Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Itches and wishes

 We have had a terrible week of the worst case of hives I have ever seen. Poor Ivy, this girl just can't catch a break!!! She had an allergic reaction to her antibiotics and was absolutely covered in the most itchy uncomfortable outbreak beginning Valentines Day. Sweet girl was in pain and so itchy. Today is day 5 and I feel like we have turned a corner. She is still covered, but the swelling is down and the itching is less. Saturday morning her hands and feet were so grossly swollen that she could not walk or use her hands. Anyway, I won't amuse you with all the photos I took of the different stages of this rash... it really was interesting to see the progression. I will post happy photos leading up to the day the outbreak occurred instead :)

                       Ready for school

No luck getting a shot of them both looking at the camera. You have no idea what a dream come true it is for me to see my little Ivy Joy climbing on this gate. Such a huge milestones happening for this sweet girl! And blessed with the sweetest, most patient big sister on the planet. Lexi is honestly the sweetest little girl.

Maybe I should try and photoshop both the above pictures together so that both littles looking at the camera?

Last week there was a surprise party for Ivy at Red Robin to reveal to her that her wish to see Rapunzel, Anna, and Elsa would be granted.

She swore it was her Birthday!

This is Monica, her wish grantor. Ivy loves her. She is such a little lover girl! 

When the staff at Red Robin heard that the party was for Ivy (they know of her) They all joined in with make a wish and showered her with gifts. Again, Ivy turned to me and said... See! Its my Happy Birthday!!!

Our crew all sporting Make A Wish Bracelets.

 Red Robin Staff wanted a photo with the Empress

 Our Wish volunteers. Monica and her husband Bryan. Bryan was a wish kid as a teen. He is a cancer survivor. We love these two. Sweetest most compassionate couple. Blessed!

It was an awesome night for Ivy. She knew every second of it was about her. We are now on the countdown to DisneyWorld. 

When they told Ivy about her wish, and where she was going, she asked if there would be good food! Go figure!! Little foodie! 
                     Florida, here we come!


  1. Sorry about the hives.. UGH.. PRAYING FOR A BREAK for your sweet girl!!! Cracking up about your little foodie's comment!!! Seriously, where does she put it? Disney World!!!! YAY and thankful for "Make a Wish!" What an awesome trip that is going to be!!!!

    Love seeing these updates!


  2. Your pictures are perfect. I love how enthused those little ones are with life and each other!
    That poor kid with hives - not good!
    I think like her - what's the food going to be like! What a lovely little character she is!

  3. sorry to hear bout those hives poor babygirl prayers, Cathy in illinois!!! (my sweet beautiful China baby will be 18 this Saturday where has the time gone?)

  4. Hives are awful!! Poor title love.

    How exciting that you're going to WDW!!! You'll have the very best time!! Preparing and anticipating are part of the fun!! Can't wait to see you dreams come true!

  5. Love you Ivy. 2 years and a lot of love. Happy Disney. Emily and I are so grateful to have been there to meet you with your amazing Mama and Buba. Can't wait to see you hanging at Disney.

  6. Lexi and Ivy are so cute together! I can't wait to see the pictures from Disney when they get to meet the characters from Frozen. What a wonderful organization Make a Wish is and what a lovely couple to make Ivy's wish come true.

  7. She deserves every second of the adoration she receives from people!

  8. My son once had hives for 3 and a half months before we figured out he was allergic to apples and banana's . I feel for her. I know how badly it got to him. Welcome to Florida. I pray she is better before her trip.


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