Friday, March 7, 2014

The countdown is over

We are out of here!!! 
Ivy was contacted by Make~A~Wish 9 months ago. 
They presented her with the options of A Disney Cruise and The Disney Island in Hawaii. 
That would have been such a magical time for the family. But it was Ivy we were trying to please, not us. And honestly the thought of having our girl on a boat in the middle of no where in her condition was way out of our comfort zone. 

So we ever so gratefully declined. 

We also declined Hawaii for a few reasons. Again.. we would have LOVED to spend a week in Hawaii, don't get me wrong! But Ivy was on oxygen, she was being prepped to list for a transplant, and she had never seen miles of sand. We still can not get this girl to walk barefoot on the grass! I was not convinced that it was really her wish. Hawaii is far from her care facility and at the time the pkg was presented to us we were just scared out of our mind, having just changed from Boston to Lucile Packard for her care, living in Arizona, we were just so torn. So after talking to her doctors, everyone felt that a simple trip to Florida, Disney world and Universal have much to offer in the fun department, and Give Kids the World Resort for Wish Kids was the perfect place to relax if she was not able to handle more than a few hours at the parks. 

Since her wish was put together, lots has taken place. But the date was always set as March 8. 
Originally it seemed scary to set it so far ahead. Ivy turns on a dime, and you just never know where she would be or what she would be dealing with in 9 months. 

And yet, the timing is perfect. God perfect! Never create your own mold of how you think things are supposed to be or look. He knows. He knew that last summer it would have been way too hot for Ivy to be at Disney World. He know that August-Sept.  she would be recovering from a surprise Brain surgery. He knew that in October she was still sensitive to altitude. He knew that she would come off oxygen and have so much more freedom traveling without it! He knew that she would be struck by a horrible flu that would have her off her feet for nearly a month. He knew that in March she would be stronger!! And Stronger she is! She has just fought off yet another cold this week and outside of a big purple bruise on her forehead from face planting on a piece of wooded play food pizza.... She is doing so well!

Our Suitcases are sitting by the door! Ivy is absolutely out of her mind ready! Both girls are! Actually the whole house is! We can not wait to see the little ones faces when they meet Anna and Elsa in person! Gods timing is perfect!
I will try to post once while we are away, but no promises... This trip is about family time so unless someone is napping, I will be too busy playing to post!! If there is napping going on, expect LOTS of pictures. I want Ivy to have books and books of photos to look at in memory of this week. She is so young, the photos will be the way she ~remembers~. Thank you everyone for the sweet emails, letters and comments. We love you all and we know you are Ivy's biggest fans. 
Blessed be the Lord! He loves us so! 

I leave you with some sweet pics from the past week. The little boy is my friend Aprils son. He was our little guest while his mommy was in Spain for the week. Poor Mommy, had to go to Spain :)

The best thing Ive ever done with my spare time is put the girls photos in to picture books. They love their China stories more than anything!

 Lexi had her first dance competition last weekend. Her super supportive baby sister by her side! 

I think my favorite thing right now is stepping back to watch the girls interact. They love each other so much. They are as different as fire and water but as compatible as bread and butter.


  1. Have a great time! Just know that there are some fantastic children's hospitals in Florida. Shands in Gainesville Florida , and one in Orlando. The weather is perfect for her here now !

    Retired pediatric nurse, Inglis Florida

  2. Have an amazing disneylicious trip love. Cathy in illinois

  3. Have a great time!!! Enjoy it soak in the all the memories!!

    Sharyn and LiLi

  4. Wow, have a fantastic time! You all so deserve this, little Ivy especially. She's been through so much! Sending continued good wishes and positivity.

  5. When I saw Ivy's head on FB, I got really concerned and came over here to see what happened. When I read it was just a bruise that all HEALTHY toddlers get, I rejoiced. No brain bleed, no heart trouble.... Just a regular old boo-boo.

  6. Thank you for the update. Have a wonderful time.

  7. Oh my goodness! It's finally here, your special trip! Have fun and I hope you make the most amazing forever memories.

  8. We'll be at Disney this week, and we have followed your blog and prayed for you for a log time! Have fun!!!

  9. Love seeing the pictures of the girls! Have a wonderful trip - can't wait to see the pictures with Elsa and Anna! Love MK


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