn't it cool to feel good about your kid having a fit like that? ;) I "get it" - and I'm glad to see it too - she's doing MUCH better when she is willing to act like that!

    hugs - prayers continue - aus and co.

  3. Hope you get to go home soon and that thus will be your last trip to the hospital for a while! Hugs from Atlanta!

  4. You go, Ivy! That fighting spirit is what has kept her going, long before she had her family's love and the army of Team Ivy praying for her!!

    Ivy is a little Warrior. Loved by countless! Prayed for beyond numbers!

    Wearing my "Ivy Joy" tshirt again today!

    With love and prayers,


  5. Way to go Ivy! Good for you for having such a healthy hissy.

  6. Well, I must say she said it all! But I think that's good. You can just see that spunk and fight in her eyes. God bless her and God bless you and your family. We have prayed for this sweet munchkin since long before you brought her home and will continue. In Christ's love, Lisa, Brad, Lane and Lena Yi Yi

  7. You tell 'em Ivy Joy!! You have been thru so much you deserve an occasional meltdown every now and again!! :)

  8. So glad Ivy Joy is feisty-always a good sign. Hard to deal with but a positive healing sign.
    Your little one has been through so much. We pray for her and you daily and more. May the news be all good today.

  9. Praying for a PERFECT echo. That fight in her is wonderful! That is her will and the strength that has gotten her through everything. Beth

  10. Good to see Ivy get her feelings OUT ! She has gone thru soooo much !!God Bless Her!! Happy she got wagon ride,too!! She looks adorable,as usual!! Blessings being sent your way to all!!Cathy in Illinois!!

  11. Go Ivy, go..and hopefully it will be home, SOON! Prayers for your little munchkin ~Holly

  12. Praise God how well she's doing. So sweet precious and beautiful.

    God bless all



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